Beth El-The Beaches Synagogue
Shabbat Information
Beth El - The Beaches Synagogue
April 13th and 14th
28th and 29th of  Nissan
Friday Evening Worship Service

7:00 PM Shabbat Service

Please join us after the service for a Friday evening Shabbat Oneg
S ponsored by
The YaYas (Vickie Kennedy, Alyssa Korn and Rachel Marcus Hendry Mitchell )
in Honor of the Wedding and Comittment Ceremony of
Joy Lynn Shultz and Michael James Aronson.

Saturday Worship Service

8:45 AM Torah Study
10:00 AM Shabbat Service

Please join us after the service for a light Kiddush Luncheon.

Yahrzeits This Week

Morris Baumgarten

Elisabeth Rosenfeld

Marilyn Udoff