The NJPHA is a chapter of the National Professional Horseman’s Association. We are an organization that supports our professional members by giving aid and paying a death benefit for our professional members. The NJPHA also runs a high-score program and year-end awards banquet. We offer scholarships to the children of Professional members and a scholarship for one of our High-score Members each year.
The NJPHA runs two horse shows a year. We are having our July recognized horse show this weekend at Duncraven in Titusville, N.J. We hope to return to Duncraven in September for our annual Fall Finale.
The NJPHA has developed this annual tradition as a final for NJPHA classes that have no finals. Everything from Mini–Stirrup onward. This year we are looking forward to horseman, author and judge Randy Roy traveling from Canada to officiate at the Fall Finale. He will be one of two officials judging over the two-day show.
The NJPHA is halfway through the competition year. Things will heat up this summer and points will end on November 30. Our annual dinner is supported by membership fees and by the generosity of our sponsors. We look forward to highlighting our membership and sponsors in future newsletters.