IPUL's Social Media Recap: April 5, 2019
Here are the highlights of our recent activity online. Not all everything is included due to timeliness. If an advertised event already took place, we've left it off.
ISPH Presents: Anxiety in Youth Awareness Free Community Event
We shared this from The Idaho Suicide Prevention Hotline:
The Idaho Suicide Prevention Hotline, Boise State University, and the Idaho Behavioral Health Alliance will be hosting a FREE screening of Angst, a documentary intended to bring awareness to Anxiety.
Wednesday April 24th, 2019 at the BSU special events center from 6 pm – 8 pm. Film screening and Q&A panel to follow.
This is a free community event! Free event parking provided in the Lincoln garage.
Families, educators, students, employees and members of any community can benefit from this film (appropriate for age 10 years+).
RSVP form is
now up on the event website
or the event calendar page. Please let us know if you plan to attend by filling out the form. We hope to see you there!
2019 Northwest Regional TCOM Conference in Boise, May 1-2
We are so excited to announce and invite you to the upcoming Northwest Re
gional TCOM Conference in Boise, Idaho!
TCOM-Transformational Collaborative Outcomes Management. It is an approach grounded in a philosophy of a single shared vision–helping people achieve their health and wellness goals as they navigate healthcare, child welfare, justice, behavioral health, education, and other complex systems.
This first ever Regional Conference, jointly hosted by
Chapin H
at the University of Chicago,
The Praed Foundation
and Youth Empowerment Services(
), offers a platform for the TCOM collaborative located in the northwest region to learn from each other and share their experiences.
WHEN: May 1-2, 2019
WHERE: Red Lion Boise Downtowner-Boise, Idaho
7's Hero: Game Changers Idaho proves anything is possible on the court for students with disabilities
We shared this video from KTVB.com:
Students with disabilities from three Boise junior high schools were invited to participate in a March Madness basketball tournament to make sports more accessible for all.
Work of art: St Anthony - Still Open For Registration
East Idaho youth. We still have some availability in St. Anthony. This is an excellent opportunity and you don't need any prior experience. You just need to want to have fun while developing some new skills! Don't delay applying. VR has some form requirements that can take time to process. Hurry hurry!
Announcing a new round of our Work of Art program:
A Work of Art - St. Anthony April/May 2019
Pre-employment skills development for students with a disability, Ages 16-21
Made Possible by a contract through the Idaho Division of Vocational Rehabilitation.
April 29 and May 3, 6, 10, 13, 20, 2019
6-8 PM at Art Lab, 2355 S. Yellowstone Highway,
St. Anthony, ID 83445
Get paid to work with a professional artist while learning job readiness skills. Please plan to attend all sessions.
Register here:
Idaho Senate Votes for Work Requirements for Medicaid Expansion on a 20-15 Vote
Idaho senators passed a bill Tuesday to add mandatory work requirements and other restrictions to voter-approved Medicaid expansion on a 20-15 vote, and sent the measure to the House.
The vote was close enough that if Gov. Brad Little were to veto the bill, the Senate couldn’t muster the two-thirds margin to override the veto. Little was tight-lipped Tuesday on the Legislature’s latest moves, but he said on March 20 that he wants a “landing pad” for expansion that doesn’t over-complicate its implementation or result in unnecessary costs. “If it’s the right work requirement,” he said. “If it doesn’t create a new big gap and it’s not too expensive. Those are my two priorities.”
Dancing Doctor Makes Children Smile and Helps Them To Recover Faster
Doctor cheers up his patients by dancing during their check-up!
DD Council Spanish Meetings
Para Padres, tutores, u otras personas interesadas de niños que reciben servicios de Discapacidad los del Desarrollo en Idaho.
Nos estamos acercando rápidamente a la fecha de "ir en vivo" para los Servicios mejorados para Discapacidades del Desarrollo de los Niños, el 1 de julio de 2019. El equipo de Discapacidades de Desarrollo para Niños se reunirá con las familias en todo el estado en abril para discutir los próximos cambios a los servicios existentes y los nuevos servicios que están disponibles para su hijo.
Por Favor Únete a nosotros en uno de los horarios y lugares mencionados. Esperamos reunirnos con usted y responder a cualquier pregunta que tenga sobre los nuevos servicios.
miercoles, 17 de April
1 - 3
3402 Franklin Road
Para las familias que reciben servicios
a través de Family Directed/Support Broker
jueves, 18 de Abril
1 - 3
3402 Franklin Road
miercoles 24 de Abril
8:30 am – 10:30 am
Idaho Falls
150 Shoup Ave
viernes, 26 de Abril
12 - 2
Twin Falls
803 Harrison
The program of the Improvement of Developmental Disabilities will be having a meeting.
This meeting is for any parents, teachers of any others that are interested in children that receive Developmental Disability relates services.
The date for this meeting is quickly approaching for the improved services for Children’s Developmental Disabilities that will be happening on July 1st, 2019. The team that is focusing on this task will be meeting during the month of April throughout the state. Please consider joining on any of the times and place that is stated on the flyer. They are hopeful that you can attend and to allow them to answer any questions about the new services.
NOTE: Please be aware that the meetings in Caldwell will be held on two separate days; and for families that receive Traditional/DDA services, the meeting will be on April 17th, and for the families that receive Self Directed/Support Broker services, the meeting will be on April 18th. In addition, for the families in the Twin Falls area, the meeting will be held on one day and will cover BOTH Traditional and Family Directed services and that date is April 17th.
Sandpoint Strengthening Families Celebration
Thursday, April 25, 2019 - - 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Free Community Event!
Join us for food, games, activities, door prizes, face painting, books and much more!
More than 20 agencies providing fun activities
For more information, Call (208) 263-6232 or (208) 263-2569
Event hosted by North Idaho College Head Start
Freiends of Head Start
Mt. States Early Head Start
and LPOSD Early Learning Center
Farmin Stidwell Elementary
1626 Spruce St
Sandpoint, Idaho 83864
Struggling Kids Retain More Science if They Rap, Dance, or Draw it
Incorporating the arts—rapping, dancing, drawing—into science lessons can help low-achieving students retain more knowledge, research finds.
This strategy could possibly help students of all ability levels be more creative in their learning, the study suggests. The findings appear in
Trends in Neuroscience and Education
and support broader arts integration in the classroom.
“Our study provides more evidence that the arts are absolutely needed in schools. I hope the findings can assuage concerns that arts-based lessons won’t be as effective in teaching essential skills,” says Mariale Hardiman, vice dean of academic affairs for the School of Education at the Johns Hopkins University and the study’s first author.
Legislative Agenda Information
We've pinned this post to the top of our Facebook page:
There are a lot of things happening at the Idaho Legislature each day that they are in session (typically from January through March.) Did you know that you can access the daily agendas on their website? You can also listen into the committee hearings that stream live. Idaho Parents Unlimited pays close attention to the House and Senate Health and Welfare and Education committees but you may interested in hearing about agencies, proposed rule changes, and other legislative action as well. With busy schedules and proximity - not everyone lives in the Treasure Valley - shocking! - this is a great way to stay on top of things no matter where you are. Daily agendas are found here:
We want you to update your preferences!
You can now tune your email preferences! We want to be sure you are getting the mail from us that matters to you.
Currently if you are on our mailing list (and if you are reading this, you are) you are getting everything we send out... However we know that not
wants to see
we send out, so we are making it easy to tune your preferences.
If you scroll to the very bottom of this mailing you will find a link that says "update profile" clicking this will launch a page where you can update your information, and choose what mailings you will receive from us in the future.
You will be able to deselect or select to be on the newsletter list, the social media update list, or the announcements list.
If you are happy with getting everything, then you don't have to do anything, you are all set. But should you want to adjust what we send you, that is now possible.
IPUL's upcoming statewide trainings:
April Statewide Training:
Success With the IEP
Broadcast Live from the Boise office and interactive statewide via webinar platform.
Success With the IEP
Wednesday, March 10, 2019, 5:30 - 7:00 pm MT
This training will provide information and resources on special education and related services. This interactive workshop will give parents the tools needed to understand the IEP process from eligibility to transition to adulthood and effectively advocate for their child.
Again, we welcome people who want to attend the training in person at our Boise office. (Please plan to be in the office at least by 5:20 p.m.) People attending remotely via our simulcast webinar will only need to have a modern web browser to attend. (And you can do that via computer, smartphone, or tablet)
You will receive a confirmation email that will have a link to the livestream.
Just a reminder that we have changed how we present our webinars - rather than a live webinar, will be releasing a series of shorter, prerecorded modules on the same topic as our statewide training. The idea being that once we put them up, they will remain available for anyone to register to see and watch at their leisure.
You can find them here on our website: