Red Oak Sanitation Now Providing Trash Services to City Residents 
Residents who live within the Cumming City Limits will now be receiving trash pickup services through Red Oak Sanitation, following a recent vote by City Council to change service providers. 

Red Oak will begin trash pickup services the week of April 1 st. Along with their new carts, which were delivered at the end of March, customers should have also received a letter from Red Oak with more information about the change-over.  Click here to read the letter from Red Oak.

Customers interested in adding curbside recycling services must contact Red Oak's offices to set up this service, which will be provided at no additional cost. Recycling service will begin the week of May 1 st.

Please note, that your pickup day may change with Red Oak. Please  click here to view a list of pickup days for subdivisions and streets within the Cumming City Limits.

Did you know? The Cumming Street Department will continue to pick up yard debris, such as downed limbs and leaves, once a week for residents within the City Limits.  
Fridays at the Fairgrounds Event Begins April 20
The big day is almost here - Fridays at the Fairgrounds launches this month! 

This new, highly-anticipated event, which will be held every third Friday at the Fairgrounds during warm-weather months, kicks off April 20. 

Featuring food trucks, a cruise-in car show, hot air balloon rides, live music, and plenty of kid-friendly activities,the City hopes Fridays at the Fairgrounds will become a community favorite! 

Admission to the Fridays at the Fairgrounds is $5 for adults and kids over 13 (kids 12 and under are admitted free!). The event begins at 6 p.m. and runs until 10 p.m. 

See you at the Fairgrounds! 
New Code Enforcement Officer Sworn In; Repairs to City Hall Clock Approved
Mayor Troy Brumbalow swore in new Code Enforcement Officer Scott Wilson during the regular March meeting of City Council. 

Wilson, who brings a long-time career in law enforcement to his new post, works in the Planning & Zoning Department. He handles a variety of tasks for that department, including enforcement of City ordinances. 

Among other business during the March meeting and work session, City Council: 
  • Approved repairs to one of the City Hall clock tower faces which has been not keeping proper time. Staff reported that the clock face has been in disrepair for some time because the company that installed the clock tower faces when City Hall opened in 2002 had gone out of business several years ago, and not many companies produce the needed parts anymore. The total cost for the repair will be $5,350, including movement parts, labor and a crane rental.       
  • Recognized retired City employee Louise Castleberry and presented her with a plaque in honor of her 41 years of service as a City employee, first in the Cumming Utilities Department and from 2002 to 2017 as the City Hall receptionist.  
Mayor and Council present Louise Castleberry with a plaque in honor of her many years of service as a City employee.
  • Presented members of the Sons of Confederate Veterans and Daughters of the Confederacy with a proclamation recognizing the month of April as Confederate History and Heritage Month. 
  • Approved the low bid of $12,817 from Hi-Tech Systems & Wiring for upgrades to the security camera system used at the Cumming Aquatic Center.
  • Approved steps that will allow the Cumming Police Department to regain its speed detection permit in order to place a speed monitor trailer and conduct other activities in the City to deter speeding. Among those steps: 1.) Updating the speed ordinance by adding Lanier 400 Parkway and Marketplace Boulevard from Mary Alice Park Road to Buford Dam Road. 2.) Ensuring proper signage. 3.) Completion of the Georgia Department of Public Safety (DPS) Application. 4.) Approval to purchase proper equipment and initiate a traffic study.    
    Mayor and Council recognize members of the Sons of Confederate Veterans and Daughters of the Confederacy.
  • Voted to amend the recently passed Massage Parlor Ordinance to allow the City to issue its own licenses/permits for massage establishments. 
  • Awarded the following bids for Professional Services: Legal - Miles, Hansford & Tallant LLC; Utilities Engineer - Civil Engineering Consultants Inc.; Consulting Engineer - Moreland Altobelli Associates. 
  • Awarded the following bids for Demand Services: General Repair and Construction - Cumming Development Construction; Concrete, Sidewalk and Street Repair - Jimmy Ray Brown Concrete; Specialty Landscaping Repair - Watson Landscaping as the primary contractor and Landscape Specialty and Production as the secondary contractor; Sewer Repair - Townley Construction as primary contractor and Amos Pump Service as secondary contractor; Water Repair Small Scale - Bobby Amos Inc as primary contractor and Samples Preservation Contracting as secondary contractor; Water Repair Large Scale - Jasper Grading & Pipeline. 
  • Approved a request to advertise for bids for a natural gas generator for City Hall. 
  • Awarded the low bid of $24,216 from Amos Backhoe Service for an extension of sewer line along Kelly Mill Road. 
  • Heard discussion about the Cumming Playhouse and its future operations after concerns were raised by Mayor Brumbalow relating to the venue losing money. No decision was made concerning the Playhouse; rather, Mayor Brumbalow asked that anyone interested in the issue send their comments to City Administrator Phil Higgins. Mayor and Council plan to review all input and further discuss the issue at a future meeting.  
  • Discussed the possibility of allowing an outside group to lease or rent the Brannon-Heard House on a long-term basis. Mayor Brumbalow asked City Administrator Phil Higgins to accept proposals from groups that might want to lease the house. Mayor and Council plan to review all input and further discuss the issue at a future meeting. 
  • Approved an architectural design and budget estimations for an expansion of the Fairgrounds Covered Arena, which will be used during Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax allocation planning. 
  • Discussed the possibility of allowing alcohol at the Cumming Recreation Center during rental events. A motion was approved to draft guidelines for the serving of alcohol at the facility during rental events. 
  • Approved the following people to serve on the City's Impact Fee Study Committee: Ralph Webb, Jason May, Eric Bennett, Brad Garmon and Cathy Amos. 

Click here for meeting videos.  
Check Out the Mayor's Memo, a Quarterly Progress Report
Mayor Troy Brumbalow recently mailed his first Mayor's Memo to all residents who live within the Cumming City Limits. This new publication is a one-page, memo-style bulletin highlighting actions being taken by the Mayor and Council to improve the City of Cumming. It will be produced in both hard copy and digital formats in 2018; after 2018, it will be provided in digital format only to save costs. Click here to read the 2018 First Quarter Mayor's Memo! 
From left, Fairgrounds staff Dave Horton, Dowe Vaughan, Donna Cruse, Michael Bennett, and Tracy Helms. 
Fairgrounds Staff Bid Farewell to Director Dave Horton  
Cumming Fairgrounds staff recently held a small retirement reception for Director Dave Horton, who has worked for the City of Cumming for 40 years. 

Horton began his career with the City as in intern in 1977 and then came to work full-time in 1978 at the Cumming Recreation Department. Over the years, he served in several roles, including Comptroller and Director of Planning & Zoning before being named Director of the Fairgrounds in 1998. 

Horton's last day was March 31, and Tracy Helms has been named the new Fairgrounds Director. Donna Cruse was also promoted to the role of Fairgrounds Events Coordinator. 

Congratulations to Helms and Cruse in their new roles, and best wishes to Horton in his retirement! 
Reminder: Taste of Forsyth is this Saturday, March 31, at the Fairgrounds 
Sample dozens of tasty bites Saturday during Taste of Forsyth. The annual event will be held from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. in the Fairgrounds' Covered Arena. There is no admission fee, but food samples range in price from $1 to $4 and vendors will only accept cash. Other family-friendly highlights include live music, inflatables, games, and three age-specific Easter egg hunts at 11:30 a.m. (ages 3 and under), 1 p.m. (ages 4-7), and 2:30 p.m. (ages 8-10). Don't miss out on the fun! 
Adult Art Classes at the Brannon-Heard House  
The Sawnee Association of the Arts (SAA) recently began an adult art education program serving Forsyth and surrounding counties. SAA offers a wide range of adult art classes monthly at the City's Brannon-Heard House, 111 Pilgrim Mill Road. Click here to learn more and to register for classes. 
Coming Soon
To the Cumming Playhouse
  • "Remember Vaudeville" (Fundraiser for Age Well Forsyth) - April 19-22; Thursday and Friday at 8 p.m., Saturday at 3 p.m. and 8 p.m., and Sunday at 3 p.m.

To the Cumming Fairgrounds
  • Taste of Forsyth - March 31 from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. 
  • Forsyth County Master Gardeners' Plant Sale - April 13 from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., and April 14 from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. 
  • Fridays at the Fairgrounds - April 20 from 6 p.m. to 10 p.m. 
  • Corinth Church Car Show - April 28 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. (Contact: Randy Gazaway, 770-843-2485) 

To the Cumming Aquatic Center 
  • Half-Price Family Fridays - April 20 from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. 
  • City Council Work Session - 6 p.m. April 3 (Location: Gallery B, City Hall Second Floor). 
  • Planning & Zoning Board - 5 p.m. April 17. 
  • City Council - 6 p.m. April 17. 

All meetings are open to the public and held in the third-floor Council Chambers at City Hall, 100 Main Street, unless otherwise noted. For all meetings after 5 p.m., please enter through the rear parking lot entrance. Click here for previous meeting videos. 


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City of Cumming
Division of Public Information