Your April News and Updates
This Month's Featured Program

Stop the Bleed

Kathy Cern
EMS Coordinator
Cleveland Clinic Akron General


04/17/19 11:30 am to 04/17/19 1:00 pm


 Stop the Bleed is a nationwide endeavor to prevent unnecessary deaths caused by uncontrollable bleeding. The information is applicable to not only active shooter situations but also home accidents, motor vehicle accidents or any type of injury that leads to bleeding. Created by the American College of Surgeons along with the Committee on Tactical Combat Casualty Care and The National Assoc. of Emergency Medical Technicians, the focus is on recognition of life threatening bleeding and appropriate ways to stop it.

Kathy Cern joined Cleveland Clinic Akron General 28 years ago as a paramedic in the emergency department and has been EMS Coordinator for the past 10 years. She was a part-time paramedic/firefighter for Richfield Fire Dept. for 24 years. In her current role Kathy also participates in disaster preparedness at the hospital and trains staff on decontamination procedures in the event of a mass casualty.

This Month's Sponsor
Cari's Safety Corner
Q: What is required for ladder inspections and why are they important?

A: With the change in weather comes construction season and outdoor work. This also means an increased use of ladders in the workplace and at home. According to ANSI “there are more than 300 ladder-related deaths and 130,000 emergency room visits related to ladders each year”. OSHA has identified ladder inspections as an important part of your job and highlighted this requirement in the following standards:

  • 1910.23(b)(9) Ladders are inspected before initial use in each work shift, and more frequently as necessary, to identify any visible defects that could cause employee injury;
  • 1926.1053(b)(15) Ladders shall be inspected by a competent person for visible defects on a periodic basis and after any occurrence that could affect their safe use.

Here are a few quick items to check before using a ladder:

  • Visually inspect ladder feet to ensure that foot pads and feet assembly are present and in safe condition
  • Inspect the rungs, rails, lock, rope, and pulley assembly of an extension ladder and be sure that all parts work properly.
  • Inspect the top cap, all steps, side rails, and locking braces on a step ladder before using.
  • Loose locking braces or spreaders can cause the ladder to wobble and become unstable.
  • Ladder inspections should include making sure that labels are readable and haven't been painted over or damaged.
  • Check the rungs and steps for mud, grease, or dirt to avoid potential slip/fall hazards.
  • Follow the manufacturer's recommendations for proper inspection and use of the specific ladder.

Hot Topics
Distracted Driving Awareness Month

Distracted driving is dangerous, claiming 3,450 lives in 2016 alone. NHTSA leads the national effort to save lives by preventing this dangerous behavior. Get the facts, get involved, and help us keep America’s roads safe .  Read more
Work Zone Awareness
National Work Zone Awareness Week (NWZAW) is an annual spring campaign held at the start of construction season to encourage safe driving through highway work zones. The key message is for drivers to use extra caution in work zones.
National Safety Stand-Down to Prevent Falls Coming in May
The sixth National Safety Stand-Down to Prevent Falls will be held May 6-10. Start planning your May Fall Prevention Training now. Learn more

Get ready to participate in the annual Safety Council Challenge in May. Train your employees on fall prevention during the month of May and report to SCSC.
Tool Box Talks and Safety Meetings

Are you struggling to come up with new fresh ideas for tool box talks or safety meetings? There are a lot of resources out there that you can use to make it easier. Consider looking at OSHA’s fatal facts this is a short overview of fatalities that have occurred and are being investigated by OSHA or check out the   BWC safety talks  f or many ready-made topics.  

Making A Bigger Difference
On April 1, Summit County Safety council will begin Making a Bigger Difference. We will be highlighting a Summit County non-profit organization each quarter to raise awareness of their cause, organization, services and volunteer opportunities. This quarter we are highlighting Haven of Rest Ministries. Charlotte Hunt, Development Officer - Community and Public Relations, will make a brief presentation before our safety council meeting on April 17. SCSC's 50/50 raffle share proceeds will be donated to Haven of Rest. Stay tuned for an item drive in June!

Wellness Watch
Sleep and your Health

The National Sleep Foundation helps educate Americans on the importance of sleep to their overall health and well-being. The CDC has linked insufficient sleep to the development of chronic diseases and conditions, including diabetes, heart disease, obesity and depression. Try adopting the following five healthy sleep habits:

1. Keep a regular schedule—try to go to bed and wake up at the same time each day, including weekends.
2. Create a good sleep environment, including comfortable room temperature, minimal noise and sufficient darkness.
3. Keep track of habits that help you fall asleep, like relaxing music or reading before bed. Repeat those activities each night.
4. Avoid caffeine and nicotine three to four hours before going to bed.
5. Limit alcohol before bed, as it can reduce sleep quality.
Get a Good Night’s Sleep with Food

These sleep-inducing foods will help your muscles relax, quiet your mind and produce sleep-inducing hormones to get you right off to bed:
  • Warm Milk
  • Almonds
  • Bananas
  • Wheat Bread
  • Chamomile Tea
Upcoming Training Events
SCSC Spo nsored Trainings
Complimentary EPA Breakfast Seminar - Commercial Recycling


5/2/19 8:30 am - 11:00 am

CPR, First Aid, AED, Bloodborne Pathogen Training


06/11/19 9:00 am - 3:00 pm

SCSC Members $20 (includes lunch)
Non-member $70 (includes lunch)

External Training Credit Opportunities
Trenching Safety Day 4/3/19
Lake County Safety Expo 5/17/19

Above Classes qualify for an external training credit for BWC's Safety Council Rebate Program. Certificate must be presented to Summit County Safety Council.

BWC Classes at the North Canton Office: Register at BWC Learning Center

Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response Refresher - April 2
OSHA 10: Industry Safety Basics - April 8-9
Flammable Liquid and Gas Safety Basics - April 15
Ergonomics: Basic Principles – April 17
Electrical Safety in the Workplace through Insight and Implementation of NFPA 70E – May 1
Emergency Preparedness Planning – May 14
Measuring Safety Performance – June 6

BWC Classes at the Garfield Hts. Office: Register at BWC Learning Center

Fall Protection Training - May 7

Above classes qualify for an external training credit for BWC's Safety Council Rebate Program. Certificate must be presented to Summit County Safety Council.

Safety Council Rebate Program Requirements
For those members who are eligible to participate in BWC's Safety Council Rebate Program this year, the following requirements must be met between 7/1/18 and 6/30/19:

  • Enrollment with safety council by 7/31/18.
  • Attendance at 10 Safety council meetings/events. At least 8 thru the local safety council. You can get credit for up to two meetings at BWC's safety training courses or other offsite industry-specific training courses/seminars. Certificates must be submitted to safety council no later than 6/30/19. Online courses do not qualify.
  • CEO attendance at one safety council sponsored meeting.
  • Submit semi-annual reports for the 2018 calendar year.

Check your company's participation   here

Sponsor a Safety Council Meeting
Did you know that your company can sponsor a safety council meeting? This is a great way to reach 200+ companies and highlight your services. The average attendance at these meetings is 200-240. 

A $150.00 sponsorship includes your corporate logo in our newsletter (as above) and in the overhead scrolling announcements played 1 hour prior to the meeting for the month you choose to sponsor, 5 minutes of business related commercial time at the podium, a table for display items, an opportunity to giveaway promotional items and two complimentary meals.

Interested in sponsoring a meeting? Have questions or need more information? Call Sally Cox at 330-806-1676 or email .

Last Month's Highlights