Week of November 15-21, 2020
Thank you for checking out our Journeying Together email where we share many church happenings and updates! We continue to pray that you will experience the riches of the Lord's presence during this time in which many of us are not able to be present with one another!
-- HBIC Pastoral Staff
If you didn't register yet for one of our in-person services for Sunday, November 15 (in the sanctuary) and would like to attend, please register on our church's website, HBIC.church. We will have a cap of 80 people for attendance in the sanctuary for each service. If we reach that cap, registration will be closed for that service.
Click here to see a video that walks you through the check-in process for our worship services in the sanctuary and highlights some of our procedures.
A prerecorded worship service will be available on the HBIC YouTube Channel on Sunday mornings by 9 am, as well as anytime thereafter.
We are also usually successful in live-streaming both the 9 and 11 am in-person services. You'll be able to link to either of the live-stream services on our HBIC YouTube Channel at the time of the service, or you'll be able to watch the recording of the live-stream anytime.
The Worship Resource Page serves as a companion to the weekly worship video on the HBIC YouTube Channel and includes the song lyrics, the sermon scripture, reflection questions, plus some links for children.
Children attending our in-person services will remain in the sanctuary with their parent/guardian.
You can click here to view this week's special children's message on Jesus' command to be people who pray, shared by Pastor Patty.
Also, click here for access to the children's activity pages for this week.
Copies of Our Daily Bread's December/January/February
issue are now available. You can pick one up at the check-in table for our Sunday services, or you can contact the church office or Pastor Lynda to make arrangements to stop by to pick up a copy or to have one mailed to you.
We are experiencing a new season as Pastor Hannah begins her role on the HBIC staff, and this would be a great time to reach out if you are gifted in and passionate about leading and worshipping. Expressing interest won’t commit you to anything just yet - we simply want to extend an invitation to conversation to anyone who might feel called that hasn’t yet had the opportunity to get involved. Singers, instrumentalists, dancers, artists, etc. welcome! Contact Pastor Hannah to share your interest (by email, or call her at 717-507-9561)!
The following will be taking place during the week of November 15 to 21:
- Sunday, 9 am - Online Worship Service (HBIC YouTube Channel)
- Sunday, 9 & 11 am - In-Person Worship Service (Sanctuary)
- Sunday, 9 & 11 am - Worship Service Livestream (HBIC YouTube Channel)
- Sunday, 11 am - Youth Sunday School (Open Area)
- Sunday, 4 pm - Jr & Sr High Youth Group (Open Area)
- Monday, 4 pm - Creation Kids on Zoom (Zoom)
- Monday, 6 pm - Church Board Meeting (Zoom)
- Tuesday, 7 pm - Missions Ministry Team Meeting (Zoom)
- Wednesday, 5:30 pm - Zoom Youth Group (Zoom)
- Wednesday, 6:15 pm - ESL Class (Zoom)
- Wednesday, 7 pm - Virtual Prayer Meeting (Zoom)
- Thursday, 9 am - Mission of Mercy Medical Clinic (CE Room)
- Thursday, 8:15 pm - Young Adult Book Study (Zoom)
- Friday, pm - Young Adult Escape Room (ABC East Lanes)
- Saturday, 9 am - Thanksgiving Distribution (Sanctuary Lobby)
- Saturday, 6:30 pm - Youth Trivia & Video Game Night (Open Area)
If you'd like more information, contact any of the pastors or the
and meetings in prayer this week as you pray for the church.
All youth in grades 6 to 12 are invited to join in the Youth Sunday School Class which is meeting during the 11 am service. We'll start out in the sanctuary for the opening of the service, then we'll meet in the Open Area til 12 noon.
Our youth are having In-Person Youth Group at the church on Sundays from 4:00 to 5:30pm, combined for both Jr and Sr High. We'll be meeting in the Open Area near the Youth Rooms.
Youth are invited to join in the Zoom Youth Group gathering on the first and third Wednesdays of each month, 5:30 pm. It's a great time to reconnect mid-week for fun and spiritual food!
Pastor Patty and some of our children's ministry volunteers are looking forward to hanging out with your children on Zoom, Monday afternoons at 4 pm, catching up with one another, playing some games, and praying together. Contact Pastor Patty for the link that your child will need for these times of connection designed especially for kids.
All are invited to join us for a Virtual Prayer Meeting on Wednesday evenings on Zoom, 7 pm.
We hope to see you at this special gathering to pray for one another, our church, community, and world! Click on the purple button below to link to the Prayer Meeting. Contact Pastor Hank for more info.
If you'd like to call in by phone (audio only), the number is 929-205-6099, and the Meeting ID is 810 3235 0433.
(Note: You'll be in a waiting room to start, not for long.)
Friday night November 20th, the young adults will be doing an Escape Room at Harrisburg's ABC East Lanes (1001 Eisenhower Blvd). We're scheduled to begin at 6:55pm. The cost is $14 per person. Please let Pastor Brie know ahead of time if you plan to attend. All young adults are invited!
Our annual Thanksgiving outreach event will take place on Saturday, November 21. Volunteers will be needed for that day, as well as throughout the week for set-up.
CLICK HERE to link to the form to sign up to help with this outreach ministry event - many hands are needed! (Contact Pastor Carmen for more info about volunteering.)
Saturday November 21st from 6:30 to 9:30 pm, we will be having an all youth trivia and video game night in the church's open area! Contact Pastor Brie with any questions.
Beginning on Sunday afternoon, each week the opening page of our church's website, HBIC.church, has the registration links for both the upcoming 9 am and the 11 am services! Please be sure to register (by Saturday at the latest) in order to help the staff to prepare for the services.
On November 22nd, we plan to hold services inside our building. Pre-registering for the services by Saturday is required. We will be closing the registration link for any service that reaches 80 registrants.
(NOTE: Due to the pandemic, plans are subject to change. Click here to see our protocols for meeting together during this time of COVID-19. )
Our annual Community Christmas event will be held on Saturday, December 19th. In preparation, we are holding a Toy Drive from now through Sunday, December 13th. Feel free to drop off donations in the lobby on Sunday mornings or in the church office, Tuesdays through Fridays, 9 am to 3 pm. Both toys or gift cards would be welcome. Contact Pastor Carmen with any questions. Click here to see more info about donations.
Each year our church invites the congregation to participate in a Christmas giving project that reaches around the world. Rather than collecting specific items this year as we have done in years past, we are sharing with you Mennonite Central Committee's (MCC) Christmas Giving Project List.
MCC makes it easy for individuals and families to choose Christmas gifts full of purpose and practicality. From tangible gifts such as fruit trees, wells and goats to broader gifts of hope and welcome, each gift helps people to improve their life in some way. Check out the online 2020 MCC Christmas Giving Project List by CLICKING HERE!
You have two choices about how to be involved:
- Pick one or more projects that you'd like to give toward this year, and give your donation directly to MCC.
- Give a donation to our church, between now and December 20th, marked for MCC Christmas. All donations that the church receives (either by check or in our online giving) will be forwarded to MCC toward the "Food to Fight Hunger" Project for Zambia.
Save the date, and plan to join us for our Pre-Council Meeting on Wednesday evening, December 2, beginning at 6:45 pm for an initial discussion together about the 2021 HBIC Budget.
This year's meeting will be held virtually on Zoom. Watch for the link and the preliminary budget draft the week before.
All youth are welcome to join us for our Youth Christmas Party on Saturday, December 5th from 4 to 7 pm in our HBiC Open Area. We will be playing various games together and enjoying dinner and desserts! We will also have supplies to decorate gift bags for children in hospitals through Caitlin's Smiles! Please look for an email from Pastor Brie closer to the event for sign-up details.
Kenbrook Bible Camp is sponsoring a couple of Fall Family Retreat Weekends... November 20-22 and December 11-13. You can find more info about this Family Retreat opportunity by clicking here. Or contact Kenbrook for more info by calling the camp office at 717-865-4547 or by sending an email to info@kenbrook.org.
We welcome you to contact us by email or by phone if you have a need.
Here is the E-Mail & Phone Contact information for our pastoral and office staff: