Gather in Grace • Grow in Faith • Go Forth to Serve
Fifth Sunday in Lent
Sunday Worship Times
8:15, 9:30 & 11:00am
Altar flowers this Sunday are given by
Rose Bodhaine
in memory of
Arnie, Todd, Rob, Gloria and William Bodhaine.
Pastor Ed
The time for Jesus to give his life was coming, only days away. Jesus knew what was coming and that he would give his life. In those last days, he spent much with his closest followers, talking to them, preparing them for what was coming. Among all that happened during those final days, John tells us about a special moment during dinner.
The dinner was hosted by Mary, Martha, and Lazarus, in Bethany and was given to honor Jesus. While the guests sat on the floor as they did in those days, reclining at the table, Mary took some expensive perfume and poured it on Jesus’ feet. Then she loosened her hair and without saying a word wiped the excess perfume off his feet with her hair. The fragrance of her gesture filled the house.
Jesus accepts Mary’s extravagant gift, lovingly given. What an intensely beautiful moment this must have been for both of them! How did Mary know to anoint Jesus with a perfume often used for burials? Was that a God thing?
There is a time to wash the feet of Jesus, isn’t there? A time to express our gratitude, our love, our devotion—extravagantly! There is a time to fill the whole house with the fragrance of our love. Ask yourself today, what might I do to express my love for Jesus?
Lord Jesus, how can we, like Mary, express the depth of our humble gratitude and love for you?
Don’t miss the joyful, uplifting music this Sunday, April 7 at the 11:00am service. The TLC Praise and Worship Team, led by John Rosenow singing several solos from his keyboard, will present their Gospel Music Festival, including:
  • Uncloudy Day
  • Standing on the Promises
  • I Love to Tell the Story
  • Hallelujah (Leonard Cohen; rev. by Daryl Williamson)
  • Peace in the Valley
  • Blessed Assurance
  • I’ll Fly Away
Come early for best seats near the Band, so you can FEEL the Joy!
One more time!
[CLICK HERE] to visit the TLC web page where you can choose to read from the past six months of weekly E-newsletters from Transfiguration Lutheran Church. This is also a great way to share TLC Weekly with those that don't receive it in email. Tell them to visit

Watch your email today (Friday, April 5) for a straw poll regarding Pastoral Leadership Proposal and let us know how you feel about it. Emails will arrive TODAY and you will have to the end of the business day on Monday to respond. Information about the proposal is available on our website. The meeting explaining the proposal from last Sunday is also available on our website under the LIVE tab, On-Demand selection.
If you do not have an email registered with us you can also make your feelings known on a paper ballot in the Narthex throughout Sunday morning services or in the church office during business hours on Monday, April 8.

-The TLC Church Council & Pastoral Leadership Team

It's 8:00am - Your Bible is Calling
Men's Gib Lee Memorial Bible Study Improves Outlook
The study involves upward of 18 men gathering in TLC's Adult Education room.
Roy Shemanek does the homework and moderates the discussion.
Don Jacobson, long time TLC member at 90-plus years old, attends nearly every session and is a very active participant.
The idea is to review the scripture for the sermon in the upcoming Sunday’s worship service. But it goes beyond a humble study. 

At TLC there is a group of men who get together at 8:00am every Thursday morning. Someone brings pastries and there’s plenty of coffee on hand. The guys have a few things to say about this ‘n that, and then they dive into scripture. 

The designated moderator, Roy Shemanek, does the homework for the morning’s topic, outlining it for others who usually ignite the discussions. As the conversation circles, Roy will wait for completion, then summarize it and move on to the next topic.

Out of those that attend, there are five who are “students” of the scripture, while the rest are listener’s offering thoughts while questioning some of the meaning. Often times, retired Pastor Al Dungan will attend, listening and assisting in interpreting scripture.

Witnessing the participation grow as the conversation flourishes, some who were listeners become engaged talkers.
When the morning session wraps up, many of the men have said they feel better about themselves and their outlook on the days ahead. There’s an undeniable enthusiasm about the discussions and yes, debates, that inspire these guys to apply the Christian gospel to their lives.

Maybe this is just what you’ve been missing. Anyone is welcome to attend. Just be at TLC Thursday morning at 8:00am. 
A Mistake Never to be Forgotten
Walking home from TLC not long ago on 110th Street, I noticed two large pails, and what looked a lot like an IV hookup---each on a huge tree right by the sidewalk. Someone was tapping maples for syrup! I had not seen that since moving to Bloomington from Frazee, MN.
The pails are now gone, but it brought back a memory from when our kids were babies.
In the dark ages before “disposable diapers,” we had to soak the nice cloth ones we used over and over, bleached, hung them out to dry, folded them, a whole ritual...but we never bought diapers to toss either!! We had large pails standing sometimes out in the garage where the washing machine was hooked up. I may have even wrung the soaked ones out by hand...See how easy you young women have it today?
Birdman and his teaching buddy decided to make some maple syrup one spring, and tapped a few trees out in the nearby woods. I don't know how they planned to make would have meant cooking sap for a loooong time. Well, they had collected several gallons, and brought the pails home, needing to figure out how to fit cooking sap into a busy schedule.
In the meantime, wash-day arrived, I found my diaper-soaking pail still full and ready to be washed. Guess who took the wrong pail, dumped out the collected gallons of sap, and had not realized the two pails looked very alike? Yep! I wished they'd said something about leaving the sap pail right there. Guys often don't say enough it seems. Never heard the last of that mistake and it comes back again to haunt me.
-Bloomington Bird Lady
News Reporter - Columnist - Occasional Observer
TLC Weekly is seeking adult and youth columnists or reporters, from Club 56’ers to adults. Write one story, several, or create a weekly column like the Bird Lady did a few months ago.

Can you express your feelings in written words? Can you “talk” to a group of readers through your writing? How about reporting on an event or service at TLC, school, home or any situation that relates to you or your friends. Is there something in the community or world you’d like to change or grow? Have an idea? Put it in words.
Submit your *story (*photos also welcome) to:

*Subject to editor approval
Celebration of Life
Thursday, April 11, 1:00pm
Leah Teel
April 5, 1924 ~ April 1, 2019
A Celebration of Life service will be held at
Transfiguration Lutheran Church on
Thursday, April 11, at 1:00pm,
followed by refreshments in Fellowship Hall.
All are welcome.
TLC Collects 482 Pounds of Food to Help VEAP reach their Goals
TLC Food collections totaling 482 pounds, along with dollar donations, were delivered to help VEAP reach their goals for March Minnesota Food Share Month.
A huge thanks to the Confirmation class at TLC for collecting in the neighborhood. Also to all who contributed both food and dollars, and to the 19 TLC volunteers who helped at VEAP last week in the pantry and warehouse: Fred Brown, Carolyn Clark, Hildred Dungan, Al Dungan, Marilyn Erickson, Bonnie Foley, Jim Foley, Cari Haaland, Sawyer Haaland, Dick Haugen, Joanne Haugen, Donna Hedlund, Don Kleven, Mary Mahre, Diane Mielke, Leo Mielke, Pastor Arthur, Gaylen Pirri, Bob Riley.
A special shout out to Sawyer Haaland, who saved some backs by lifting the heavy potato bags. The potato crew sorted and bagged a total of 2688 lbs! 
TLC Member Beverly Nolte (front row, third from the left) played flute
with the Luther College Concert Band, Decorah, Iowa
The concert band recorded a series of record albums (78 rpm) during
Bev's time at Luther College.
She is highlighted above.

Bev with the TLC Woodwinds this past Wednesday evening.
L-R: Tracy Sandberg, Emily Stoltz, Bev Nolte, Sue Anderson, Sue Madison, and Sandy Mullen. Not pictured, Jill Reid.
Once Upon a Time in TLC member, Beverly Nolte’s life, she was a flute player in the concert band at Luther College in Decorah, Iowa. Attending from 1949 thru 1951, she majored in math and science, but absolutely wanted to play flute in the concert band under the direction of Weston Noble. While she never played flute after those years, she has had a keen ear and appreciation for the woodwinds. This past week at the Holden Evening Prayer service she had a chance to visit with the TLC woodwinds. It was difficult to judge if that was more enjoyable than Pastor Ed’s sermon, so we’ll let Bev’s smile tell the story.
~ ~ ~
Once Upon a Time in My Life will occasionally profile a TLC member who was involved in an activity, career or event that has been hibernating too long and needs to be recognized. If you are one of those folks or know someone who is, please contact .
From the editor: Apologies to those that have given up sweets for Lent
Mrs. Harold Malmer
Mrs. Gene Greseth
Mrs. Charles Paetzel
1 can cherry pie filling
1 large pkg of white or yellow cake mix
1/2 cup chopped nuts
1 cup shredded coconut, if desired
Cube of margarine

Grease 9x13 pan. Dump in pie filling, spreading evenly. Dump in dry cake mix, sprinkling around to cover cherry filling evenly. On top of this, scatter nuts and coconut. Over the top, put small pieces of margarine cut from the cube.
There's no mixing. The dumping does it.

Bake at 350 for 1 hour. Serve with ice cream or whipped cream topping.
-By Barb Wigstadt, ELC Director
The Week of the Young Child (WOYC) is April 8 through April 12, 2019. TLC-ELC and many other schools nationwide, along with the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) are excited to dedicate this week to celebrate the accomplishments of our children and their teachers.

The staff at TLC-ELC is an invaluable asset to this school. They are great role models and incorporate many things into their daily lessons that we believe are critical to their spiritual and fundamental growth. The exceptional quality and dedication of our staff is rare and they should be celebrated. The way the staff cares (literally and figuratively) for each and every child is such an enormous task. We also applaud the length of commitment TLC-ELC staff have given to our children and families. When combined, our staff have over 375 years of experience. Whether it's our classroom teachers, assistant teachers, adult aides, high school aides, administrative work or our cook, they all contribute greatly in shaping and supporting, loving and nurturing our little ones.

We are asking that you take some time during this week to celebrate with TLC-ELC, this is a time of rejoicing and being thankful that we are touching so many.
For adults, youth and children. Test your knowledge of the Bible in each issue of TLC Weekly.
Answers can be found on the last section of this issue.

1) How old was Jesus at the time of his baptism?
  1. 20 years
  2. 30 years
  3. 40 years
  4. 50 years

2) Who climbed a tree to see Jesus?
  1. Lazarus
  2. Zebedee
  3. Levy
  4. Zachaeus

3) How old was Jesus at the time of his crucifixion?
  1. Eighty years
  2. Seventy years
  3. Fifty years
  4. Thirty three years

4) What was written on the cross of Jesus?
  1. Jesus is Lord
  2. Jesus is the Son of God
  3. Jesus saves
  4. Jesus of Nazareth King of the Jews

Answers in the last/bottom section of this issue.
Vacation Bible School
JUNE 17 - JUNE 21
Online Registration
Now Available
Daily Themes
Ready, Set, Go—Beginnings
Hitting a roadblock—Babel
  Only one race—People
Jesus is God’s sign of love
Green light to kindness

[Click Here] to visit the webpage
[Click Here] to register online
[Click Here] for a brochure pdf
Information brochures with registration forms
now available in the church Narthex.
Our league always welcomes new golfers of all abilities to join the fun and fellowship presently enjoyed by 48 men.

Play begins on May 7 (Tuesdays through August) at Hyland Greens golf course, with tee times starting after
5:15 pm.

For information contact Keith Swanson at 612-741-7182 or at
Last year's team captains will be checking in with existing members.
Ushers Needed for Easter
Please sign up on the yellow Life @ TLC insert in the Sunday Bulletin.
Ushers needed at the 9:30 and 11:00am services.
April 10.
Noon – Lenten Worship and Communion
6:15pm – Holden Evening Prayer and Communion
~ ~ ~
Sunday, April 14 - Palm Sunday
8:15 & 9:30am - Chancel Choir
11:00am - Praise and Worship Team

Maundy Thursday, April 18
Noon - Worship and Communion
7:00pm - Chancel Choir and TLC Handbells

Good Friday, April 19
10:00am - Children's Worship and Activities
7:00pm - Tenebrae Service led by the Chancel Choir and Low Brass Choir

Easter Sunday, April 21
Celebration and Worship Services at
8:15, 9:30 and 11:00am
Featuring the
Chancel Choir, TLC Brass Choir and TLC Handbells

~ ~ ~
10:45am on Wednesdays in Lent – Sermon on the Mount study (immediately before the noon worship)
Fellowship Luncheons during Lent – after the Wednesday noon worship, join at least one of the TLC staff as we eat together at the following location:

April 10 – North Star Tavern

The TLC website has a new and easier online form to order Chancel/Altar Flowers for any Sunday in 2019 (Easter order is separate). [Click Here] to access the form now, or visit later and look for the "Purchase Altar Flowers" button at the bottom of any page.

April 7
Order Forms in the Narthex

April 12
Order Forms in the Narthex

Liberia, West Africa
Liberia Trip Info Sessions: Curious to know more about the Winter 2019 trip to Liberia, West Africa? Come to the following info session TODAY, Sunday, April 7, 10:30, downstairs in the Adult Education Room. Trip leaves Dec 26, 2019. Students will return in time for school. Adults have the option to stay a few more days. Highlights will include a visit to our ministry partner, Philip Nushann and the Center for Changing Lives – Liberia. Youth will participate in the Liberian Lutheran National Youth Gathering. Open to current 7th graders through adults.
Contact Ben, or Pastor Arthur,
Will resume after Easter
Free Subscriptions, sign up to be a volunteer, request care ministry and more!
Subscribe a friend to this newsletter, TLC Weekly, or subscribe yourself and others to the bi-monthly Transcripts. Interested in TLC membership? Sunday school? Our renowned TLC music program, volunteering and more are choices on this easy online TLC Request Form. Just [Click Here] or the "Sign Me Up" button on the left.

Treasures of Italy
Pastor Ed is leading an 11-day tour of Italy and Germany the summer of 2020. Sites include Rome, Assisi, Florence, Venice, Salzburg, and Munich. The trip concludes in Oberammergau, Germany, to see the longest running theatrical production in the world--the Passion Play at Oberammergau. This is a rare opportunity to see an amazing and powerful spectacle.

For more information, pick up a brochure at the welcome desk or [Click Here] to visit the special page on TLC's website.

1) How old was Jesus at the time of his baptism?
Answer #2: 30 years

2) Who climbed a tree to see Jesus?
Answer #4: Zachaeus

3) How old was Jesus at the time of his crucifixion?
Answer #4: 33 years

4) What was written on the cross of Jesus?
Answer #4: Jesus of Nazareth King of the Jews

Now available online.
[Click Here] to view.
Visit TLC's website at
Comments and questions: