September 1, 2017

Bow Lake in Strafford, NH                                           Credit: Mason Twombly 

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Happy September!

The cooler weather and waning hours of sunlight signify the approach of autumn. While it is sad to see summer go, I encourage everyone to enjoy the last long weekend of the best season on the seacoast (at least in my opinion). After Labor day weekend, the countdown to the fall is on, with apple picking, corn mazes, and everything pumpkin to look forward to. 

Here at SRPC we are busy with the 2017 Annual Report and Commissioner's Handbook, creating maps for the regional trail network effort, and closing out the Partnering for Performance New Hampshire (PFPNH) project and finalizing the project website. 
In this issue, you will find information on news you may have missed, a community listens session taking place in Rochester, new legislation helping communities with resiliency planning, trainings of interest, the showing of the documentary "Tidewater" in Dover, and community  happenings. 
Until next month,

Shayna Sylvia 
Communications and Outreach Specialist
In This Issue
In case you missed it...
Rochester Listens community event
New legislation helps communities with resiliency planning
Trainings and meetings of interest
"Tidewater " to show in Dover
Community Happenings
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In case you missed it...
...the New Hampshire Planner's Association released its summer 2017 newsletter at the end of August. The most recent version of the "Granite State Planner" is available online and features lots of awesome upcoming events, news from planning staffs across the state, and articles about important planning happenings.

...Strafford MPO released the draft Public Participation Plan on Aug. 2. Comments and questions are appreciated and will be accepted until Sept. 14. A public hearing on the plan will be held at the Strafford MPO Policy meeting on Sept. 15. View the document and learn more on our  website.

...the GACIT hearings schedule was released in August. To see the list of upcoming hearings, visit:

To see the hearings for the Strafford region visit:

Rochester Listens  hosts community organization collaborative

Rochester Listens will hold a community listening event on Wednesday, Sept. 6, from 6 to 7 p.m. at the City Hall Annex, 31 Wakefield St. The city has seen lots of exciting organizations form and plan for the future of Rochester over the past year. This event is geared toward letting citizens and visitors learn more, share their thoughts, and ask questions related to such themes as community vibrancy and the roles of the Riverwalk Committee, the Rochester Social Club, and Rochester Listens.  

Learn more here.

New legislation helps communities with resiliency planning

Legislation approved by Gov. Chris Sununu in July expands the Community Revitalization Tax Relief program to include coastal properties that are subject to storm surge, sea-level rise, and extreme precipitation.  This bill, SB 185, is especially important because it gives municipalities the flexibility to determine the methods of preparedness that best suit their needs and vulnerabilities.
According to Senator David Watters, SB 185 "enables municipalities to grant tax assessment abatements for qualifying structures that fall within locally established coastal resilience incentive zones (CRIZ) to encourage resiliency planning. Resilience measures may include, but are not limited to, elevation and free-board renovations, resizing of culverts, elevation of mechanicals, construction of resilient natural features, and the elevation of private driveways and sidewalks."
The legislation builds on NH RSA 79-E, which promotes the rehabilitation of qualifying structures in downtowns and village centers to bolster economic activity and provide public benefits. The 2006 law empowers local governing bodies to provide tax relief for a finite period of time to the entities making the improvements.
SB 185 was introduced by State Sen. David Watters (D-Dover) and cosponsored by state senators Martha Fuller Clark (D-Portsmouth) and Dan Innis (R-New Castle), and by state representatives Francis Chase (R-Hampton Falls, Seabrook), Robert Cushing (D-Hampton), and Gerry Ward (D-Portsmouth).

Trainings of interest

2017 Right-to-Know workshop
The NH Municipal Association (NHMA) will hold a Right-to-Know workshop on  Thursday, Sept. 14,  from  9 a.m. - 4 p.m. at the NHMA Offices in Concord. New Hampshire's Right to Know  Law (RSA Chapter 91-A) affects every aspect of local government in our state. 

Legal Services Counsel Stephen Buckley, Government Affairs Counsel Cordell Johnston, and Staff Attorney Margaret Byrnes will run the full day workshop, addressing some of the most difficult issues under the law.

Everyone who attends will receive the new NHMA publication, "A Guide to Open Government: New Hampshire's Right-to-Know Law."

Pre-registration is required at least one week prior to the workshop. Registration and continental breakfast will begin at 8:30 a.m. Lunch will be provided.

This workshop is open to members of the New Hampshire Municipal Association. 
Learn more at:
New Hampshire Planner's Association Webinar & Legislative Update
The New Hampshire Planner's Association (NHPA) will host a webinar & legislative update on Friday, Sept. 15. The event is free, but requires registration. According to the NHPA website,  "The U.S. Supreme Court, federal courts, and state courts all play an important role in shaping planning throughout the country. This annual review delves into the important cases, the decisions that were made-or not made-and how this will affect planning at many levels. The 2017 review will cover everything you need to know about how the decision in the 'parcel as a whole' takings case, Murr v. Wisconsin, will affect the way your community plans."

View the agenda at

  Documentary film 'Tidewater' to be shown in Dover

Following the well-attended showing of the documentary 'Tidewater' in early August at the Hugh Gregg Coastal Center, Strafford Regional Planning Commission in conjunction with the Dover City Planning Department and Stratham representative to the Coastal Risks and Hazards Commission, Roger Stephenson, began planning to bring the film to Dover. 
On Monday, September 25th, at 6:30 p.m., the documentary will be shown at the Dover High School. The film explores how the military and all the surrounding municipalities are working towards solutions in the name of strengthening national security & enhancing economic prosperity. The movie will be followed by a panel addressing how Great Bay communities are preparing for increased precipitation and future flooding. The panel will feature SRPC Principal Planner Kyle Pimental, along with Stratham representative to the Coastal Risk and Hazards Commission Roger Stephenson, and other Coastal Adaptation Workgroup (CAW) members.
  Community Happenings
Help Durham Trails-Volunteers Needed for Oyster River Forest on Saturday, Sept. 9, from 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.

The Town of Durham Conservation Commission is looking for volunteers to help put the finishing touches on a new 2+ mile Oyster River Trail. This trail connects the Oyster River Forest with UNH's College Woods. Volunteer activities on Sept. 9 include:
  • Building four foot bridges along the Oyster River Trail.
  • Painting new trail blazes.
  • Brushing and clearing sections of trail.
  • Building and installing "Leopold Benches".

View the event flyer.

Telluride by the Sea 2017, Friday, Sept. 15, through Sunday, Sept. 17

For the 19th year in a row, the Portsmouth Music Hall will host Telluride by the Sea, a film festival that brings movies shown at the film festival in Colorado to the seacoast.  Films will be announced in the coming weeks. To learn more about the event, or to get tickets visit:

Deerfield Fair, Thursday, September 28, to Sunday, October 1

The 141st Deerfield Fair will be held from Thursday, September 28 to Sunday, October 1. This four day event is packed with shows, festivities, rides, and some great 'fair' food. With a focus on agriculture, there are lots of animals to see and fun to be had. Learn more at

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