View off the Sweet Trail          


SRPC principal planner Kyle Pimental gave a presentation to the Rollinsford Board of Selectman on Monday, July 17, concerning the Coastal Risk and Hazards Commission's final report  Preparing New Hampshire for Projected Storm Surge, Sea-Level Rise, and Extreme Precipitation   As explained on the commission's website,  "The Coastal Risk and Hazards Commission was  established in 2013 by bi-partisan legislation (SB 163/Chapter 188
) introduced by Senator David Watters (District 4). 
The legislation arose from concerns that neither the state nor coastal municipalities are adequately prepared for projected coastal flooding risks associated with climate change."

Following the sunset of the commission in December 2016, partners involved in the project, like SRPC, have been conducting outreach by sharing the findings of the final report. Senator David Watters also attended Monday's meeting to provide an update on related legislation,  SB 185.

Kyle will also be making presentations to Dover, Durham, Madbury, and Newmarket on the report's findings. For more information, visit or contact Kyle at, or 603-994-3500.

Strafford MPO data collection and analysis assistants Mason Twombly, Molly Belanger, Derrick Bartlett, and Stef Casella conducted field work in New Durham this week as part of the Road Surface Management System (RSMS) project. Previously this field work season, data was collected in the town of Middleton. 
The SADES Road Surface Management System (SRSMS) program aims to address the challenge of maintaining New Hampshire's local roads. Detailed information about the condition of locally owned roads is currently limited, and municipalities must maintain critical facilities with limited budgets.  Data collected by Strafford MPO staff will be shared with municipalities to inform decisions concerning transportation asset management. 

For more information contact Stef Casella at, or at 603-994-3500.

Economic Development

SRPC GIS planner Rachael Mack took to the trails this week in a continuation of SRPC's efforts to assist communities in mapping their trail assets.  Rachael mapped the Sweet Trail  using a Trimble GPS unit. The data collected will be used to create a map for public use. Future trail mapping projects include the Dover Community Trail.  The process SRPC uses for trail mapping is laid out in the SRPC Regional Trail Mapping flyer. Communities interested in learning more should contact Rachael at or at 603-993-3500.

Pieces of Interest