Happy July
Summer is here! I hope everyone was able to take some well-deserved time off this past weekend and enjoy some barbecuing and fireworks with friends and family.
Here at SRPC we are busy planning the Partnering for Performance New Hampshire (PFPNH) website, attending Seacoast Stormwater Coalition meetings to collaborate with other RPCs and assess community needs related to MS4 regulations, and closing out the fiscal year.
In this issue, you will find information on our request for transportation photos and videos for the PFPNH website, SRPC's latest blogs, an all-hazards training program, new SRPC interactive maps, trainings and meetings of interest, the new structure of the Department of Resources and Economic Development (DRED), and community happenings.
Until next month,
Shayna Sylvia
Communications and Outreach Specialist
Partnering for Performance NH seeks 'transportation in action' photos
Photograph for PFPNH website taken by Strafford MPO staff members
Calling all amateur and professional videographers and photographers alike! Strafford Metropolitan Planning Organization is looking for photos and videos for the Partnering for Performance NH website, which is under development and will be launched in early fall 2017. Partnering for Performance NH is a collaborative project focused on performance measurement in transportation planning in our region.
Strafford MPO is looking for photos or videos that showcase transportation in our beautiful region. Images and video can be submitted to noconnor@strafford.org. Submissions chosen to be featured will be credited on the website.
Two new entries were posted recently to the Strafford Region Plans blog site.
On Friday, June 30, SRPC transportation writer Cynthia Plascencia's blog,
Volunteer Today: Ready Rides
was uploaded. This post is the first in a series focused on volunteer transportation efforts around the region, and highlights the Ready Rides program.
On Thursday, July 6, SRPC honors LCHIP with annual excellence award was posted, documenting the speech executive director Cynthia Copeland gave to honor the Land and Community Heritage Investment Program (LCHIP) at SRPC's annual meeting on June 22.
Regional planners selected to host all-hazards
recovery plan training
This September, Strafford MPO and Southern Maine Planning & Development Commission (SMPDC) will be participating in a training to develop comprehensive, all-hazards transportation recovery plans. The training is being hosted by the Association of Metropolitan Planning Organizations (AMPO) and Portland State University (Oregon), and is funded by the Federal Transit Administration (FTA). The goal of the project is to help MPOs develop all-hazard recovery plans that are developed through collaboration among stakeholders like transit providers and public safety agencies, and that utilize specialized transportation planning techniques and social networking technology.
Strafford MPO Regional Transportation Planner Colin Lentz and SMPDC Transportation/Land Use Planner Jamel Torres will be among the six regions around the country to attend a "train the trainer" event in Portland, Oregon. There they will participate in an exercise to develop an all-hazard transportation recovery plan for the city. The training will enable participants to facilitate interactive exercises and other multi-stakeholder planning techniques. Strafford MPO and SMPDC staff will then work together to host a hazard recovery plan development exercise for a broad range of stakeholders in the Southern Maine and Seacoast NH region in the winter of 2018.
Strafford MPO and SMPDC staff have been reaching out to likely stakeholders for participation in the future exercise and details of the training will be forthcoming. For more information contact Colin at clentz@strafford.org or at 603-994-3500.
GIS planner Rachael Mack has been hard at work finalizing and uploading regional maps for public and municipal access. Most recently, the
Conservation Land in SRPC - 2017
map was uploaded to ArcGIS online. This map shows permanent, unofficial, and other conservation lands as reported to and published by GRANIT in June. Newly added conservation lands and those with updated boundaries from 2016 are highlighted. This map does not show all conservation lands in the SRPC region, because others are known but have not been reported to GRANIT. The purpose of this map is to display the "official" record as reported.
The 2015 Land Use map was also recently translated into an interactive version hosted on ArcGIS. This data set updated the 2010 Land Use data for New Hampshire. Using aerial imagery collected in 2015, SRPC staff updated that data set during the winter and spring of 2017 to reflect any changes in land use in the region between those years. The land use categories are based on the NH Land Use Mapping Standard developed by GRANIT staff at the Earth Systems Research Center, University of New Hampshire.
Training and meetings of interest
Hazard Mitigation Benefit Cost Analysis Training
The Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management (HSEM), in conjunction with the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), will host a Benefit Cost Analysis: Entry Level (G0276) workshop on Wednesday, July 26, from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. This training will be particularly useful for entities that may want to apply for FEMA funding in the future.
NNECAPA Annual Meeting
Registration is open for the 2017 Northern New England Chapter of the American Planning Association (NNECAPA) Annual Meeting. This year's conference will be held in Manchester, Vermont, on Sept. 7 & 8. The theme "What's Popping Up in Planning" will cover such topics as public engagement, food systems, new technology, mobile workshops, and BYOB (Bring your own bike).
Department of Resources and Economic Development reorganizes
The state department formerly known as DRED (the New Hampshire Department of Resources and Economic Development) is no more. As of July 1, Governor Sununu reorganized DRED into the Department of Business and Economic Affairs and the Department of Natural and Cultural Resources. The new Department of Business and Economic Affairs includes the Division of Economic Development and the Division of Travel and Tourism, while the renamed Department of Natural and Cultural Resources includes the Division of Forest and Lands and the Division of Parks and Recreation.
The reorganization is an effort to focus the state on business recruitment and economic development. To learn more about this transition, visit
Community Happenings
Somersworth Second Saturday, Saturday, July 8 from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m.
Head on over to downtown Somersworth for this monthly event and experience the city life of Somersworth. Grab a bite, take a class, or frequent the diverse shops. By attending you can also enter for a chance to win gift cards to downtown shops and businesses.
Rochester RiverFest, Saturday, July 15 from 2 p.m. to 7 p.m.
Riverfest-formally known as the Rochester Main Street Blues' Festival-will be held this year on July 15. The event will feature music, a chili cook-off, craft vendors, and more, and will be held on North Main Street.
Northwood Bean Hole Bash, Friday & Saturday, July 28 & 29, from 3:00 p.m. to 10 p.m. (Fri) and 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. (Sat)
Northwood's yearly Bean Hole Bash will be held on July 28 and 29 at the Northwood
Church. The event will feature baked beans cooked in a beanhole, games, vendors, auctions, and more!
Learn more at:
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SRPC Staff