Vol. 8, Iss. 17 |
May 10, 2018
Dear Parents,
Below are a few important reminders and key dates as we approach the end of this school year and prepare for next year.
Please keep your carpool tags, and bring them with you to registration. At that time, we'll give you the new 2018-19 validation sticker. You may order additional carpool tags through our payments system,
RevTrak. If you place your order before Aug. 1, the additional tags will be available during registration.
The current uniform policy can always be found on our website under the 'Parents' tab. The last significant uniform policy changes were made last year, and include a phase-out of the blue and khaki jumper, the plaid belt, the oxford button down, and the quarter zip pullover. Those items will not be permissible under the Uniform Policy next school year.
Keep in mind that Educational Outfitters, our only uniform vendor, is having a 20 percent off sale May 15 - 31, a 15 percent off sale June 1 - 15, and a 10 percent off sale June 16 - July 10. The used uniform sale is from 9 - 11 a.m. on
Saturday, May 19, in the Lightning Gym. Please remember that they only accept cash or a check.
Summer Office Hours
Beginning May 30, the front office will only be open Wednesdays from 9 a.m. until noon, except the week of July 2.
Registration for 2018-19 School Year
On July 25, you'll receive a link for Express Check-In, which is the first step in the Registration Process. To complete Express Check-In, you must have an active Parent Portal and be able to access it. If you have forgotten your username or password, please click on this
Frequently Asked Questions link. If you still have issues,
email our registrar. Please note: Families new to Douglas County School District (DCSD), will need to set up their parent portal according to the instructions DCSD will send on July 1.
Express Check-In will open on Wednesday, July 25. To avoid delays in your student's registration, you must complete Express Check-In AND pay your student fees by Tuesday, Aug. 7. Following are the annual student fees for the 2018-19 school year:
- Preschool: $125
- Half-Day Kindergarten: $120
- Full-Day Kindergarten through Fifth Grade: $170
- Middle School (Grades 6-8): $185
The second step in the registration process takes place
Wednesday, Aug. 8 - Friday, Aug 10. Parents should plan on coming to BFA to complete the registration process on their assigned date (see below). It is important to complete all necessary paperwork from Express Check-In and bring it, along with your carpool tag, to registration. Keep in mind, student photos will be taken during registration, so students should wear a uniform shirt to registration. Photos for volunteer badges will also be taken during this time.
If you have a
new address or moved over summer, please bring proof of residency documents (warranty deed, tax notice, deed of trust, rental or lease agreement) to registration. In addition, if there are updated legal documents for your student, this is a good time to bring those to our Registrar.
Registration dates are as follows:
Wednesday, Aug. 8
Families with last name beginning A-L Registration hours: 8:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. (with lunch break from noon until 1 p.m.)
Thursday, Aug. 9
Families with last name beginning M-Z Registration hours: 11:30 a.m. - 6:30 p.m. (with lunch break from 2 - 3 p.m.)
Friday, Aug. 10
New BFA Families ONLY Registration hours: 8:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
Middle School Electives
The complete Middle School Elective Catalogue will be sent to middle school parents by late June. Parents will receive an email in July with instructions on how to select and pay for electives:
- Eighth graders will be invited to choose their electives beginning Friday, July 13;
- Seventh graders can choose electives beginning Monday, July 16; and
- Sixth graders may select their electives beginning Wednesday, July 18.
All elective choices should be made by 11:59 p.m. on Wednesday, July 25.
Teacher Assignments/Middle School Schedules
Elementary parents will be notified of their student's homeroom teacher via email on August 1. Middle school schedules will be available in the Parent Portal beginning Aug. 1. (We will not hand out printed schedules during registration.)
Other Important Dates to Note
Kindergarten Welcome and Assessments
- Look for a Sign-Up Genius from your teacher by Aug. 3.
Monday, Aug. 13 - Teacher Meet and Greets - First through eighth grade students can stop by their teacher's classroom from 9 a.m. until noon, or from 1 - 3 p.m.
Wednesday, Aug. 15 - First day of school! Students should wear their Formal Uniform, which is a navy polo with the BFA logo and tan pants, shorts, skirt or a skort.
Wednesday, Aug. 29 - Back to School Night from 6 - 7:30 p.m. for kindergarten through fourth grade parents.
Thursday, Aug 30 - Back to School Night from 6 - 8 p.m. for fifth through eighth grade parents.
Thank you,
Diana Simpson
Select students in third and fifth grade earned '
Thinking Like a Scientist Awards' for their stand-out science fair projects this year. Judges were impressed with the student's knowledge of their subject, creative ideas, thoroughness, and overall enthusiasm. Congratulations to the following students:
3rd Grade
Reid Baugh
Palmer Becker
Joey Garcetti
Samantha Hennig
Blase Jones
Kuyden Kim
Emrey King
Xavier Lidstone
Hudson Modrzewski
Jacob Molen
Graeden Ryan
Sydney Sayers
Anna Turner
5th Grade
Addison Buehler
Noelle Gibson
Lillian Hanson
Natalie Heckwolf
Natalie Keillor
Hansika Lakkireddy
Lucas Minner
Mya Rios
Thanks for your hard work and dedication, scientists!
Thanks to BFA families and the PTO, it has been a FANTASTIC Teacher and Staff Appreciation Week! Our staff enjoyed a complimentary chair massage and sweet treats; in addition, they were given love notes from students and beautiful flowers. Tomorrow, staff will receive your SCRIP gift. Thanks for making this week special!
Thank you to
Jim Reilly, former U.S. Astronaut and current Director of the U.S. Geological Survey, for speaking with students on Tuesday! He had fascinating stories and pictures, and the kids really enjoyed his presentation. And, thanks to the
STEM Committee for organizing the event.
As we near the end of the school year, the PTO would like to thank all the volunteers for their efforts this year. Please remember to record all your volunteer hours in
HelpCounter even if you exceed your 30-hour volunteer requirement (15 hours for single parent households). Please enter all volunteer hours earned to date
NO LATER than Tuesday, May 15
Not only will families who met their volunteer quota receive FREE admission to BFA's Pirates Cove Night on Saturday, June 9, but the PTO will give a token of their appreciation to anyone who achieved more than 50 hours (25 hours single parent) for this school year! Thank you for making this school so GREAT!
The PTO is rewarding families who have met their 30-hour requirement (15 hours for single parent households) with
FREE admission to BFA's Pirates Cove night on Saturday, June 9.
And, we'll have you covered if the kids come hungry, as the 2018-19 Washington, D.C. Fundraising group will be providing concessions. Hope to see you there!
At the end of last school year, the PTO recommended only having three parties this school year and eliminating the end-of-year party in an attempt to make the last day simpler. This recommendation was approved by the administration last year. So, instead of a planned party with crafts, games and snacks, students will have popsicles (or the like) and enjoy time with friends signing yearbooks, watching a movie, socializing, or another activity at the teacher's discretion.
If you have any questions or comments please
Mollie Anderson, PTO president,
Amanda Trenck and Emily Tenhundfeld, room parent coordinators.
Student Council and the Middle School Social Committee are throwing our last
middle school social of the year from 6-9 p.m. on
Friday, May 18, at BFA. We will be grilling burgers and hotdogs (veggie burgers also available), and providing chips, drinks and dessert. We have a number of activities planned including basketball, volleyball and backyard games.
This is a FREE event for BFA middle school students only. If your student would like a hot dog, hamburger or veggie burger that night, please purchase it in advance at the BFA Store. Proceeds from the BBQ will benefit the fourteen BFA students on their way to Destination Imagination Global Finals in Knoxville, Tenn. Join us and celebrate the end of the school year!
We need lots of volunteers to make this event a success, so please consider signing up to provide food or volunteer for the event.
Thank you in advance for your help.
Destination Imagination (DI) teams still need your help in getting to
Global Finals. The best way? Participate in the following fundraisers:
Well, the FOURTH (grade, that is) is definitely with the Ben Franklin Bolting Fundraiser! For the FOURTH week in a row, the FOURTH GRADE is in the lead with the greatest percentage of BOLTS ordered! They're well on their way to winning the CRAZY HAT DAY later this month.
Want to help fourth grade stay in the lead? Or, do you want to advance your child's grade in the race for Crazy Hat Day--all while helping the THREE Destination Imagination (DI) teams going to Global Finals? It's SO easy, and FUN!
"Bolt" a fellow BFA family via the Ben Franklin Bolting Fundraiser for a tax-deductible donation of $25 to the BFA PTO and cover the lawn of BFA families with a dozen (12) Ben Franklin Lightning Bolts!
Place an order on the
BFA Store
and enter the address of the family you want to bolt. When you enter the bolted family's address, you can remain anonymous or let 'em know who bolted them. The DI teams will place the BFA "bolts" in the family's yard for which you paid. Then the family who is "bolted" can choose to have the "bolts" moved to another lawn for $25 by placing an order on the
BFA Store
to keep the fun going. The DI teams will remove the "bolts" the following evening regardless of giving a donation.
We're in the home stretch of this fundraiser, so get your order in today! Bolting will only last for one more week - orders will be taken until noon, Friday, May 18.
You will need the address of the family you'd like to "bolt." Helpful hint: Use the Directory On Tap app to look up an address to "bolt." DI teams can only deliver to families currently attending BFA. They cannot deliver to a public space or a townhouse, condo or apartment complex. Please email Missy Washeck with any questions.
Donate to BFA's DI Teams
If you would like to make a donation directly to BFA's DI Global Finals-bound teams, you can. For more information,
Amy Sunahara.
At the end of May, BFA's three DI teams will travel to the University of Tennessee in Knoxville to compete among 1,500 teams (approximately 8,000 participants) from 20 different countries. The cost to attend Global Finals is about $1,500 per student. DI is a creative problem-solving program that integrates STEAM principles and teaches 21st century skills, including leadership, teamwork, positive thinking and project management.
Thank you for supporting the BFA DI teams!
The PTO is looking for Room Parents for next school year! Being a Room Parent is a fun way to get your volunteer hours in, develop a great relationship with your child's teacher and get involved in the school. If you are interested, please send an
email to
Amanda Trenck and
Emily Tenhundfeld, co-room parent coordinators, K-5.
Have your kids had a growth spurt or are you ready to get new uniforms for next year? If so, mark your calendars for the upcoming
Used Uniform Sale from 9 - 11 a.m. on Saturday, May 19, in the Lightning Gym.
If you would like to
sell your uniforms, please be sure your items are tagged and brought to the front office with the inventory form
no later than Thursday, May 17. Please follow the
tagging instructions and complete the
inventory form. Please note that no items will be held after the sale.
Any unsold items will need to be picked up between 12-1 p.m. after the sale.
If you would like to shop at the uniform sale, please note that they only accept cash or check. They have uniforms in all sizes and genders, so be sure to check it out! If you would like to volunteer to help with the sale, please visit the SignUp Genius.
The Foundation for Douglas County Schools would like to share information about an event they are hosting,
Reach for the Stars, on Thursday, June 14, at the Cherokee Ranch and Castle.
The goal of this reception is to raise money to purchase a Digital StarLab®, a state-of-the-art immersive planetarium. For sixteen years Douglas County School District students have been awed and inspired by experiences in the district's portable planetarium, including students at BFA. Sadly, the aging equipment has served its last class of students. In December of 2017, the equipment had to be permanently retired due to electrical problems.
The reception will include a sneak-peak into the Digital StarLab®, live music and an exciting program showcasing the cutting-edge STEM education initiatives in Douglas County Schools. The evening is sure to be filled with fun and celebration, but most importantly, a generous outpouring of support for the 68,000 students that walk our halls each day.
Please see this flier to find out more about the event or purchase tickets using this link. When you purchase tickets and enter our school's name, $5 of each ticket will go back to BFA.
Attention all 2018-19 incoming
fifth through eighth grade girls and boys--summer volleyball camp registration is now open for current and incoming BFA students! Options include a week-long camp as well as evening skills clinics.
The camp and clinics are the week of July 9 in the Thunder Gym. All camp information can be found on this
flier or on the middle school athletics page under girls or boys volleyball.
Please read all information before registering.
Participation is encouraged for those who are interested in representing the Bolts on the court for the 2018-19 school year!
Know any current high school players? We are looking for high school players to volunteer at camp and earn volunteer hours that some high schools require. Interested individuals should
Coach Haufschild.
Parents of campers, if you are interested in earning some early volunteer hours towards the 2018-19 school year, please
sign up here to volunteer.
Register your camper on the BFA Homepage, Payments, Middle School Sports.
If you have any questions, please
Coach Haufschild.
Join PTO members
at 6:30 p.m.
on Thursday, May 17, in the Sanders Science Lab for our last PTO meeting of the year! We'll have dinner at the meeting followed by an offsite social. Please
RSVP if you are planning to attend the dinner so we can order accordingly. Thank you!
ALL library books need to be returned by tomorrow, May 11, so please remind your child to bring their books. Fines will be assessed beginning Wednesday, May 16, if books are not turned in. The library will be closed for borrowing the last two weeks of school. Thank you!
The Finance Committee is
looking for volunteers with a background in finance or accounting. Volunteers will review school financials and budgets, recommend and manage the school's auditor, and make other financial policy recommendations to the board. Attending monthly meetings and working on special projects, members can expect to volunteer 1-3 hours a month. With two long-time members wishing to open the door for newer family involvement, this is a
great opportunity to fill a meaningful role on this important BFA committee.
Roger Nagel for more information.
The Douglas County Libraries will be doing their summer reading program again this year! The program runs June 2-31 and registration is open now. As an added bonus,
Douglas County Libraries Foundation will give $250 each to the elementary, middle and high school that signs up the most readers for the library's Summer Reading Program.
Look for a flier in your child's Thursday folder or visit their
for more information.
Why OverDrive?
The OverDrive collection is an extension of Ben Franklin Academy's physical library; only it's online with 24/7 access to eBooks and audiobooks. It's convenient for students to check out titles at home, on the weekends or during school breaks with no worry about misplacing a book or running up fees - these digital titles automatically return themselves at the end of the lending period!
OverDrive can help students of all ages read more and improve comprehension. Struggling or reluctant readers, learning-challenged, second language learners as well as gifted readers can all benefit from this service. Specifically, this benefits students by:
- Enriching vocabulary and improving comprehension and pronunciation,
- Introducing students to books above their reading level,
- Teaching critical listening skills, and,
- Helping busy kids find time to check out books and read.
How does it work?
To use OverDrive, students browse our secure, custom
website, borrow with their Google Single Sign On and enjoy books anytime and anywhere--their computer, tablet, smartphone, or eReader.
One you click on the
website, use the following information to login:
Username: Student's last name beginning with a capital letter, then first initial and middle initial
Password: Dcsd (capital D) followed by student ID number
Username: Smithbk
Password: Dcsd123456
If you have a younger student, they may benefit from using a simple login. Use the simple login 'read' for quick and easy access to elementary titles. This feature allows students to read and listen to digital titles, which are automatically returned after two hours.
Chemistry Camp!
9 a.m. - noon, June 25-29
Ben Franklin Academy, Sanders Science Lab
$125 per student for camp
Curious about Chemistry? Come and discover some of the basic principles of chemistry through laboratory exercises and experimentation. Grow your own edible crystals, make ice cream with carbon dioxide, and explore how the substances of the world interact with each other.
Join Mrs. MacDonald, and your fellow classmates as we strive to uncover the unseen mysteries of the world around us!
The camp is open to middle school kids, including incoming sixth graders and outgoing eighth graders.
today, or
Mrs. MacDonald
with any questions!
Ben Franklin Academy is offering an exciting Summer Camp program again this year.
The 2018 summer camp calendars are finished and ready for parents to view (see below for details).
Do you need full-time daycare for the summer? Or perhaps you want to schedule something fun for your kids once a week while you run errands. Maybe your kids would like to connect with other Ben Franklin Academy kids and enjoy fun, summer social time? Whatever your situation, our Summer Camp is sure to keep your kids safe and entertained. And, the best part is--the program is staffed by people you know and trust!
Program Details
May 30 - Aug. 10 (closed the week of
July 4th)
7 a.m. until 6 p.m.
Monday through
Summer Camp is open to any BFA student age 5-years-old and above.
Program Costs
Registration: There is a $35.00/per child one-time registration fee. All registered campers will receive a camp T-shirt and day pack.
Daily Tuition: The cost of the camp is $35/day/child for non-field trip days and $50/day/child for field trip days.
Program Schedule
This year the schedule will not be posted on the BFA website. If you would like to view the calendars, please
Summer Camp or
Mrs. Savoy directly and they will happily send them to you.
Initial and daily registration is now open, so get signed up today! If you have any questions about the summer camp program, please feel free to
email us. It is going to be another fun summer at BFA!
DCSD Community Days at Elitch Gardens
Friday, Saturday and Sunday, June 1 - 3
(Regular Admission is $54.99)
Purchase your ticket by May 31, 2018 and receive a FREE RETURN TICKET to the park.
DCSD Appreciation Day with the Colorado Rockies vs. Arizona
Saturday, June 9 at 5:15 pm
Use promo code DCSD
Did you know you can earn money for BFA each time you shop at King Soopers and Safeway? Buy groceries, gasoline at fuel centers, lottery tickets and postage stamps while helping BFA at the same time! (Safeway gift cards also can be used at Albertson's locations.)
order a dedicated BFA King Soopers and/or Safeway gift card from the BFA Store, and use it to buy your groceries. Then, re-load your King Soopers or Safeway gift card at Customer Service or at the register before you scan your first item.
Online shoppers can use grocery cards too! Shoppers using Safeway's online service can make purchases with their Safeway grocery card, while King Soopers online shoppers can pay using their grocery card when they pick up their order.
Ordering your King Soopers and Safeway cards is easy!
Just go to the
BFA Store, click on 'Grocery Cards' and order yours today. The cards are pre-loaded with $5. When ordering, be sure to include your FIRST/LAST NAME and FULL MAILING ADDRESS. Your King Soopers/ Safeway card(s) will be mailed directly to the address provided. Once the order is received, please allow five business days for processing.
Need a new card?
If it's been a while since you used your card, and it's been left with a zero balance, your card will expire! Please
order a new card through the store, as the zero balance card will no longer give rebates back to BFA.
The King Soopers and Safeway fundraising programs donate five percent of your purchases back to the school. BFA raised more than $5,500 through this program last year!
For more information or questions,
Rachel Molieri, PTO spirit wear and grocery card coordinator.
The Finance Committee is meeting from
5 - 7 p.m. tonight, May 10, in the Dana Library. Interested in the Finance Committee? Come to the meeting and find out more about all they do to help our school.
The after school choir groups will perform from
6:30 - 7:30 p.m. tonight, May 10, on the stage in the Thunder Gym.
It's your final opportunity to turn in Box Tops this school year. Collect all those Box Tops sitting around the house and turn them in!
Kindergarten and first grades will have their Field Day from 8:30 until 11:30 a.m. on
Friday, May 11.
For Field Day your student should wear this year's Field Day T-shirt, shorts or athletic pants, and tennis shoes. They'll need to bring a water bottle and apply sunscreen before they come to school.
The BFA Board will meet from
2 - 3:30 p.m. on Friday, May 11, in the BFA Conference Room to review the Strategic Plan.
The BFA girls soccer team will play in the semi-finals at 4:15 p.m. on Tuesday, May 15, at Aspen View Academy. Good luck ladies!
The BFA Board will meet from
5:30 - 8:30 p.m. on Tuesday, May 15, in the Dana Library. You are welcome to attend in person, or use the number listed at the top of the agenda to dial into the meeting.
Join PTO members
at 6:30 p.m.
on Thursday, May 17, in the Sanders Science Lab
for our last PTO meeting of the year! We'll have dinner at the meeting followed by an offsite social. Please
if you are planning to attend the dinner so we can order accordingly.
There will be a Middle School Choir and Guitar concert at 7 p.m. on Thursday, May 17, on the performance stage in the Thunder Gym. All are welcome to come listen to our talented students!
Student Council and the Middle School Social Committee are throwing our last
middle school social of the year from 6-9 p.m. on
Friday, May 18, at BFA. This is a FREE event for middle school students, but t
ickets for those who want to eat a hot dog, hamburger or veggie burger are only $5 if you get them in advance
through the
BFA Store.
Used Uniform Sale is from 9 - 11 a.m. on Saturday, May 19, in the Lightning Gym.
If you would like to shop at the uniform sale, please note that they only accept
cash or check
Ben Franklin Academy 2270 Plaza Drive Highlands Ranch, CO 80129 |
Fax: (303) 974-1738
Our mission is to create young adults with character like America's founding Renaissance man, Benjamin Franklin: well-read, scientifically curious, and civically engaged.
Our students will excel academically through a challenging, sequenced curriculum that emphasizes math, science, and literacy. We will be a data driven institution, focusing on individual students. Our students, teachers, parents, staff, and leaders will be held accountable for the success of our school. Finally, we recognize that an education is incomplete without fostering the arts, sports, nature, and character.
Temperance, Silence, Order, Resolution, Frugality, Industry, Sincerity, Justice, Moderation, Cleanliness, Tranquility, Purity and Humility.