Early Registration Opens Today!
Evidence for Action: Encouraging Innovation and Improvement
2018 APPAM Fall Research Conference will celebrate APPAM's 40th conference on November 8 - 10 at the Washington Marriott Wardman Park in Washington, DC. This year's event will focus on improving programs and policies by generating and engaging with evidence throughout the policy analysis and management process.
The 2018 conference will emphasize the iterative and collaborative nature of building evidence. We aim to engage researchers, policy makers, and program leaders in thoughtful discussions about how best to collect data, capture innovation, measure impacts, and identify actionable and timely recommendations.
Student attendees must be APPAM members (we do not currently offer a student non-member registration). Membership is $40 per year;
find details here
Registration for the
2018 Fall Research Conference
includes access to all sessions, continental breakfast each day, refreshment breaks each day, receptions each evening, lunch on Saturday, and all other non-ticketed conference activities.
This 2018-exclusive program provides funding for 40 outstanding early career scholars to attend the 2018 Fall Research Conference – the premier conference for high-quality research on a wide variety of current and emerging policy and management topics.
If you have just graduated and have a job (even if your student membership is still active), you are eligible for this fellowship! Or maybe you know someone who falls in that category?
Explore and pass on the nomination information below.
We are thrilled to commemorate the 40th Annual Fall Research Conference by honoring the contributions of early-career scholars and recognize the importance of fostering the next generation of researchers.
The returns to networking and engaging with the latest research are undoubtedly higher for emerging scholars than any other group. Let’s give them this lift—APPAM 40 for 40!
Carolyn Heinrich, APPAM Past President,
Vanderbilt University Professor and Co-Director of the
International Education Policy and Management Program
Who is Eligible:
- Any public policy researcher, academic, or practitioner within five years of the receipt of their terminal degree.
- APPAM membership is not required of the nominee or the nominator.
- Nominees have exhibited innovation, promise, or insight in their position or through their research thus far.
Nomination Details:
Nominations can be sent to
info@appam.org. You may initiate an application for yourself, but must include a letter of recommendation.
- Completed 40 for 40 Application.
- Nominee CV.
- Letter of Recommendation.
- Summary of nominee publications and/or career accomplishments (no more than one page).
- Nominations will be accepted until August 15, 2018.
Share the 40 for 40 Fellowship:
Meet the 2018 Equity & Inclusion Fellows
Congratulations to our 2018 Fellows!
The 2018 Equity & Inclusion Fellowship supports the travel and participation of up to 40 students from traditionally underrepresented backgrounds at the
2018 APPAM Fall Research Conference, November 8 - 10, in Washington, DC.
While at the conference, fellows will have the opportunity to formally network with each other and with members of the Policy Council and Diversity Committee at a networking reception and the Fellowship Luncheon, recognizing them and their accomplishments.
The fellows are also encouraged to take part in our
Mentor Matching Program, designed to connect APPAM student members with professionals for meaningful job and research mentorship.
Sign Up for the Mentor Matching Program
Launched in 2016 by the APPAM Student Advisory Committee, what started out as an informal speed mentoring program has now grown to dozens of one-on-one mentor/mentee pairings between policy scholars and student members.
While these pairings have historically only connected during the APPAM Annual Fall Research Conference, we are now expanding the Mentor Matching Program beyond the Annual Fall Research Conference. We are encourage our student members to apply to the program to connect and expand their professional networks throughout the year and beyond.
Public Policy Camp:
Save the Date for Two 2018 Public Policy Camps!
Public Policy Camp is an initiative to introduce the field of public policy to a group of students who might not otherwise be familiar with it, as well as increase the pipeline of diverse students into APPAM institutional member graduate public policy and public affairs schools.
Syracuse University
September 21, 2018
UC Riverside
September 28, 2018
Institutional Member Forum:
At the Intersection of Data Science and Social Science with APPAM and Mathematica Policy Research
The proliferation of new digital data sources and the development of new programming languages that can quickly make sense of these data are changing the nature of how public policy makers and the general public understand how government works – and when it doesn’t.
Save the Date!
September 13, 2018 | Luncheon (exact time TBD)
Mathematica Policy Research DC office
Initially, many established social science researchers scoffed at the idea that their computer science colleagues could find meaningful ways to harness big data for public good, but more and more data scientists are doing just that. This discussion will focus on the road ahead for data and social science, how to communicate better when the lanes merge, and what this all means for getting to better-informed policies and programs that improve public well-being.
Host a forum:
Institutional Member Forums were created to help better connect the worlds of research and policy. Review the forum information and submit a proposal
APPAM Leadership Blog:
Greetings from JPAM's New Editor
I am honored to assume the responsibilities of Editor-in-Chief of the
Journal of Policy Analysis and Management beginning July 1, 2018. It is a much-cherished gift to be the Editor-in-Chief of JPAM and I am proud and excited for the next chapter in my professional life. But, I am also well aware of the responsibilities that this role entails, so frankly, I approach this with both excitement and some anxiety.
I feel extremely fortunate to have an editorial team with outstanding credentials. Each member of the team has a proven record of engaging in research on frontier topics that bear on issues that matter most for the readers of JPAM, and bring a diverse range of intellectual interests across many disciplines. Thank you to those who have agreed to serve JPAM along with me. With fresh enthusiasm, I hope that our journal will continue to flourish and advance in scope and depth, attracting more and more authors both from the traditional and emerging research fields of public policy and management.
Call to Action:
2020 Census Proposed Citizenship Information Collection
The Commerce Department has announced plans to add a citizenship question to the 2020 census. The Census Bureau formally invited public comment on the proposed information collection on the 2020 Census.
Comments are due by August 7
There are two ways to comment online:
- Through a portal established by top civil rights organizations, which will help census supporters keep track of the number of comments submitted to date.
- Directly through the federal website here identified by Docket Number USBC-2018-0005.
Census supporters feel that as many short, simple, factual submissions as possible hold the greatest likelihood of influencing the final outcome. No editorializing is needed, only a succinct statement of one or more pieces of evidence grounded in research or one’s own professional or personal experience.
Find the federal register notice
here. The administrative record on the decision to include the citizenship question is
here. The 2020 Census questionnaire is
APPAM Members in the News
Maria Cancian, currently at the University of Wisconsin-Madison’s Follette School of Public Affairs, was named as dean of the
McCourt School of Public Policy, effective Feb. 1, 2019.
"An economist by training, Cancian will offer the deanship of the McCourt School a sophisticated blend of experience in academic leadership and research and a strong track record of impactful public service."
Judith Scott-Clayton
released a new report via Brookings about disparities in student loan default across race and sector.
"One of the most striking patterns emerging from that report and other prior work is how dramatically default rates vary by institution sector and by race/ethnicity: black, non-Hispanic entrants and for-profit entrants experience default at much higher rates than other students. In this report, I use the same source of data to examine whether these disparities in default rates can be explained by other factors."
Ron Haskins from Brookings Institute participated in the American Enterprise Institute's debate series on poverty and social policy.
"Amidst labor force participation concerns in the United States, work requirements in safety net programs are receiving heightened attention. In this installment of AEI's Poverty and Social Policy Debate Series, Ron Haskins, Senior Fellow and Co-Director of the Center on Children and Families at the Brookings Institution will debate Heather Hahn, Senior Fellow at the Urban Institute, on the merits of work requirements in safety net programs."
Laura Diaz Anadon, University of Cambridge, was awarded the 2018 Fundacion Banco Sabadell Prize for Economic Research.
Travis St.Clair from NYU Wagner published a new paper in the Journal of Urban Economics on how revenue uncertainty affects the performance of local government.
"Revenue uncertainty is a common concern among public administrators, but little research examines its effects on service delivery. Using a novel empirical strategy to capture how revenues deviate from administrators’ expectations, we estimate the impact of revenue uncertainty on Ohio public school districts’ educational effectiveness."
Have news to share?
We want to feature your work! Email coverage and information to
Mark Your Calendars for These Important Dates
September 21: Syracuse University Public Policy Camp
September 28: UC Riverside Public Policy Camp
Membership question?
Email Membership and Administration Manager
Ryan Martz
for assistance.
Member Renewal
Many members complete their annual renewal along with their Fall Research Conference registration.