Strengthen for Prevention
"Handy" Tips for Healthy Breast
Alternative Therapy has the resources to help you keep your breasts at their healthiest best.
Osteopathic Therapy
Misalignment in the body can restrict blood and lymphatic flow, affect nerves and tissue.  A routine treatment of gentle manual adjustments clears these blockages for better whole body health.
Acupuncture Therapy & Herbal Medicine
  Natural herbs like "Resolve Upper" directly target breast issues such as fibrous cystic breasts and sensitivity.  Acupuncture can improve circulation, resolve stagnation and rectify benign breast lumps and premenstrual breast distension.
Massage Therapy
Breasts need good circulation and tissue mobilization for optimum health.  Studies have correlated poor breast drainage and susceptibility to malignancy.  Massage therapy can correct poor circulation, clear obstruction in lymphatic fluid flow and is considered a most effective modality for promoting breast health. 
Yoga Therapy  
Lymphatic fluid does not have a pump, like our heart which circulates our blood.  Yet lymphatic fluid must
    circulate as it is vital to the healthy functioning of our immune system.  Lymphatic flow is dependent upon muscle engagement or MOVEMENT and gravity for circulation.  Lack of movement causes stagnation which can lead to serious tissue and body complications.  The therapeutic yoga at Alternativ e Therapy provides gentle, safe yoga classes that will do more than circulate your lymphatic system, it also helps you to regain control over your body.  Yoga helps to improve your balance, lower blood pressure, prevent/reverse osteoporosis and strengthens your body, mind and spirit.
Movement is life, life is movement!!!
Be Proactive in Your Health! Let Us Help!
Call  941-727-1500 Today!