Move Minneapolis Transportation Management Organization promotes sustainable transportation – mass transit, carpooling, shared mobility, biking, walking and telework – through outreach and education for downtown Minneapolis employers, workers, and residents.     
Reserve your seat now for the Downtown Minneapolis Transportation Summit:
Commute Revolution – Mode Switch and the Modern Workforce

A new transportation mode or app seems to arrive every few weeks, and people are quickly adopting and adapting. Modern commuting isn’t about being locked in to one travel option but about finding the best fit for each trip. With electric cars, shared scooters, e-bikes, suburban bus-hailing, BRT, total mobility subscriptions and more either here or just around the corner, how will your company adapt to changing workforce preferences?

Join us for lunch, exhibits, and great conversations at downtown Minneapolis’s annual transportation think-fest.

Keynote from Kevin Schwain, electric vehicle program lead, Xcel Energy and Paul Schroeder, CEO, HOURCAR who will highlight their Minneapolis – Saint Paul shared electric vehicle partnership. Panel discussion with transportation pros follows. Exhibits before and after lunch and presentation.

How Did We Ride?: Minneapolis Scooter Report
E-scooters are about to reappear on city streets. What was learned last fall when e-scooters landed in Minneapolis? Scooter usage data and a user survey from the 2018 pilot project was analyzed by the City of Minneapolis.
Data was gathered directly from scooter operators Bird and Lime , which provide vehicle details such as operational status and maintenance activities, as well as trip coordinates.
Here's a snapshot of 2018 Usage Data (July - November)

  • 243,587 total rides
  • 1,703 rides/day
  • 1.25 average miles per ride, 14.85 average minutes per ride
  • 74,877 unique users
Survey results of scooter-share users
Survey questions were distributed to 74,877 users resulting in 987 responses, or about 1.3% response rate, which represents a statistically significant sample size.

  • 62% of respondents used scooters multiple times per month, 19% used scooters multiple times per week
  • 7% stated that their use of public transit, walking or biking increased with access to scooters
  • 42% stated that their use of personal vehicles, ride-hailing, or taxis decreased with access to scooters
  • 80% responded they were either satisfied or very satisfied with the scooter companies

See the full City of Minneapolis Public Work s Scooter Report and Transportation Action Plan
New Look, New Bikes, New Options
Nice Ride Minnesota reopens on April 15th with more stations and hubs in Minneapolis than ever. In addition to the dockless bikes launched last fall, watch for new pedal-assist e-bikes that cruise effortlessly at 15 mph.

Nice Ride is making enhancements to their network this season.

In the coming weeks:

  • 47 new stations are coming to Minneapolis

  • Hundreds of new dockless hubs open in Minneapolis

  • Launch a pilot of 500 pedal-assist e-bikes

  • Nice Ride will also introduce a new reduced-fare membership program to make bike share more accessible to lower-income Minneapolis residents
Commuting 540 Miles Each Week. No Problem!
If two carpool partners are good, then three are better, and FOUR are the best! JoAnn lives in Dassel, Minnesota, 54 miles down Hwy 12 due west of downtown Minneapolis. Along the way is the town of Howard Lake, where Michelle lives. Tom and Mark each live a few miles farther east in Delano. Each traveler works for a different downtown company, but they have been carpooling together for three years.
JoAnn and Michelle connected using Metro Transit’s Ridematch , while Mark and Tom, who had previously carpooled together, joined in later. Though they all have similar work schedules, Michelle explained, “If someone is running late, they send a text. It doesn’t happen very often, but we respect it when it does.”
How do these commuting companions get along spending two or more hours together each workday? Michelle reports that they all agreed how to make it work,“We talk about our weekends, evenings, family, local events, listen to the radio, sometimes quiet time, depends on the day.” They each take turns driving their own vehicles for a week to save on wear and tear for the daily 108 mile round-trip. “If someone has car trouble, or is unable to drive for some reason, there is always another person to drive. It’s like riding to work with family.”
They all agree that carpooling has many advantages over driving alone. They take turns paying for gas. Carpools use the MnPASS lane to bypass gridlock on I-394 for a straight shot into Ramp A. They each chip in a paltry $5 per month for carpool parking ($20 total) to the envy of their co-workers. Occasionally, one person has an appointment and drives separately, while the others ride together. They make carpooling work and enjoy being together over driving solo.  

Need a downtown garage for your bike? Move Minneapolis rents bike lockers and locker passes from our NEW LOCATION at the  Minneapolis Regional Chamber , 81 South 9th Street, Suite 200, skyway level, M-F, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Seasonal: April 1st - November 30 = $30.00, per season w/shower $80.00
Annual: (year-round) = $50.00, per year w/shower $100.00

Shower/locker room facilities available at Ramp A & B only

Respecting The Ride

Why Drive Change? Metro Transit seeks to mitigate harassment and create a safer ride for all with respect, kindness and inclusivity. Drive Change’s goal is for everyone to feel comfortable and safe utilizing transit services at all times.

Harassment is any unwanted interaction, including comments, gestures and touching that is forced upon a person. And it’s not okay on Metro Transit property.

Drive Change’s purpose is to encourage an environment of respect, kindness and inclusivity, so that each ride is a positive experience.

More information about the campaign can be found at
Carpool Your Workforce With Scoop

New for the Twin Cities, Scoop is the largest commercial carpooling solution in the United States, partnering with organizations like LinkedIn, T-Mobile, and Workday to offer app assisted carpooling to their workforces. By launching an onsite partnership with companies, Scoop provides onsite marketing and engagement programming to make carpooling a viable commute solution for employees, and reports getting 20% of its partner corporations' employees carpooling within the first 90 days.

Through sharing the commute, employees connect before reaching their office doors, and build community while supporting company sustainability efforts.

Scoop reports feedback from carpoolers stating it has helped change the way they commute to work, has helped them make new friends and also helped reduce stress and anxiety getting to and from work every day.

To learn more about Scoop, visit
Move Minneapolis is made possible by a federal Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality (CMAQ) grant in partnership with the United States Department of Transportation, the Metropolitan Council, the City of Minneapolis, MnDOT, and the downtown community.