July 10, 2019
Dear Gulf Coast Leaders,
Tropical Wave Invest 92-L is anticipated to make landfall along the Gulf Coast, anywhere from west of Houston to the Louisiana coastline on Saturday as named storm Barry. Parts of eastern Louisiana are already experiencing heavy rainfall and flooding.

It's probably a good time to dust off your Hurricane prep list.

Being prepared personally means you'll be more likely to help and serve others after a storm. The 72-hour Lutheran list is on our webpage . It includes things like having enough water and non-perishable food for 72-hours, gassing the cars, making an evacuation plan, getting some cash, charging devices, checking in batteries, flashlights and first aid kits, and more.

Once prepared personally, your second job is to prepare your congregation. That information is also on the website. It includes things like forming a disaster prep team, securing and digitizing congregational records, having a plan to help evacuate elders in your congregation and neighborhood, once we know a hurricane's going to hit, letting our office know your evacuation plan, having a post-hurricane check in plan and so on.
Yours in Christ,
Michael Rinehart, Bishop
Texas-Louisiana Gulf Coast Synod
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America