April 1, 2020
Being cooped up has its challenges. We may get irascible with the kids running around and demanding our undivided attention or we just feel a bit sad because of the isolation. But being cooped up has its blessings too. If you are like me, it affords a bit of time to reflect. It is an opportunity to think about what it really means to follow Jesus into the world. Whatever the case may be, may the Lord enable you “ to be content whatever the circumstances.” (Phil 4:11)

In these unprecedented times, our God is faithful and He has called us to seek His peace, strength, and wisdom through prayer. To that end, we invite you to join our weekly prayer call this Friday at 9 am. The Zoom information is at the bottom of this email.

We are continuing to make adjustments and forge a path forward at the seminary. Classes will continue to take place through our online platform until at least the end of April. We will reassess the situation in a couple of weeks and will extend online classes through the summer if necessary. Dr. Dave Lamb, Dean of Faculty, is doing an excellent job in training our faculty and staff on how to effectively use Zoom to deliver the best possible experience for our students.

We have also been in continuous contact with our attorney, bank, and accountant to explore the various opportunities for additional funding through the Families First Coronavirus Response Act and the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (“CARES”) Act. These opportunities would be a tremendous help in getting through this crisis. The Lord already has blessed Missio and led us to the city, but these are uncertain times. Please pray for us. 

In the midst of all of these changes and administrative challenges, I have been greatly encouraged by the hard work, creativity, and perseverance of our students, faculty, staff, and alumni. Below you will find some highlights of our Missio family making an impact in these unprecedented times.

May God continue to bless you as you follow Jesus in the time of the Coronavirus.
Frank A. James III, DPhil, PhD
President, Missio Seminary
Prayer Call Invitation
Friday Mornings at 9:00 AM
Zoom information for the prayer call:
Meeting ID: 712 684 948
The Missio Network Serving Those in Need
God is powerfully using Missio faculty, staff, alumni, and students throughout the world who are rising to the occasion and making a huge Kingdom impact in the midst of this crisis. Here are just a few examples happening right here in Philadelphia:

Vito Baldini (MDiv ‘14) is forming new partnerships, developing new distribution methods, and mobilizing an army of volunteers through EASTER OUTREACH, which provides food for the most vulnerable throughout the city of Philadelphia.

At the Crossroads Community Center, Juan Marrero (MDiv ’13) is leading an effort to care for those in the Fairhill section of Philadelphia.  Here is a video of Juan and the team at Crossroads working in partnership with the Sherriff’s office.

A number of Missio alums including Nes Espinosa (MDiv ’13), Gabriel Wang-Herrera (MDiv ’12), Natalie Martinez (MDiv ’14), Ryan Kellermeyer (MDiv ’15), Jeremy Chen (MDiv ’16), Rob Whitmire (MDiv ’12), and several others are mobilizing leaders in North Philadelphia to compile resources and information to support churches and ministries across the city in loving and providing for their neighbors through Operation Neighbor Care Philly

Please tell us about the ways you are following Jesus in the Time of the Coronavirus. Email here so we can share your story.
Stay Connected For Up-to-Date Resources
Missio Seminary
421 N. 7th St., Suite 700
Philadelphia, PA 19123
We are a Christian seminary located in Philadelphia, PA. Our focus on missional theology and missional training will help prepare you for ministry no matter where you serve.