SAVE THE DATE! The next membership meeting is Wednesday, June 6 at 5 p.m. at
Local 802. Members will vote on
this bylaw proposal.
The electronic newsletter of
Local 802 May 7, 2018 | Send us comments by clicking
CLASSICAL MUSICIANS UNITE! Negotiations for several orchestras and ensembles are coming up soon. It's time to hear from YOU. Please show up to a special Classical Musicians' Forum this Wednesday, May 9 at 5 p.m. at Local 802. Come and share your priorities, strategies and thoughts about how to improve working conditions, wages and benefits for classical musicians. United, we have strength! For more, see Tom Olcott's column in the May issue of Allegro.
RSVP OR MORE INFO: Click here or call (212) 245-4802, ext. 107.
NETWORKING IS POWER! Networking continues to be one of the most powerful methods of connecting to future opportunities, in and out of the entertainment business. Building new professional relationships is a critical component of staying on top of trends and keeping current in your creative life. Local 802's Musicians' Networking Group is meeting on Wednesday, May 16 at 2 p.m. at Local 802. Free refreshments served!
WHAT: Local 802 Musicians' Networking Group, open to all
NEWS FROM THE PENSION FUND: The AFM Pension Fund has altered its longstanding policy and is now making documentation free and available digitally. This is great news, and we encourage musicians to examine this info closely as we discuss the future of our pension. For more info, click here.
WOULD YOU LIKE TO REACH THOUSANDS OF PROFESSIONAL MUSICIANS? Paid ads in this newsletter support the union and help reduce costs to our members. To promote your product or service and reach thousands of musicians, click here for more info. Please visit our advertisers above and tell them you saw their ad in Local 802's newsletter.
Local 802, American Federation of Musicians (212) 245-4802 |