Happy December!
I hope everyone had an enjoyable Thanksgiving spent with family and friends! I know I enjoyed my favorite thanksgiving dish, broccoli and cheese Ritz casserole, and some quality time at home in Massachusetts. It was also an exciting weekend here on the seacoast with Plaid Friday and Small Business Saturday, both of which encourage residents and visitors to shop local. If you played your cards right, you could have even made some progress in the sometimes overwhelming task of holiday gift shopping. For those who weren't able to participate, there are still lots of opportunities left to shop local!
Here at SRPC, we are beginning to update the "Annual Listing of Obligated Projects," helping the Town of Newmarket update their stormwater regulations as part of the Setting SAIL project, and working on the synchro model for CMAQ applications.
In this issue, you will find information about the draft 2017-2040 Metropolitan Transportation Plan, some upcoming events and an exciting opportunity from SRPC, ways you can share your input with the NH Department of Transportation, the results of the 2017 NH King Tide contest, an upcoming Census 2020 LUCA webinar, and community happenings.
Until next month,
Shayna Sylvia
Communications and Outreach Specialist
Strafford MPO seeks public comments on the 2017-2040 Metropolitan Transportation Plan
How do you get around the Strafford region? Do you drive? Take the bus? Walk or bike? Each of these modes of transportation is covered in the DRAFT 2017-2040 Strafford Metropolitan Transportation Plan, which was updated to integrate performance based planning.
Are you an avid-or even an occasional-bicyclist? Check out pages 45-47.
Are you interested in alternatives to driving alone to work? Check out pages 33-40.
Want to see how Strafford MPO's Partnering for Performance NH (PFPNH) project has been integrated into the plan? Start on page 75.
Once you've checked out the plan, share your comments with us by Thursday, Dec. 14, when the public comment period closes, or come to the public hearing on Dec. 15 at 9 a.m. when the Strafford MPO Policy Committee meets at the SRPC office. We'd love to hear from you!
You can get your comments to us via mail, email, or fax to the following:
Colin Lentz, Regional Transportation Planner
Strafford Regional Planning Commission
150 Wakefield Street, Suite 12
Rochester NH 03867
Phone: 603-994-3500
Fax: 603-994-3504
Email: clentz@strafford.org
SRPC to highlight food sustainability at next week's meeting
SRPC's next Commission meeting will be held on Thursday, Dec. 7, at 4 p.m. in the Rollinsford Public Library. Panelists Jill Hall (Seacoast Eat Local), Daniel Winans (UNH-Ecogastronomy Dual Major), and Phil Brand (Brandmoore Farm) will discuss the importance and economics of farming, ecogastronomy, and local food systems.
For more information visit:
View the agenda at:
Exciting Opportunity on behalf of SRPC
SRPC is pleased to offer the services of our excellent editor, Ken Mayo. Ken has over 40 years of experience in newspapers, magazines, and consulting to public and private organizations. His thoughtful attention to style and detail has greatly improved our publications and internal communications. He can do the same for you. Ken helps organizations achieve their programmatic and business goals and raise their visibility with clients, peers, constituents, and other interested parties. He offers strong writing and editing skills to improve the style, grammar, syntax, and other technical details of written materials of all sorts. He also works with clients to establish document formatting styles, apply editorial conventions, and refine report, publications, proposals, website content, blogs and social posts, and email newsletters.
Working with a professional editor brings many benefits, including:
- Improved relationships with your citizens through greater understanding and transparency
- Improved internal and external communications
- Higher quality engagement
Don't need an editor full time? You can hire Ken for a few hours a week or a few days a month, whatever suits your particular needs. As a public service agency, we are committed to offering Ken's expertise to you at our cost rate. This is a great opportunity to take advantage of cost sharing with other municipal and non-profit agencies. Don't miss out! Contact Nancy O' Connor at 603-994-3500 or noconnor@strafford.org for more information.
Learn more at:
SRPC releases FY 2017 Annual Report and
SRPC is pleased to announce the release of the "Fiscal Year 2017 SRPC Annual Report & Commissioner's Handbook." This report showcases SRPC's projects, technical assistance, reports, plans, outreach, and data collection efforts for the prior fiscal year. It also serves as a handbook for new and current Commissioners and includes information on the background and structure of the organization and the organization's procedures and protocols.
The report will go before the Commission for acceptance at the next quarterly meeting, which will be held on Thursday, Dec. 7.
The report can be viewed online at:
Opportunities to share your input with NHDOT
Public Hearing: Proposed Toll Increase
The New Hampshire Department of Transportation (NHDOT) has been directed by the Governor's Advisory Commission on Intermodal Transportation (GACIT) to prepare a toll increase proposal for the Governor and Council to consider and approve when they meet on Wednesday, Dec. 6. Members of the GACIT include the Executive Council and the NHDOT Commissioner. The proposal includes a new toll rate structure and a frequent user/commuter plan for E-ZPass customers. It would increase toll revenues by approximately 27 percent and generate an estimated $36 million more in annual toll revenues. This additional revenue would be used to improve the state's turnpike system.
GACIT will hold a public hearing on the proposed toll increase at 6 p.m. on Monday, Dec. 4, in the Levenson Room of the Portsmouth Public Library, 175 Parrott Avenue, Portsmouth. Written comments can be addressed to:
William E. Watson Bureau of Planning and Community Assistance New Hampshire Department of Transportation 7 Hazen Drive, P.O. Box 483 Concord, NH 03302-0483 bill.watson@dot.nh.gov.
Read the press release related to this event at:
Freight Survey
New Hampshire Department of Transportation (NHDOT) is seeking insights from a variety of stakeholders regarding freight transportation needs for all modes from the perspectives of infrastructure, safety, mobility, congestion, maintenance, and accessibility. The survey should take about 8-10 minutes to complete. It will be available through
Monday, December 11, 2017:
If you have any questions, please contact Sarah Paritsky at
sparitsky@reginavilla.com or call 617-357-5772 x17.
NH Coastal Adaptation Workgroup highlights #KingTideNH2017 contest winners
1st Place - "We're on a road to nowhere" by Peter DiGeronimo |
This year's NH Coastal Adaptation Workgroup (CAW) King Tide NH photo contest drew 128 entries from over 50 participants. Photo locations included Durham, Dover, Newmarket, Portsmouth, Newscastle, Rye, and the Hampton area. The annual contest is meant to draw attention to sea-level rise and its effects by capturing images of one of the highest tides of the year, the King Tide.
A panel of CAW representatives and other partners chose three winners and two honorable mentions. The 1st place photo, titled "We're on the road to nowhere," was submitted by Peter DiGeronimo. The photos are on traveling display and can be seen at 3s Artplace until Dec. 8. View the display schedule and the other winning entries online here:
Learn more about the CAW on their website.
Local update to census addresses (LUCA) workshop rescheduled as webinar
The Local Update of Census Addresses (LUCA) workshop, originally scheduled for Tuesday, Nov. 28, has been restructured into a webinar to be held on Wednesday, Dec. 6, from 1-3 p.m. EST.
The LUCA program provides the only opportunity before the 2020 Census for tribal, state, and local governments to review and comment on the U.S. Census Bureau's residential address list for their jurisdiction. The Census Bureau relies on a complete and accurate address list to reach the entire U.S. population in the decennial survey. Census data is used to apportion representation among the states, draw congressional and state legislative districts, enforce voting rights and civil rights, and distribute $400 billion dollars in federal funding to state, local, and tribal governments each year.
This webinar will also be an opportunity for municipalities considering participating in LUCA to hear more about the program and its importance to the 2020 Census. Zoe Ritter from the U.S. Census Bureau will discuss how to register, ways to prepare for your review, review strategies, and what support and assistance are available from the Census Bureau. The webinar will also demonstrate the free software tool (GUPS) that can be used to review and update the Census address list.
For additional information on LUCA, please visit:
Register for the LUCA webinar at:
Community Happenings
Seacoast Environmental Film Festival, Saturday, Dec. 7, 9:30 a.m. - 9:30 p.m.
The Kittery Land Trust will host the first annual Seacoast Environmental Film Festival on Saturday, Dec. 2, at the STAR Theatre at the Kittery Community Center. The event will feature five films followed by an after-party in the lobby sponsored by Lil's Cafe and Bob's Clam Hut. This event has a suggested donation of $5.
Strawberry Banke's Annual Candlelight Stroll - December 2-3, 9-10, & 16-18 from 5 - 9 p.m. Saturdays and 4 - 8 p.m. Sundays
Strawberry Banke will hold its 38th Annual Candlelight Stroll program this month. Head over to Strawberry Banke for the next three weekends and be whisked back in time to enjoy live music, hot cider, ice skating, and more!
For more information visit:
Ice skating at the Rochester Arena, every Tues., Wed., Thurs., and Sat. from 12:10-1:20 p.m.
The Rochester Arena is open for free skating every Tuesday through Thursday and Saturday from 12:10-1:20 p.m. Admission is $5. Skate rentals are also $5. Learn more about Rochester Recreations programs at
If you know of anyone who may be interested in reading more about the information within this newsletter, please forward this on to them.
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SRPC Staff