City of Taylor Mill
5225 Taylor Mill Road
Taylor Mill, KY 41015


Spring has finally arrived in Taylor Mill, city projects are moving forward, and we are gearing up for some exciting events.
I would first like to take a moment to thank our CAO Jill Cain Bailey for 23 years of service to the City of Taylor Mill. Jill has accepted a new position as CAO of the City of Ft. Wright. Jill's work ethic, integrity, and dedication have played an essential role in the progress of our city. She is an outstanding person and city administrator, and she will be missed. We wish Jill the best of luck in her new position.
The city held a special meeting on Wednesday, April 25, 2018, at 7:00 p.m. to discuss the appointment of an Interim CAO and the process of hiring a permanent replacement.
2018 Legislative Session Update:
The General Assembly voted to override  Governor Bevin's veto of House Bill 362 and the city's contributions to the CERS pension system will be capped at 12 percent a year. The phase-in saves the city around $271,322.00 in 2018. Many thanks to Taylor Mill Sen. Chris McDaniel for introducing the bill, and Sen. Damon Thayer, Rep. Kim Moser and the Kentucky League of Cities for working to help our cities, school districts, and local agencies manage the impact of the increase. The phase-in will help the City of Taylor Mill maintain our high-quality city services and keep a balanced budget.
Some relief at the gas pump is coming to Northern Kentucky with the removal of the Reformulated Gasoline Provision by the EPA . According to local legislators, we could see local gas prices decrease as much as 15 cents per gallon. And with the the passage of SB 88, the state is now prohibited from placing unfunded mandates on Kentucky cities.
City Road Maintenance & Sidewalks:
The NKWD/SD 1 project is moving along in Winston Park, and streets impacted by the construction will be repaired. Valley View Drive, Primrose Drive, Sunset Place, and the west side of Church Street will receive new asphalt, curbs, gutters, and tree stumps removed. Faye Drive, Church Street, Doris Drive, and the east side of Church street will be resurfaced.
The Sidewalk Project is moving forward through a grant from Ohio Kentucky Indiana Regional Council of Governments (OKI). The new sidewalk will go from 5500 blocks of Taylor Mill Road to Saddlebrook Drive.
Upcoming Events:
The Gold Stars Tribute Wall, honoring fallen soldiers who served in the Gulf War, Iraq War, and Afghanistan War, will be at Pride Park May 4th-7th and open to the public 24 hours a day. Check the city's Facebook page and website for a full schedule of events.
Pride Park was once again nominated for Best Park in NKY.  Winners will be announced Thursday, May 24th at Receptions Banquet Hall. Visit to purchase tickets.
City Commission Meeting: May 9th, 2018 at 7:00 p.m. Senator Chris McDaniel will be attendance to present the 2018 Legislative Review.
Thank you for your time, and don't forget to share this newsletter will fellow Taylor Mill residents. As always feel free to contact me with any questions you have about current city business on Facebook Mayor Dan Bell or
Mayor Daniel L. Bell