Planning for Adult Life activities, events, and materials are conducted and developed in partnership with
The Arc of New Jersey with funding from the New Jersey Division of Developmental Disabilities
Financial Planning for the Families with Special Needs
Having a student with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD) causes one to think about the transition from high school to adult life. They often wonder about what steps are needed to take in order for their loved one to be cared for in the future. Finances play an important role in the planning process. Join us for an informative session on financial planning, options to save money and retain services, and much more.
Wednesday, April 17, at 6 pm
Join Us at an Opportunity Expo Near You
Register today and get the information you need to help your child transition!
The Planning for Adult Life Program hosts FREE Parent Forums and Opportunity Expos throughout the state. These events include workshops on a wide-range of topics, including: support coordination, the continuum of community services, financial planning, eligibility requirements, and where to find help. The Opportunity Expo features a variety of exhibitors that will include state and county government entities, community service providers, service coordinators, local health care support, recreation providers, and information & referral services. Families will be exposed to resources and supports in their area, and will have the chance to interview potential service providers to hire. To register, click on the following links:
Transition 101: If I Can't Take Off of Work for My Child's IEP, Then What Can I Do?
Not being able to attend your child's IEP meeting can be stressful. But there are things you can do to make sure that your voice is heard. Under the special education law  IDEA , you’re a member of your child’s  IEP team . So even if you can’t make the annual meeting, you still play an important role in developing your child’s  IEP . The law requires schools to make every effort to work with your schedule. When your district schedules the IEP meeting, it must ensure three things:
  1. Tell you far enough ahead of time to allow you to attend.
  2. Schedule the meeting at a time and place that works for you and the school.
  3. Reschedule the meeting if you cannot attend.

If you can’t make the original meeting time, you can write to the school to ask if you can reschedule for a time when you can be there. Your note or email should include the reason why you can’t attend. For more information, Click HERE  
Free Workshops, Presentations Available to Parents
If you haven't stopped by the Planning for Adult Life calendar lately, now is the time to check it out. Events, Hands on Workshops (HOW Series) and presentations are held throughout the state and are free to parents and open to the public. Planning for Adult Life sessions focus on a variety of topics impacting your student with I/DD, so don't miss an opportunity to attend an event near you.
Assistive Technology: What is it?
Assistive technically is a term used to describe assistive, adaptive, and rehabilitative devices for people with disabilities. When people with disabilities have difficulties performing activities of daily living (ADLs) independently these devices can provide greater independence by enabling them to perform tasks they were formally unable to do. The Center for Parent Information and Resources provides an article on Considering Assistive Technology