Waterville UMC

AUGUST, 2019
Dear Church Family,

May God’s extraordinary gift of grace in Jesus fill you with the promised gift of peace in your spirit.

In 2 Corinthians 5:1-10 Paul is teaching this group of new believers what it is to live in this world as a follower of Jesus. He describes that once we have decided to accept God’s offer of grace, by choosing to live by faith in our savior Jesus, we will move from looking at everything through our worldly perspective to living out of God’s Holy Spirit perspective. This description includes the truth that a Christian is living in a temporary body until receiving the promised heavenly bodies.

Paul refers to our earthly bodies as tents or a dwelling place. He then describes a believer’s desire to live in our heavenly dwelling. It is a matter of becoming mature in our relationship with God and as we learn to follow the leading of the Holy Spirit.

What may be the most important verse in this passage is verse 7, “For we live by faith, not by sight.” So let’s explore for a moment what it would mean if we lived by faith instead of by sight. By sight refers to looking at the ways and things of this world, depending upon them as our primary source for decision making and the meeting of our basic needs.

In contrast, living by faith is the constant reliance upon God to provide everything we need. Every part of our being; our spirit, our feelings, our daily physical needs, even what and how we think. Please pause and ask yourself, am I living by sight or by faith?

The essence of love and peace in this world is God. Are you willing to trust God for everything?

On August 18 we as individuals and as a congregation are facing a life changing decision of moving forward with the new building. Please answer this call to pray each day for God’s Holy Spirit to clearly reveal to you, your response when voting. Ask yourself, am I looking at all the worldly parts of this decision or am I willing to live by faith?
May God’s peace fill you to overflowing in your daily prayers for God’s guidance.
Pastor Mike 

The New Building Finance and Leadership Team would like your prayers for upcoming deadlines related to the new building:

There will be a building update shared on August 11 at 6:30 p.m. in the Fellowship Room for members of the congregation who have not been able to attend one of the prior informational sessions.
    August 18, 2019 –
Church Conference for congregational vote of the Financial Plan and moving forward toward
A New Beginning.
You must be a member of WUMC to vote.
If you are interested in becoming a member, or would like more information about our church.
Please contact Pastor Mike Denman, or the church office.
9:00 Adult Bible Study
9:00 Prayer Time
10:30 Worship service

Bring your friends and come be a part of the blessings God has for you at Waterville UMC!
This year the Missions Committee is focusing on both Hygiene Kits and School Kits for July and August, rather than assigning one type of kit during these two months.

In the face of natural disasters, violence, and grinding poverty,  Hygiene Kits  can mean the difference between sickness and health for struggling families; and School Kits  can give children in these impoverished communities and refugee camps some of the basic tools for learning.

Your support makes a tremendous difference in the lives of so many people both here at home and around the world.

Each kit represents a person whose life will be changed because of the simple items contained within. Please donate only the items from the lists below. The Festival of Sharing is very particular that items be the same in each kit.
Our most needed Kits! These little kits are jam-packed with supplies to help keep people clean and healthy.

School supplies, calculator, scissors, learning books, coloring books, crayons, pencils, stamp ink pads.
You are invited to attend the Women’s Monday Night Bible Study, Embraced by God: Seven Promises for Every Women by Babbie Mason which will begin Monday, September 9 at 7:00 pm.
Singer and teacher Babbie Mason helps women of all ages to discover the depth and breadth of God’s great love as they understand Seven Biblical Promises. The study will deepen our personal relationship with God and also with others.

Books must be ordered by August 21 so please contact Delores Young at 419-878-8238 by August 20 , if you plan to attend.
The Flowers on the altar are for the glory of God and ___________

How would you fill in the blank?
Do you have something to celebrate, someone you would like to honor, or someone you would like to remember?

Please sign up on the bulletin board if you would like to purchase flowers for the Altar. The cost is $40.00
Would you like to serve for coffee hour?
Please sign up on the bulletin board, and use your gifts of serving.

Thank you to all the volunteers who helped to make VBS 2019 a huge success! We appreciate those who served as crew leaders or helped with providing the dinner for the volunteers. Such a ministry would not be possible without the dedication of so many individuals! Thanks again! 
Volunteers Needed to be teach Children’s Sunday School or be an Adult Helper for the Children’s Ministry.  

As a Sunday school teacher all of the lessons are provided, and you would be on a rotation schedule. That rotation means that you would teach about once a month. We are very flexible with schedules. 

As an Adult Helper, you would join the kids and teachers assisting as needed or you would work on small projects for the Sunday School program. 

If interested, please contact Stephanie Shelton at 567-202-5035 or . All adults working with the kids would require a background check which is done by the church.  
Social Media Updates: 

We have added Twitter to our social media presence. 

Follow the church and youth on our Twitter pages: 
I want to thank my church family for a wonderful tribute to my husband, Karl.
He had a great sense of humor and would have appreciated the humorous stories people shared at his Memorial.
I appreciate each and every one of you who were involved in some way. Our family couldn’t get over how warm and friendly our church family is. You truly were the church with the warm heart.
Connie Kirkman


Dear Friends,
On behalf of the board of directors of the Toledo Gospel Rescue Mission, we want to thank you for your generous support. Your support of our Rebekah's Haven "Soles for Souls" Campaign helps restore hope in the lives of moms and their small children at the most desperate times. And, for that we are eternally grateful.

JULY 7.... 86
JULY 14 ....82
JULY 21...100
JULY 28 ...80

Mary Williams August 2
Camryn Buskey August 3
Taylor Hankins August 4
Donald Harter August 4
Grant Przybylski August 5
Jennifer Kahl August 6
Logan Lipinksi August 7
Pam Plassmann August 8
Kyle Breymaier August 9
Betty Hood August 9
Doug Smith August 9
Robin Lipinski August 11
Anna-Elise Smith August 12
Brynn Beakas August 16
Stacie Thompson August 16
Jennifer Bollinger August 18
Sally Croy August 18
Connor Gregory August 19
Nancy Stafford August 19
Gerald Robinson August 22
Barbara Jones August 23
Michael Allison August 24
Brock Snyder August 24
Brook Lipinski August 26
Squire Young August 27
Penn Pritchett August 31
Sharon HIll August 31
Barb Pease August 31

( If you have an August Birthday that isn't
listed here, please call the church office.)
Waterville UMC | 419.878.3645|  Email Us  |