August 2018
Volume 18, Issue 8
The Quickest Way to Stay Informed

Storyline: One Highlight from the EFCA West Gathering in Las Vegas
Words of thanks keep coming into the office and the inboxes of EFCA West for the all-district gathering in Las Vegas last month. We did not record the speakers or workshops but one speaker who was recorded on video was Collin Ingmire who serves as Director of Children's Ministry at Compass Church in Goodyear, AZ. Watch Collin's story of God's faithfulness to call him into vocational ministry in the midst of delayed developmental challenges. Collin has also provided a guide for churches to get started serving those with special needs. Beginning a Special Needs Ministry in Your Church: Ten Things to Consider.
Something to Talk About: Invisible People
In this month's article, Invisible People, Bob Osborne asks the question: " Are there people in our midst in and around our churches that are invisible to us, whether intentionally or unintentionally? People we just don’t see or look right past?" To help jump-start the conversation, Bob suggests some things we may want to talk about as we seek to make sure that we are not continuing to miss the very people God has given us.
Further Discussion on the Proposed Change to Article 9 of the EFCA Statement of Faith
Greg Strand from the EFCA Spiritual Heritage Committee, and Steve Hawn, member of the EFCA Board of Directors, addressed the gathering of EFCA West churches in Las Vegas last month regarding the proposed change to the EFCA Statement of Faith which will be voted on in June 2019. Greg Strand wrote the following:
"We are thankful for the time given to a Q&A on the proposed amendment to our EFCA Statement of Faith.
"We deeply appreciated the dialogue. Great questions were asked, and the gospel we believe and preach was also evident in the manner in and spirit with which we engaged in the discussion . We pray our discussion was helpful to you. Here are links to two documents that include the actual Motion to Amend Article 9 of the EFCA Statement of Faith  and also  A Rationale for the Change .
"If any question remains, or if you would like to discuss the proposed amendment further, please communicate with us. There are various ways to connect, and please be assured any and all questions will be answered: EFCA Board of Directors ( ), Greg Strand ( ), or if you would like to speak with someone, call the Office of the President (800.745.2202).
"We are grateful for the partnership between the district and national offices as we together engage in the ministry of the gospel as we serve pastors and local churches."
What Do You Value?
In his article "What Do You Value?" Steve Graves writes, " Finding your footing regarding money and contentment is one of the most stabilizing underpinnings you will ever construct. To not find it keeps your heart swirling between voices in your head, marketing messages by the millions, the appeal to be self-absorbed (again), and to live only for today, not for eternity."
Question mark man
Exponential West
Exponential West is coming once again to Irvine, CA. October 2-4, and there is a special EFCA West discount. The low price of $89 includes our own EFCA West pre-conference session, a dinner for our tribe to hang out together, and, of course, conference registration. Click here to learn more about Exponential West and here to register. This is a fantastic opportunity to network with some of the nation's most catalytic leaders and stoke your vision for multiplication.
Some Churches Should Die...
... & Be Reborn. In his article, Ed Stetzer reminds us, " Churches are not meant to be mere holding tanks for folks who remember 'the good old days,' and if they cannot or will not fulfill their purpose, they don’t need to exist... Not every struggling church needs to die . Some churches go through rough spots and come out stronger on the other side...But what if, instead of merely closing the doors and walking away, there was another way?... What if , in the fertile composting soil of the dead church, a new, healthier church could be birthed to pick up the mantle of gospel work the first had begun?"
Stained glass
Nine Ways to Get Outside the Christian Bubble
Chuck Lawless addresses the drift church staff, lay leaders and faithful attendees face as they become more and more connected to their local church. They look back and realize that they have almost exclusively interacted with those who share their faith all week long. "Many wait and hope that a person who does not know Jesus will seek us out. But God is the One who initiated salvation and therefore initiated the conversation." Using one or more of these suggestions with intentionality, we can get outside the bubble where most of the world lives.
How to Get the Most Out of a Day Off
Elizabeth Grace Saunders writes in Harvard Business Review about the stresses that often come from planning and going on vacation. " While it’s true that big trips can be fun and even refreshing, they can also take a lot of time, energy, and money...If you’re feeling like you need a break from the day-to-day but can’t find the time for an extended vacation, here are four ways to add micro-vacations to your life ." Working from her background as a Christian, you will recognize the principle of taking regular breaks such as sabbath and allowing space in your life beyond your work responsibilities.
Why Are We Already Bored with the Internet?
Referencing an article by Taylor Lorenz in which she highlights the boredom of Generation Z , Eric Geiger looks at the cause of boredom despite their connection and interconnection through social media and internet searches. Augustine famously wrote, “You have made us for Yourself, O Lord, and our heart is restless until it rests in You.” Blaise Pascal wrote, “ All of humanity’s problems stem from man’s inability to sit quietly in a room alone. ” Geiger looks at these two sides f the experience of boredom and points to the sole solution.
Something to Think About
" Requests will always exceed resources." — J. Grant Howard  in Balancing Life's Demands