It's Worth the Drive -Go Local Special Edition
It's Worth the Drive Go Local Planning Kit
The G.V. Barbee Bridge will be closing to traffic for bridge preservation work after the 2018 US Open King Mackerel Tournament (October 4th-6th) to late April 2019. This closing will redirect an average of 12,000 vehicles per day to the Swain Cut Bridge, impacting the purchasing habits of the consumers in our area. Our small businesses must change and/or increase current marketing efforts to remain viable. It is the goal of the Southport Oak Island Area Chamber of Commerce to provide our business community:
  1. Marketing & Advertising opportunities with a clear, concise & collective message to help reduce local expenditure leakage.
  2. Offer businesses opportunities for planning, education and training.
  3. Continue open communications with NCDOT.

Below you will find information we have compiled to assist you - our business community as you plan for this closure. Please take the time to read the materials attached and join us in "IT'S WORTH THE DRIVE - GO LOCAL".
Your Opportunities
A 7 month plan with opportunities for you to learn, market and advertise your business. There are both free and pay to play options in this plan. Read it carefully and make your plans NOW to participate.

Planning Organizations Guide
Don't panic, you are not alone! This resource guide is a list of Free organizations that can assist you as you plan for the temporary closing. You can also find a list of professionals who you can pay to assist you in the Chamber's Directory.

Stay Positive
We understand this is going to cause challenges for not only the Oak Island & Long Beach Road businesses but for all our business community. We need to keep our local customers local. So, don't feed the negative. Sell the positives.

Customers need to be hear WHY your shop, restaurant or service is worth the effort. If we all do this and MAKE it "Worth the Drive" then after the 7 month closing we will still have a thriving business community.

Business Ideas
Think about the purpose of your email: You want readers to respond in a certain way, so use specific call-to-actions such as visit our website, shop the sale now, or sign up for specials.

First Seminar in a Series of Seminars
Facebook & Website
We have created a special Website and Facebook Page for It's Worth The Drive -Go Local. We encourage you to "Like & Follow" the Facebook Page and then check out the Website for Updates.

Southport-Oak Island Area Chamber of Commerce | (910) 457-6964 |