Youth Ministry
Connect, study, serve, and have fun!
In this current season during the COVID-19 pandemic, we plan our events with an element of uncertainty about them. As we look ahead to the spring and beyond, there has been enough stated interest in a prerecorded outdoor musical for us to move to the next stage of the discernment process. As with any major project that we do, it must be understood within the broader context of our church's ministry. With that in mind, we invite you to a parent/student meeting, online, this Sunday at 4:00 to discuss more details about what a musical would look like, and how we also can provide opportunities for our students to meet safely in the coming weeks.

Zoom Link, Password - RUMCYouth
A few words from Daniel
Based on the results of the recent survey, along with extensive conversations with Music Team, church staff, and the 2021 senior class, we have determined that the viability of a prerecorded outdoor production of Godspell Jr. is relatively high, even given our circumstances. Having said that, the meeting this Sunday will be an important next step in determining whether there is enough collective buy-in for this unprecedented project to move forward. I'm excited about the enormous potential for renewed energy and creativity that this production would bring to our youth music ministry area. I'm hopeful that the necessary combination of strong youth interest and the eventual lifting of the maximum gathering numbers this spring will coincide so that we can make this happen. Please join us for this important conversation on Sunday afternoon!
A few words from Andy
I'm really excited by the prospect of a summer musical, albeit online rather than in person. My arrival in 2019 was just after the last one, so I'm really looking forward to my first Reveille youth musical. Assuming we move forward with this it will give us a major project we can structure our other youth ministry activities around, all within the necessary boundaries for keeping everyone healthy in this challenging season. Please join us on Sunday so we can hear your voice as we look to move forward with this.
Join us next Sunday!
Sunday School @ 10:00 am
We'll be back in full swing on Sunday, a youth only class at 10.00 am, beginning a series looking at Pastor Pete's new book. This week's theme is Grace.
Youth Group @ 4 pm, online, as part of the wider conversation around a youth musical.

All online youth activities (Sunday School, Youth Group, Confirmation, Youth Council and any extras, will now all use the same Zoom link, below.)

New Zoom Link - Password RUMCYouth

There is no class this Sunday.
Sign up for Remind Texts
Get friendly reminders for all our activities by signing up for our texts through Remind app by texting @rumc-youth to 81010. This is particularly helpful for last minute changes etc.

Please complete an online youth permission form for each youth (sixth to 12th grade) in your family. The form is required for participation in youth and music ministry activities. Complete form
While local COVID statistics will largely determine the return date for youth music ensembles, we currently project a February 14 start date for all three ensembles, including an outdoor choir experience. On either 2/14 or whenever we can return, the Sunday schedule will look like this:

3:45 Instrumental Ensemble
4:15 Youth Handbells
4:45 Youth Choir
5:15 Youth Group
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Reveille United Methodist Church