A Seasonal Newsletter from
Naturopathic Health Care
Amy Rothenberg ND & Paul Herscu ND, MPH

Summer 2019:
Cognitive Health
369 Pleasant Street Northampton, MA 01060
115 Elm Street, Suite 210, Enfield, CT 06082
For new patient appointments in person or via Telemedicine click here .

We had the honor of offering the opening keynote address at a national conference on the essential topic of emotional and cognitive health. We played to a home- town crowd and loved seeing so many friends, colleagues, and patients! We cherish our broad and loving community!

This issue of FieldNotes focuses on this topic as well. For those interested in some of the naturopathic medicine approaches to the prevention of cognitive decline you might find these helpful:

• An FAQ which I contributed to from the Institute for Natural Medicine
• And a Homeopathy Today article from some years ago by yours truly - Getting Older Getting Better: Healthy aging with homeopathic and natural medicines

These and more can be found on a special page of our school website dedicated to Cognitive Decline and Healthy Aging .

We hope you're enjoying your summer and finding time for relaxation and play - both great for boosting and maintaining brain health!

Amy (& Paul)
About Naturopathic Health Care

Our satellite office of Naturopathic Health Care is humming along at 369 Pleasant Street in downtown Northampton, MA. Patients are also welcome to continue working with us at our Enfield, CT office where we’ve been since 1986! With the issuing of our ND licenses in Massachusetts imminent, we are thrilled to be offering natural, integrative medicine to patients in the Pioneer Valley.
Maintain Brain Health as You Age:
Natural Medicine Approaches for Cognitive Decline
by Amy Rothenberg ND

When Lisa first came to see me, she struck me as lively and engaging. At 60, she seemed quite on the ball and articulate. She did not search for her words or space out, she did not answer irrelevantly or oddly. Yet she had been diagnosed with mild cognitive decline. With her husband by her side, her MRI and neurologist reports in hand, she had come to see if I might be able to help slow the progression of her disease.
Cognitive decline and dementia are becoming increasingly common as the baby boomer generation ages. More than five million people in the U.S. have Alzheimer’s. By 2050, that number will grow to 14 million. In my view and experience, homeopathic remedies along with other natural medicines are well poised to help and support both dementia patients and those who care for them.

Recipe: Brain Boosting Smoothie
Summer time's the perfect time for a smoothie: cool and smooth and refreshing.

I like these ingredients when thinking of brain power, but am flexible when I make a smoothie, depending on what else I have, fresh or frozen, in the fridge or tucked away in the cupboard.

Not much to do here beyond placing all the goodies into the blender and giving it a whirl. This might be a meal for me with a piece of toast with humus and tomato!

Photo by  Francesca Hotchin  on  Unsplash
RECOMMENDED: Where we bring to light an organization, business or product we hope will make a positive impact on your community, your world, your life. 
Over the last number of years, we’ve been focusing on healthy aging and best practices with regard to treatment and preventive care. Lithia Basic™ is a nutritional bioavailable supplement designed to support healthy aging, mood, behavior, and memory, and resist the effects of stress by combining extremely low doses of bioavailable Lithium orotate with low doses of Zinc picolinate, Water hyssop ( Bacopa monnieri ), and Lemon Balm ( Melissa officinale ). The formulation is designed to take advantage of the response elicited by these compounds and plants at ultra low doses. We have been using this formulation with patients over the last years and feel confident about its efficacy. Historically, since these doses are not easily found, we would have patients buy four separate bottles and divide each capsule into the low doses. After enough urging from patients for more affordability and convenience, we created this supplement.

To read more about this formulation please go to  
Discount on Products from Emerson Ecologics
In an effort to make quality supplements more widely available, we maintain a virtual dispensary through our Naturopathic Health Care clinic featuring products distributed by Emerson Ecologics. Wellevate is Emerson's online patient dispensary.

We trust Emerson as a supplier for high quality supplements, botanical medicine, and natural health/ beauty products. Products we recommend and use in our clinic are listed, and you also have access to the full inventory of products sold.