Region 2 Director
Region 2
continues to thrive, gathering leaders and members alike across the globe with its heavy line-up of technical and leadership oriented summer conferences, IEEE Day planning, Calls for Proposals for various technical events, and engaging with our esteemed industry, young professionals, and women in engineering colleagues.
For those of you new to our Newsletter, read more about the Regional priorities at the link below and don't hesitate to
contact me
with your innovative ideas, suggestions, and feedback.
Region 2 Committee Chairs and Coordinators Spotlight
Our valued
are key to growing and sustaining our vast IEEE member organization. In each of our newsletter editions in 2019 we highlight a set of our
Region 2 Committee Leaders
and recognize them for their service as they work to foster technological innovation and excellence for the benefit of humanity.
Marc Apter
Life Member Regional Coordinator
Jim Beck
Carole Carey
Women in
Engineering Coordinator
WIE Progress
(Regional Meeting)
Gerry Christman
Admission and Advancement (A&A) Committee
Dr. Drew Lowery
Navjot Sandhu
Region Webmaster
Management Coordinator
IEEE REGION 2 Conferences
Changing times demand an
Evolution of You
™. The dynamics of Leadership are shifting constantly – to stay ahead of the curve, your business skill set must evolve as well. EVO is a one-of-a-kind conference featuring insightful and inspiring keynotes, dynamic panel discussions and immersive sessions to help you advance your career while effecting change in your organization.
IEEE-USA’s two-day flagship event will challenge you to think differently while embracing innovation and creativity. You’ll develop valuable new relationships and share insights with industry peers, all while expanding your knowledge on the journey to becoming a more effective leader.
The exciting EVO19 lineup and
session schedule
revolves around the following themes: EVOlead, EVOinspire, EVOcareer and EVOskills. EVO19 will focus on learning and networking – but we haven’t forgotten the fun as well with an opening night Riverboat Cruise planned for Friday and an EVO3k FunRun scheduled for Saturday morning.
Take your career to the next level and invest in yourself.
IEEE Cloud Summit 2.0
08 - 10 August, 2019
Washington, DC, USA
The 3rd IEEE International Conference on Cloud and Fog Computing Technologies and Applications. Venue: Catholic University, Pryzbyla University Center
2019 IEEE Electric Ship Technologies Symposium (ESTS)
14 - 16 August 2019
Advanced electric power systems for marine and naval platforms, with emphasis on system architectures, dynamic performance, control and protection, integration of high-power intermittent loads, novel generation and distribution technologies, especially medium voltage dc and ac systems. Also electric propulsion systems, design tools, and naval architecture implications of advanced electric systems.
is the world’s premier conference that brings together the military/aerospace automatic test industry and government/military acquirers and users to share new technologies, discuss innovative applications, and exhibit products and services.
Gaylord National Convention Center
National Harbor MD (Oxon Hill)
Monday August 26 to Thursday August 29, 2019
: Celebrating the first time in history when engineers worldwide and IEEE members gathered to share their technical ideas in 1884.
While the world benefits from what’s new, IEEE focuses on what’s next.
The celebration of IEEE Day on
1 October 2019
is the
10th year
celebrating this historic event!
IEEE Ambassadors
are key to driving awareness of our annual IEEE Day theme of
Leveraging Technology for a Better Tomorrow
Additionally, they coordinate, collaborate, and communicate globally to engage our members and the broader community with wonderful events and celebrations.
Sign Up to be an IEEE R2 Ambassador today
(must be an IEEE member)
$1 Million Challenge
Ideas are bigger today—and they should be. Technology is progressing faster than ever before. IEEE members have always created advancements that allow us to keep up with the changing world.
IEEE New Initiative Process
A Seed Grant proposal process
is used for smaller-scale or high-risk proposals when relatively small amounts of funding (US$40,000 or less) are required and the project may be completed in 12 months or less.
Guidelines for both options are located
New initiatives are expected to require US$100,000 or more for a 12-month period. However, any project proposed to the New Initiative Committee with a total budget exceeding US$40,000 will be considered a New Initiative. Multi-year funding is allowable, with a maximum of up to three 12-month periods.
Meet Your IEEE R2 Sections
- James "Jim" Dowey
- James Wilson
- Richard Buchanan
- Vernon Sproat
- Ken Wong
- Michael Pearse
- Mike Powers
- Ben Tsui
- Julio Urbina
- Sawyer Campbell
- Richard Buchanan
- Vernon Sproat
- Steve Steffel
- Bill Hicks
- Mike McCAnn
- Don Dzedzy
- Carlos Torres
- Robert Pittman
- Harold Underwood
- Sangkook Lee
BIG Shout out for Jennifer for starting the
IEEE Student Branch of York College of Pennsylvania
associated with the
Max Bankert, IEEE PSU Student Branch
Our great IEEE success at
CPEWC Whitaker Science Center
is a reflection of the ever-increasing dedication and engineering knowledge that the
IEEE PSU Student Branch Volunteers
display on a continual basis.
IEEE Susquehanna Section Chair
I was very impressed with your
Snap On Circuit
demonstration and would like to personally thank you for your recent contribution of time to the IEEE Engineers Week Demo & Presentation at the Whitaker Science Center.
The CPEWC Engineers Week was a resounding success, but we couldn't have done it without you Max Bankert! The IEEE Susquehanna Section appreciates your gift of time, energy, and enthusiastic support towards the CPEWC Event. You have enriched the lives of children and there is greater probability they grow up to hopefully be our future Engineers through your support.
The IEEE Susquehanna Section would like to take this opportunity to say a heartfelt "Thank you". We look forward to working with you again soon.
-- Luis Carlos Torres, Jr
Electrical Engineering and Electrical Engineering Technology
students from
Penn State Harrisburg
walked away with
two awards
in the annual
IEEE Region 2 Student Activities Conference
, hosted by West Virginia University (Morgantown, WV) on April 5-7, 2019.
Twenty-five colleges and universities
from Pennsylvania, Ohio, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia, and the District of Columbia competed in ten categories.
Taking first place honors for Penn State Harrisburg in the
Brown Bag II
(Analog Circuit Design) Competition were Ira Matthews, Ron Schaeffer, Zach Snyder, and Ryan Thompson. In addition,
Penn State Harrisburg’s IEEE Student Branch
received an award for exemplary performance for the 2017-2018 Academic year.
Penn State Harrisburg
participants in the competitions were Juan Aguirre, Ashab Alamgir, Daniel Balmer, Max Bankert, Karen Fiesler, Nick Lebish, Kiana Montes, Nathan Resendez, Taufiq Sazali, and Alif Tukiran.
This successful endeavor is a direct result of a vibrant student body, an excellent group of faculty, staff, and administrators, in addition to a solid curriculum. Please join me in congratulating the participants for a very successful event.
AB Shafaye, Chair
EE/EET Programs and
ABET & Internship Coordinator
School of Science, Engineering, & Technology
W256 Olmsted Bldg.
Penn State Harrisburg
Capital Area Science and Engineering Fair
Ms. Rebecca Lowes
, the Chair Special Awards for the Capital Area Science and Engineer Fair, bestowed special recognition on
Region Director Betterman
, Area Chair
Robert Lesniewski
, and
Mr. Brown
whom for going above and beyond in their support of this special event.
She notes: "
The students you selected to receive your awards through our fair will go forward from this period inspired to continue honing their scientific knowledge and skills, hopefully to ends which benefit IEEE specifically, but also the scientific community in general.
IEEE Susquehanna
Pennsylvania Engineering Foundation
MATHCOUNTS competition
, recognized by Melissa Rohland, President Harrisburg Chapter of the Pennsylvania Society of Professional Engineers.
Mr. John Charlton
, an active Life Senior Membermember is on the move to a new IEEE Section.
IEEE Susquehanna Section
recognizes his past contributions and considers him a skilled EXCOM Section asset in regards to his Webmaster volunteer position. Best wishes to your on your continued IEEE Journey!
Section Happenings Around R2
IEEE R2 LIMA Section Supports Ohio Northern University College of Engineering
Ohio Northern University is the central “Hub” for
. Most of our members have an affiliation with the University as Students, Alumni, Faculty or Staff.
IEEE continues to collaborate with this vital academic institute by engaging and supporting the students during their presentations at the College of Engineering Senior Design Showcase.
Way to go STUDENTS!
In addition,
Ohio Northern University will be opening a new
State of the Art
Engineering Building.
Given our long-term partnership, IEEE looks forward to hosting lectures and additional STEM events n new building! This will allow us to harness the expertise of local ONU alumni entrepreneurs and also invite students from the neighboring High Schools to participate, thus expanding our current K-12 offerings. Look forward to seeing our IEEE members and the community out to support this Fall!
Meet Susquehanna's New WIE Affinity Group
Leading the
way in 2019, the Susquehanna Section earned the Region its
Women in Engineering Affinity Group.
Job well done Carole Carey, Regional officers, and our Section leaders offering our thriving Susquehanna Section community members access to a g
lobal network connecting over 20,000 members in over 100 countries to advance women in technology at all points in their life and career.
offers many member benefits, awards, scholarships,
IEEE Member grade advancement support, professional networking, development. and travel grants.
Consider Joining Now and Welcome to the Region 2
ABET Announces Cybersecurity Criteria
IEEE is a Significant partner
Programs at the U.S. Air Force Academy, U.S. Naval Academy, Towson University and Southeast Missouri State University have earned the distinction of ABET accreditation under the newly adopted criteria.
Both Towson and the U.S. Naval Academy fall into Region 2, specifically the Baltimore Section, South Area.
ABET accreditation provides assurance that a college or university program meets the quality standards of the profession for which that program prepares graduates. With more and more institutions developing undergraduate cybersecurity programs, the
Computing Accreditation Commission (CAC)
of ABET saw a need to establish cybersecurity as a formal academic discipline. Shared expectations of core knowledge, abilities and skills of program graduates will help institutions developing curricula, as well as employers hiring graduates.
For additional information see news article
Share Your Expertise or Grow New Skills
JOIN an IEEE Technical Community Now!
IEEE Women in Engineering
Region 1 & Region 2 Forum USA East 2019
Support Our Annual WIE Event
This event draws over
career fair attendees, and a wide spectrum of sponsors, patrons, and career-fair vendors.
ACT NOW to nominate a speaker, volunteer, register, or sponsor our event.
- Elevating women and students by offering value-laden speaking, publishing, leadership, and volunteer opportunities
- Connecting women and students with executives and practitioners across multiple engineering disciplines (Cybersecurity / IT, Data Sciences, Electrical and Computing Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Math and Sciences)
- Informing and motivational keynotes, sessions, and workshops geared towards driving higher levels of innovation, empowerment, and leadership
- Opportunity to drive brand awareness for diversity, inclusion, cyber, and engineering initiatives within your firm
Lastly, our
onsite career fair
offers firms an opportunity to reach highly-skilled diversity candidates whom are ready to help take your organization to the next level.
Call for Papers
has been extended until
16 August 2019.
Download the CFP Flyer
Contact your local SECTION for PACE funding for Student attendance.
IEEE Collabratec is an integrated, online community where technology professionals can network, collaborate and create in one central hub. IEEE Collabratec’s suite of productivity tools is available to technology professionals around the world, with exclusive features for IEEE members. IEEE Collabratec can help you!
More information and account access
Regional Vitality Happenings
the state of being strong and active; energy-filled
E – C2 – I2 Approach
- Engagement
- Collaboration
- Communication
- Innovation
- Inclusion
Each of
to the Vitality Program!
egion 2 is also Leveraging Collabratec, Conferences, Industry, Sections, Societies, Social Media, Student Branches,
Life Members,
WIE, and YP.
Join Us
as we work together to move R2 forward!
IEEE Membership
Join, Renew, & Elevate
Give the gift of
IEEE membership
to a student or professional or renew now.
an IEEE professional to a Senior member or Fellow.
Refresh your knowledge on the great
of IEEE membership.
IEEE Sections Congress is a triennial gathering of Section leadership sponsored by the Member and Geographic Activities (MGA) Board.
An event that includes four days of working sessions and networking, Sections Congress involves hundreds of delegates from all ten Regions. At Congress, they learn how to utilize the resources of IEEE to maximize their effectiveness as IEEE volunteer leaders. Workshop, panel, and tutorial sessions are held on topics of interest to the Sections.
The Congress is also a forum where the Section Chairs speak as the collective voice of IEEE members, expressing ideas about how IEEE can better serve its members, both now and going forward. The issues generated at Sections Congress have had a major impact on the plans made by the IEEE leadership for the future of IEEE.
Ottawa, Canada has been selected as the location for Section Congress 2020.