April 2019
In This Issue
Quick Links  
NGCP Webinar, Impact Discussion: The Challenges and Strategies of Reaching Hard to Reach Girls with STEM Education
April 16, 2019; 10:00 AM Pacific (1:00 PM Eastern)
REGISTERThis interactive discussion hosted by NGCP and facilitated by the American Indian Science and Engineering Society (AISES) AISES Logo will help inform the work being done by AISES to reach girls that are hard to reach with STEM learning opportunities. Time will be divided into three phases of conversation: challenges, strategies, and steps for action.
NGCP National Webinar: SciGirls Strategies Live Stream
June 12, 2019; 11:00 AM Pacific (2:00 PM Eastern)
The SciGirls approach is rooted in research about how to engage girls in STEM. A quarter of a century of studies have converged on a set of common strategies that work, and they have become the framework for SciGirls. SciGirls conducted a literature review, funded by the REGISTER National Science Foundation, to update the strategies with the latest gender equitable and culturally responsive research. Be among the first to learn the latest tips on how to engage girls in STEM. 

Collaborative Network ActivitiesCollabActivity
Leap Into Science Educator Training
Keyser, WV; April 24, 2019
Developed by The Franklin Institute, this program integrates open-ended science activities with children's books. Designed for children ages 3-10 and their families. The program empowers educators to offer workshops in community settings like libraries, museums, and out-of-school time programs to engage underserved audiences in accessible and familiar settings. Register.

Leap Into Science Wind Training at the Discovery Center
Murfreesboro, TN; May 10, 2019
Leap into Science is a nationwide program developed by The Franklin Institute Science Museum that integrates open-ended science activities with children's books, designed for children ages 3-10 and their families. The program empowers educators to offer workshops in community settings like libraries, museums, and out-of-school time programs to engage underserved audiences in accessible and familiar settings. Register.

Leap Into Science Educator Training
Poulsbo, WA; May 22, 2019
Leap into Science programs integrate open-ended science activities with children's books, designed for children ages 3-10 and their families. Washington State Library is partnering with libraries, museums, and other afterschool providers to build capacity for STEM learning across our state using this nationwide program from The Franklin Institute Science Museum and the Free Library of Philadelphia. By choosing to participate in this training, your library is committing to provide a total of three family workshops. Register.

Leap Into Science Educator Training
Wenatchee, WA; May 29, 2019
Leap into Science programs integrate open-ended science activities with children's books, designed for children ages 3-10 and their families. Washington State Library is partnering with libraries, museums, and other afterschool providers to build capacity for STEM learning across our state using this nationwide program from The Franklin Institute Science Museum and the Free Library of Philadelphia. By choosing to participate in this training, your library is committing to provide a total of three family workshops. Register.
Vanessa Matta
Vanessa Matta
The FabFems Spotlight highlights women from the FabFems Role Model Directory. FabFems are enthusiastic about the science and technology work they do and want to inspire a future generation of FabFems. Search the Role Model Directory to find FabFems in your area.
Meet Vanessa Matta. She is a project coordinator and civil engineer from Ottawa, Ontario. Throughout her undergraduate studies, she was a volunteer and engineering team lead for Let's Talk Science Canada (University of Ottawa), in which she taught elementary and high school students STEM topics and promoted education in these fields. To learn more about Vanessa, visit her profile.
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Upcoming STEM EventsEvents
RoboWeek 2019 logo National Robotics Week (RoboWeek)
April 6-14, 2019
Robotics Week is a series of events and activities aimed at increasing public awareness of the strength and importance of the U.S. robotics industry and of the tremendous social and cultural impact that robotics will have on the future. Search events near you and/or submit your event to be included on an interactive map.

National Science Teachers Association (NSTA) Conference on Science Education
St. Louis, MO; April 11-14, 2019
Attendees have the opportunity to learn classroom tested, educator-developed teaching strategies; hear from nationally known experts who inspire attendees to engage their students with new enthusiasm; and try new products and software. Keynote speaker is retired Astronaut Scott Kelly. New this year, NSTA will offer a livestream on April 13. Register.

National Environmental Education Week (EE Week)   
April 22-26, 2019
EE Week is a celebration of environmental education and inspires environmental learning and stewardship among K-12 students. Visit NEE's website to find events, resources, and toolkits, including the new "Greening STEM" toolkit, which teaches educators how to use the natural environment and real-world challenges to engage learners and deliver high-quality STEM education.

National Summit for Educational Equity (NSEE)   
Arlington, VA; April 28 - May 2, 2019
The NSEE will bring together leaders in educational equity to build capacity, knowledge, and skills to transform education, enrich classrooms, and improve student success. The 2019 theme is "Innovation, Inspiration, and Influence." Register.

BOOST (Best of Out-of-School Time) Conference
Palm Springs, CA; April 30 - May 3, 2019
Participants will have the opportunity to network, participate in team-building activities, and learn about the latest trends and research in innovative and quality out-of-school time programming. Register

U.S. News & World Report STEM Solutions: Workforce of Tomorrow
USNEWSWorkforce Logo Washington D.C.; May 22, 2019
Join the leading voices in industry, education, and government armed with the goal of addressing some of the greatest challenges in education and workforce development. Attendees will share the latest and best practices, and collaborate on new ideas to establish concrete solutions for the future. Register.

Education Summit @ Esri UC     
San Diego, CA; July 6-9, 2019
Attendees will explore how geographic information system (GIS) technology fosters critical thinking skills and improves decision making. Learn, collaborate, and get updated on all things GIS for both inside the classroom and policy-making. Register.

CSTA 2019 Logo CSTA Conference  
Phoenix, AZ; July 7-10, 2019
The Computer Science Teachers Association (CSTA) conference is a professional development opportunity for CS and IT teachers and administrators who need practical, classroom-focused information to help prepare their students for the future. Participants will have the opportunity to learn, network, and interact, while exploring issues and trends relating directly to the classroom. Register.
The Connectory Spotlight highlights tips, resources, program providers, and STEAM opportunities for youth listed in The Connectory. This free online collaboration tool for program providers helps them find partners based on interests, as well as showcase STEAM opportunities for youth to families. April is National Volunteer Month and the perfect time to highlight our partnership with VolunteerMatch.

VolunteerMatch is the largest volunteer engagement network on the web with a mission to make it easy for good people and good causes to connect. They have been around since 1998 VolunteerMatch Logo and celebrate their 21st anniversary this month.

Our partnership with VolunteerMatch means programs in The Connectory can link accounts and recruit volunteers to grow their nonprofit STEM program. If you have an existing VolunteerMatch account you may link that account with your Connectory account and start connecting with volunteers. Our website lists the four easy steps to link accounts.
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STEM ResourcesResources
April is Mathematics and Statistics Awareness Month
April marks a time to increase the understanding and appreciation of math and statistics. Both subjects play a significant role in solving real-world problems (internet security, sustainability, disease, climate change, etc.) Mathematics and statistics are important drivers of innovation in our technological world, in which new systems and methodologies continue to become more complex.  
Earth Day
Celebrate Earth Day in April
Teach the importance of civic responsibility and environmental sustainability this month to celebrate Earth Day on April 22nd and Environmental Education Week, April 22-26, 2019. Below are some additional Earth Day resources.

Earth Day Network
This year's theme is "Protect Our Species" with a goal to educate and raise awareness about the accelerating rate of extinction of millions of species and the causes and consequences of this phenomenon. The Earth Day Network has developed a Protect Our Species Primer and Action Toolkit as a resource.

National Education Association (NEA) Earth Day Curriculum Resources
The NEA Earth Day Curriculum Resources includes: lesson plans, projects, and activities for grades K-12.

Science NetLinks Earth Day
A collection of lessons and resources to help teachers and students prepare for Earth Day. These resources will also help educators who want to incorporate the holiday's messages of ecology and environmentalism in the classroom year-round.

Computer Science is For Everyone: A toolkit for middle and high schools to increase diversity in computer science education
Although CS classes and opportunities are expanding, too many students - especially girls, Black, Latino, and Native American youth - feel like it's not for them. The insights and tools in this NCWIT kit will help ensure all young people understand the value of a CS education and feel welcomed and empowered to succeed.

Consensus Study Report: Learning Through Citizen Science
This new report emphasizes the importance of designing citizen science projects intentionally to support participants' learning. The report also lays out a research agenda to help build the field of citizen science by filling gaps in the current understanding of how citizen science can support science learning and enhance science education.

Global ResourcesGlobal
Girls in ICT DayInternational Girls in Information & Communication Technology Day
April 25, 2019
International Girls in ICT Day aims to create a global environment that empowers and encourages girls and young women to consider careers in the growing field of information and communication technologies (ICTs). It is celebrated every year on the 4th Thursday in April. The website includes a toolkit for organizing your own Girls in ICT Day event.
About Us
The National Girls Collaborative Project™ has been partially funded by a grant from the National Science Foundation, GSE/EXT: National Girls Collaborative Project: Building the Capacity of STEM Practitioners to Develop a Diverse Workforce, Grant No. HRD-1532643.
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