The Charlestown Coalition News:
Issue 21
On Tuesday, June 26th, we are holding an unveiling ceremony at the newly revitalized Mt. Vernon Street Plaza. The ceremony will be followed by a community-wide Walk for Peace and inspirational dinner.
The event will begin at 4:30 pm at the Mt. Vernon Street Plaza where there will be a blessing of the park, a few brief statements by residents and organizations involved in the revitalization and a few short words from the niece of Robert McGrath (for whom the park is dedicated). During the event, residents will be given the opportunity to decorate memorial rocks in honor of their loved ones to be added to the park.
After the ceremony, we will walk together throughout the community giving residents the option to place flowers at locations where people have passed on because of overdose and violence.
The walk will end at the Knights of Columbus in Charlestown, and all are welcome for dinner, music and a short speaking program from 6 to 8 pm.
We are grateful to have Rev. Rodney E. Dailey, a Boston native, as our keynote speaker. Rev. Dailey was responsible for Boston's first march against gang violence, and we are looking forward to an inspirational talk, bringing us together and bolstering our community resilience.
During the month of May, the Charlestown Coalition, Turn It Around youth group, residents and neighborhood organizations, such as the Charlestown Boys and Girls Club and the YMCA, came together to clean-up, shape-up and revitalize one of the community's most underutilized spaces.
We removed 41 bags of yard waste and 2 bags of trash, swept, planted and painted this once neglected park. Our youth sacrificed their Saturday mornings, even in the rain, to come out and help beautify the Mt. Vernon Street Plaza. The park will be ready for its big reveal on June 26th before the start of the Walk for Peace.
Congratulations 2018 Graduates! |
As we approach the summer, many of our Turn It Around members will be wrapping up their last year of high school. We wish them all the best and say:
Please join Charlestown students, faculty, staff, parents/guardians and supporters for the 2018 Graduations!
Thanks to your continued support, our graduates are on to exciting post-secondary plans. Come join us as we celebrate all they have achieved and wish them well on their next chapter.
Graduation dates and times for the students are as followes:
John D. O'Bryant School of Mathematics and Science -
Saturday, June 9th at 11:30 am in the Matthews Arena at 238 St Botolph Street, Boston, 02115. Doors open at 10 am.
Danvers High School
- Saturday, June 9th at 9 pm in the Vye Gym.
Charlestown High School
- Monday, June 11th starting at 3 pm at the Boston University Case Athletic Center, 285 Babcock Street, Boston, 02215.
If you are able to attend, please reply to this email (
) or call 989-295-5338.
East Boston High School -
Friday, June 15th -The graduation ceremony will be held at East Boston Stadium, 150 Porter Street, East Boston, and will begin promptly at noon. In the event of rain, the ceremony will take place at the school auditorium at 86 White Street. *Please note: seating in the auditorium is limited, and each graduate will receive two tickets for seating. For more information about EBHS Graduation 2018, please contact Ms. Cheney, graduation coordinator.
Please reach out to schools or students for more information or changes.
Turn it Around :
Youth of the Month
Cristian Ruiz Santana |
is our May
Turn It Around
Youth of the Month."Even though Cristian only recently joined
Turn It Around
, his consistent enthusiasm for the group and willingness to help has quickly made him a valuable asset.
-Ginaya Greene Murray
One of the Charlestown Coalition's strategic areas of work is to increase education and support services for parents and guardians. We educate about current youth trends, risk factors and protective factors in order to improve parents' ability to effectively support their teens.
On May 8th, Shannon Lundin, Community Outreach Coordinator for the Coalition, facilitated an educational exhibit called Hidden in Plain Sight for Mishawum Park Residents.
Hidden in Plain Sight
is an interactive mock teenager's bedroom.
This exhibit enables adult participants to explore and discover ways that their teen may be engaging in risky behaviors such as drug use. The purpose for this display is not to scare parents and guardians, but to raise awareness and to provide knowledge and support during the teenage years.
Charlestown Resident Alliance
The Charlestown Coalition has been collaborating with the Charlestown Resident Alliance (CRA), the Boston Housing Authority's recognized representatives for tenants in the Bunker Hill public housing development. This is an amazingly dedicated and courageous group of resident leaders who advocate tirelessly for housing equity.
As the redevelopment plans continue, the CRA works to ensure that the 1,110 units are preserved, that current residents have the right to return to their homes, and that the voices of the residents are heard, valued and respected.
Currently the CRA is organizing a community wide Kids Back to School kick off event (Formerly known as Unity Day) on August 25th. Donations for this event and for any BHA resident can be given to President of the CRA, Tiara Murphy (617-337-9149). Please contact Tiara about FREE furniture referrals as well.
Tiara is also connected to an important resource, Room to Grow which provides support and resources to expectant mothers.
The Charlestown Resident Alliance will be seeking residents to join the Board, so stay tuned and contact the CRA with any questions!
Richie Fasano |
Richie Fasano is sharing his journey in recovery with us this month.
Click below for the full interview.
If Addiction Is a Disease,
Why Is Relapsing a Crime?
Sarah Coughlin, Charlestown Coalition Director, social worker and addiction specialist, was recently featured in a New York Times article, "If Addiction Is a Disease, Why Is Relapsing a Crime?" on May 29th
Celebrate with us as we rejoice in the resilience and hope of the Boston recovery community.
Click here
for more information on two recovery liturgies being offered in Boston this summer.
Get Connected, Stay Informed
To learn about our programs, our staff, community partners, resources, upcoming events,
Turn It Around
, and more, click the button below: