Bryson Broadcasting International Newsletter
Raising Radio and TV Revenues Worldwide!

1 September, 2018


Greetings from BBI!

Today's competitive broadcasting environment means that we all must be better, we all must work smarter. Bryson Broadcasting International (BBI) is committed to helping broadcast organizations worldwide to raise their level of expertise in sales and management.

Our newsletters give you information about sales and marketing that you may use to increase your revenue. We hope that you may find them to be of great benefit to your sales success. Happy selling!
In This Issue
The Advance Agreement Sells!
The Client's Corner
Words To Live By...
We Want To Help Your Staff Increase Revenue.
The Advance Agreement Sells!        

  One of the sales techniques I teach I call the "Advance Agreement". It is simply a way to establish an agenda for what will take place in the meeting. It also becomes a tool for getting an agreement in Phase Two that the client wants to work with us and to move forward to the next step. Closing is a process, not an event. What we do in the Phase Two needs analysis meeting determines in large part what the outcome will be in Phase Three. We discussed in our last newsletter some of the topics we need to know when we leave the Phase Two meeting. How we start that meeting can also make a difference.


"Thanks for inviting me in today. Do you still have 30-45 minutes set aside for our meeting?  Today I will have some questions for you. You might have some for me. Our goal is to determine if I may be of help to you and whether or not we should move forward. I hope we will, but if you don't think we we can be of help to you, please tell me, "No". I'm OK with "No"."


At the end of the CNA, you ask this:  


"You've given me some great information. Thanks for sharing your needs and concerns. Based on what you have told me, I have some ideas and I think we can be of help to you in achieving your goals. What do you think? DO YOU WANT TO MOVE FORWARD?"


I your prospect says, "Yes" you have just started closing the sale!  They are agreeing that they want to work with you, some how, some way. The next meeting, the Phase Three meeting, should be a plan, in writing, to help your client to achieve his goals, to solve his problems.  


By using the Advance Agreement in Phase Two, you are moving your prospect through the Marketing Channel to a positive conclusion. 

The Client's Corner


Radio facts:
93% of Americans listen to AM/FM radio: That's more than 243 million American adults each month.
71.6 million Millennials are reached monthly by radio.
80.5 million Generation X'ers are reached monthly by radio.
More than 41.2 million Boomers listen to radio each month.    
Radio remains a powerful vehicle to deliver messages from your clients to millions of potential customers.  
Source: Broadcast News Resource 
 Words to Live By......

    To will is to select a goal, determine a course of action that will bring one to that goal, and then hold to that action till the goal is reached. The key is action.
                                                        Michael Hanson 

We want to help your staff increase revenue! We at Bryson Broadcasting International are available to help your sales staff achieve its next level of expertise.  We customize our programs to meet your needs.  As needed, we make use of interpreters and produce sales materials in your language. If you would like to discuss your sales training needs, we may be reached at, or call us at 918.747.8774. 
For more information about BBI, click here.
©Copyright 2018 Bryson Broadcasting International
A little about me.....
Pat a8704 ch
Pat Bryson has worked in the radio industry for over 30 years. During that time, she was one of the highest billing sales people in the radio industry in her market. She was promoted to General Sales Manager, managing and training both experienced and inexperienced sales people . Her career advanced to General Manager, where Pat  created a culture of over achievement for her stations.
Through Bryson Broadcasting International, Pat now helps her clients to create that same culture of over achievement in their stations.
Pat is one of Radio Ink's Most Influential Women in Radio for 2018. 
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