Susan Weis-Bohlen 
Ayurveda, Vegetarian Cooking,  Meditation, Sacred Site Travel.


Hello! I hope you are doing well and enjoying these early (hot!) summer days. 

As I write this a huge storm just blew over. This is the view from my office - truly a breath of fresh air. I am so lucky to be nestled in the woods. I find 
a lot of inspiration from nature and feel more balanced and at ease the more time I spend in the trees and the dirt! Ayurveda, the ancient Indian science of health and healing, says that we are made up of the five elements that surround us: space, air, fire, water and earth. The more immerse ourselves in nature, the more balanced and in harmony with the world we feel. 

Ayurveda has been so healing, so nourishing, so life-changing for me, that many of you know I closed my bookstore, breathe books, after 10 years, in order to practice and teach Ayurveda full time. It's been four years since I closed shop and in that time I wrote a book (Ayurveda Beginner's Guide), I traveled to India 3 times, to study and lead Sacred Site tours, taught many many cooking classes, a dozen yoga teacher trainings, and taught workshops and classes all around the country.

So it seems my next step is to teach YOU how to do what I do! Several people have asked my to create a study program so that you can delve more deeply into Ayurveda and create your own private practice. Whether it is just for yourself, or to bolster your health and wellness practice or to become a full time Ayurvedic counselor - the course I am creating will fulfill your needs. 

We will study: all basic principles and fundamentals of Ayurveda; home remedies; cooking techniques; pulse readings; the doshas; tongue diagnostics; marma therapy; vedic meditation; vastu shastra; food as medicine; chanting; yoga; vedic counseling and more. 

As I create the course and research certification possibilities, I would love to hear from you & what you are interested in. I envision this being a 12-month course beginning in the fall (400 - 500 hours depending on practicums) with each month dedicated to one or two areas of study. The class can be taken in person or online. Send me an email if you want to stay on the Breathe Ayurveda Study Course list: [email protected]

I am so excited to begin this program! I can't wait to hear from you. Please share this with anyone who might be interested. More details to come including the cost and personal time commitment. This will be a combination of independent study, group discussions and hands-on workshops. It shall all unfold soon! 

So stay cool and enjoy all. Love, 


p.s. trying something new with the EVENTS listings below. Just click on the event name in the block and it will take you to the full details on my website. 

Saturday and Sunday June 23 & 24: Get Vastu'd (Vedic Feng Shui) with Michael Masto!

 Thursday, July 12, 7 pm: Ayurveda Beginner's Guide Book Talk and Signing at The Ivy Bookstore, Mount Washington

Saturday, July 14, 1 pm - 3:30 pm: Ayurveda: Daily Rituals and Essential Practices at East Meets West Yoga, Vienna, Virginia
Sunday, July 15, 1 pm - 2:30 pm: Deep Dive into Ayurveda: Life in Balance, Hanover! 

Thursday, September 6, 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm Fall Ayurveda Cooking Class: Food to Ease into the Season as Vata sets in 

Thursdays, October 4 - 25, 6 pm - 7:30 pm: Learn How To Meditate at Roland Park Country School 

Israel 2018 trip
Weekly Meditatation in Hampden 

Susan leads the group Every Tuesday. 
Time: 6 pm - 7:15 pm

The benefits of meditation are vast. A regular practice can help you increase focus and concentration, sleep better, feel more alert, create healthier relationships, lower blood pressure, reduce anxiety, stress and depression, and find a deeper sense of happiness and well-being. Join certified Ayurvedic practitioner and meditation teacher Susan Weis-Bohlen to learn the art of meditation and begin to experience the incredible benefits yourself. Anyone can meditate. You don't need to clear your mind of thoughts, you just need the techniques to work with your thoughts to effortlessly enter deeper states of consciousness, where true stillness and healing can be found.

Susan has been meditating since 1992 began leading classes in 2008. Her light-hearted, easy-going groups are attended by all levels of meditators. Drawing on her years of practice and study, Susan teaches from many traditions, including Vedic (Indian), Vipasana (Insight), Mindfulness, Buddhist and Jewish.

Cost: $10 donation suggested
Place: 2050 Rockrose Ave, 21211 (enter via doorway at the top of the green stairs (with a blue handrail that has Itineris and The Pointe. Park in the front lot.) adjacent to WBAL TV, around the corner from Fox 45. 

Quick Links

Breathe Ayurveda & Susan's Kitchen
Susan Weis-Bohlen
20 Clarks Lane
Reisterstown, Maryland 21136