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KAC July Newsletter

A summer of learning ... and travel!

At Kansas Action for Children, the seasons take on different flavors. In the fall, we often issue major reports and talk about our policy priorities. In the winter and spring, we're attuned to the Legislature.

And in the summer? We learn. This year, our staff members are digging into topics including work and family supports, and the promise they hold for Kansans. We're looking at information and research from state and national partners, examining best practices, and making plans.

We also travel. Staff members have been attending conferences out of state. And our outreach and government relations team has been making in-state connections. (See below!)
To put this in perspective: We travel because we can't do our work ensconced in a Topeka office building. Kansas kids live everywhere, and they're affected by federal, state, and local policy. While the summer of learning and the summer of travel might sound different, they're actually one and the same. We travel to learn.

But why hear about this from me when you can hear directly from KAC staff members? Our newsletter this month offers you a helping of reports and photographs from the road.

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Outreach Specialist Mitch Rucker (left) and Director of Government Relations Adrienne Olejnik at Cathedral of the Plains in Victoria.

Community visits, community needs

Mitch and Adrienne take in more of the sights on their cross-Kansas trip.
Last week, Kansas Action for Children's Director of Government Relations Adrienne Olejnik and Outreach Specialist Mitch Rucker took to the road to hear directly from community leaders across Northwest Kansas. Whether talking with parents, educators, legislators, or business leaders, the need to increase access to high-quality, affordable child care was clear.

Though it was encouraging to see the variety of approaches being taken to address this need, and the buy-in from many stakeholders, there is still more support needed for Kansas kids and working families.

Along the way, we also caught some sights that the area has to offer! Historic buildings, freshly-harvested fields, and wind-farms populate the landscape.

It was county fair season as well, and it was great to see communities come together to show encouragement for the kids presenting projects they've worked on for months. We very much look forward to returning as we continue to go across the state, engaging with people who share KAC's mission to make Kansas the best place to raise - and be - a child.
The 2019 Georgetown Center for Children and Families Annual Health Policy Conference was held in Washington, D.C.

Health policy experts converge on D.C.

KAC's Director of Policy and Research Emily Fetsch and Research and Policy Analyst Tate Mullen traveled to Washington, D.C., this week to attend the 2019 Georgetown Center for Children and Families Annual Health Policy Conference.

The conference brings together child health policy advocates and organizations from across the United States -- 35 states and the District of Columbia -- to share and learn about the latest state and national trends in child health care policy.

Agenda issues included Medicaid expansion, effectively using Medicaid to support families and children, advocacy strategies, as well as employing data-driven research and partnerships.  
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