State Legislation Action Alert:  June 20, 2018

AB 1871: Unanimous Vote by Senate Education! What's Next?

AB 1871 (Bonta) has taken another giant leap down the road to the Governor's signature. 

With strong leadership from Assemblymember Bonta, powerful testimony from three witnesses, and more than 20 supporters in the room, AB 1871 received unanimous support from the Senate Education Committee!

Watch  Angeles and Jasmine Nelson share their personal experiences to tell the story of AB 1871 to  the Senate Education Committee members as only a parent and student can.

What's Next?

The next step is winning the approval of the Senate Appropriations Committee, chaired by Senator Anthony Portantino. Click the button below to learn how you can take action in support of ensuring all low-income students in California receive the health and academic benefits of school meals.
Learn More!

Read our recent policy brief to access student & family stories, the latest data analysis, and profiles of California charters schools that do and do not make meals available to students in need.  PDF

Find factsheets, data, stories, and more on our  AB1871 page.

Contact: Tia Shimada  at 510.433.1122 x 109 

Take Action!  Tell Governor Brown that Healthy Food Affordability is a Priority

Join us in calling on the Governor to approve the Legislature's one-time $9 million  investment in the California Fruit & Vegetable EBT Pilot to increase market access to affordable, California-grown produce .

Watch the video below of Senate Budget Committee Chair Holly Mitchell and Senator Scott Wiener speak on the Senate Floor in support of including funding for the California Fruit & Vegetable EBT Pilot in the 2018-19 state budget. 

This one-time funding will be used to upgrade the CalFresh EBT system to allow for dollar-for dollar matching CalFresh benefits upon the purchase of California-grown fresh fruits and vegetables. The pilot will be implemented and evaluated in multiple California communities at different types of retailers, including grocery stores and farmers' markets.

It only takes a minute to make your voice heard. Once you've taken action, spread the word! 

Let the Governor know you support the California Fruit & Vegetable EBT Pilot.  Call, tweet and email your support! 

Access phone call script, sample emails and social media posts.  PDF

Contact: Tracey Patterson  at 510.433.1122 x 101

CFPA Board of Directors Welcomes Ali Taghavi 
Ali Taghavi

At its most recent meeting, the Board of Directors of the California Food Policy Advocates (CFPA) voted to add Ali Taghavi as a Director.

Mr. Taghavi brings considerable talent and experience to the Board. He has nearly two decades of professional experience in communications, public relations, and branding. He has worked at a large managed care organization and at several major universities. At the University of California - Los Angeles, Ali created a top-performing media campaign for the largest children's health study ever conducted in the U.S.

Given his success at creating comprehensive communications and marketing campaigns to support the brand and mission of highly visible organizations, Ali is a great fit to help CFPA advance its  Strategic Plan.

If you are interested in learning more about opportunities to share your time and talents with CFPA, contact  [email protected] .