The days are counting down until NOAC. I saw a post on Facebook that claimed this will be the 2nd highest attended NOAC in history. That sorta surprised me because I've heard of so many lodges having open spots on their contingents but I guess it has all worked out.
Vintage Scout Memorabilia Up First In The HF
I saw a message from the Cubmaster of my pack that sponsors the Charlotte TOR saying that our new GaGa ball pit has been built. If you have not been around youngsters much in the last five years this is sorta a dodge ball walled play area. Our funds raised from the last 2 years of putting on the show helped pay for this addition to our church.
I have not been following all the NOAC sets coming up but get ready. You will soon see the wave of them hitting the Hot Finds and eBay. I've got some nice old pieces featured here but soon we will see link to all the delegate and hot sets.
A lot of guys go to NOAC looking to trade for the hot sets. I'm happy being a 1:1 trader and just getting whatever falls into my hands. I usually do pretty well with that strategy plus I hate dealing with the real picky youth traders.
I apologize for clicking the wrong send to list yesterday. I heard from several folks that were amazed I send out a military version of the Hot Finds but weren't interested in getting yet another email. I was on vacation and the family was rushing me to get out to the door and to the beach so again I apologize for the mistake.
My next issue of the Hot Finds will come out just as I am pulling out of Charlotte. I hope to see many of you there and for those who have ordered products I'll bring them to the Pre-NOAC TOR.
Yours in Scouting,
Jason Spangler Santeeswapper LLC
In Charlotte, North Carolina I have an antique mall booth that is filled with nothing but Scouting stuff. I call this location my clearance center because I've marked down everything to move. A lot of what you will find there are items that are too bulky to easily ship from an Internet store. The booth is located in The Sleepy Poet which is a well established antique mall on South Blvd in Charlotte. The mall is open 7-days/week year round. So the next time you are in the area come check it out.