Religious Education News
Unitarian Universalist Church of Canton

RE Mission
Our religious education program works
to create an accepting environment that empowers children and youth to explore their spirituality, celebrate diversity, and live our Unitarian Universalist values.  
Family Ministry
We believe that families play a vital role in furthering this empowerment to explore and live our UU values. We are excited to support our families by offering ideas from the UUA's Tapestry of Faith program as well as graces and thought provoking questions related to the topics introduced during Sunday religious education classes. We hope you find this  initiative enjoyable and spiritually fulfilling for your whole family.
In RE Next Week
Our religious education program will be on hiatus next Sunday, August 5.  Please join us at Meacham Lake !    Check out the church website and our Facebook page for details.
RE Committee   
Wil Rivers, Chair 
Anna Sorensen, Council Liaison
Jeff Frank
Arthur Freeheart
Shelby Hunkins
Esther Katz
Ashley Nadean Clover
Ron Tavernier
Jenn Whittaker
For the Week of July 29, 2018
A Special Announcement:
Next Sunday, August 5, all RE programming including the nursery will be on haitus.  All families are encouraged to attend the Huutenanny at Meacham Lake
A Table Grace:
For food that stays our hunger,
For rest that brings us ease,
For homes where memories linger,
We give our thanks for these.
~ Anonymous
Chalice Lighting:
In these hard times, let us look first to the response of love.
In the midst of challenge, may our chalice flame bear witness to the inherent worth and dignity of every human being.
In the midst of uncertainty, may our chalice be a beacon of encouragement, that our values may guide our choices.
Let us look first to the response of love.
Please consider   utilizing these ideas to deepen and inspire your faith during the week.
Contemplation Topic - During a shared meal with family or friends or as part of a contemplative practice, ponder the following -  How do you respond when you have a task that seems overwhelming?
A Ritual - iRipple. Plan a regular time to share about the activities you or each member of your family has done which might have a ripple effect. Make a chart to mark your or each family member's iRipple reports.
Resilience: Check out these resources from Sesame Street about helping children and families become resilient. Be sure to click on the Resilience: Family Guide
Our Whole Lives - Why does our faith offer sexuality education?  Read an article by our own OWL facilitators. 
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Carol Zimmerman at or 