Our new
"reflection room"!

Take time to visit our new library space by the south entrance of the church. Books and DVDs are available for you to borrow. Thanks to Alex Hansen, Adam Anderson, Cara Nelson and Brenna Scanlan for their work on this new space. Also, thank you to Dave & Londa Johnson for their donation of a large bookshelf, and Brian Scanlan for delivering it.
Our new
Preschool Room!

We are so excited about this bright and colorful space for our preschool boys and girls! Thanks to those who helped to transform this room: Kelli Woodwick, Mapuana Evjen, Grace Becker, Crystal Koski, Amber Bolles and
Adam Anderson.
Our new
5th & 6th Grade Room!

We have a new, cool space for our 5th & 6th grade students! Thank you to Nichole Unverzagt, Cara Nelson and Adam Anderson for sharing their talents!
We need Sunday School Teachers!

Parents and grandparents are encouraged to volunteer so that we can make this a special year of
learning about Jesus and our faith. You can team teach, solo teach, teach every other Sunday, or just half the year. No special knowledge or experience is
needed... just a love for God and his
Please contact Adam if you can help!