Attitude Is Everything


       Starting The Week Off Right




I am in charge of how I feel.
Today I choose happiness.
- Likainen Parketti -

Jim Seymour



Good Morning,
Ever wake up in the morning in a proverbial funk?  All of us have from time to time.  We have two choices:  Live with it and have it control our day or commit ourselves to not allowing it to prevail. 
We must tell ourselves: I am not going to let this get me down.  I have the power and ability to overcome the feeling, think happy and positive thoughts and move on.  Think positive thoughts, remember past successes or happier days.
The first time we try it, it will probably seem quite difficult.  Like everything else, as we learn it and see how it has helped, it becomes easier and easier.
Don't let that funk get you down.  Rise above it, no matter how difficult.  Choose happiness.