"Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much .” 
― Helen Keller
It's June, which means that school is out, and things are heating up.  For the fourth year, United Way is managing the Summer Food Service Program in Muscatine. This program provides a free lunch to children under 18 at various sites throughout the community. With so many in our community qualifying for free or reduced lunch during the school year, it's a real need. There are children in our community that might not otherwise have a meal during the day. As we have in the past, we're always looking for volunteers to help serve these meals over the lunch hour or to engage the kids in other ways. It only takes about an hour of your time to help out. If you're interested, you can give our office a call at 563-263-5963. Keep reading to find out about some of the other great things that we have going on as we start the summer.

Thank you for reading!
Shane Orr
Executive Director
Upcoming Events
Pearl Pub Party
June 10th, 3-6 pm
Summer Food Service Program
June 4th-August 10th, Multiple Sites, See flyer below
Kids First Pancake Breakfast
July 4th, 8-10:30 am
Save the Date!
Kids First Vintners Dinner
October 22nd
Did You Know?
The Summer Food Service Program is in its 4th year under United Way in Muscatine. Last year we averaged 450 meals served per day at 7 different sites.
For more volunteer opportunities, please visit volunteermuscatine.org
Community Events
Muscatine Community Gardens
Students worked hard getting the community gardens ready before the end of the school year. Over the summer, children will help tend to the gardens during the summer lunch program.
Stamp Out Hunger
Muscatine donated almost 12,000 pounds of food during the Stamp Out Hunger Drive. The drive wouldn't be possible without help from the postal carries, local boy scouts, and the many volunteers that helped. Thank you to everyone for helping Stamp Out Hunger!
There are so many activities you can do to support your child's language development and reading skills. Click on the logo below for a list of community activities, home activities, and information about an app called Vroom that helps busy parents make the most of the time they have.
Every Year, the world celebrates Men’s Health Week from June 11- June 17. This is a time to bring awareness to the health issues that affect men disproportionately. The week focuses on getting men to become aware of the health problems they may have or could develop and the courage to do something about it.

Did you know?
· On the average men live five years less than women because of lack of preventative health care.
· Men have a higher death rate for most leading causes of death, including cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and suicide.
· 30,000 men in the United States die each year from prostate cancer.
· Men make ½ as many physician visits for prevention as women.
· 1 in 2 men are diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime compared to 1 in 3 women.
· 81% of men remember the make & model of their first car. Barely half remember their last trip to the doctor.
· Men suffer hearing loss at 2 times the rate of women.
· Men who smoke can plan on losing 12 teeth by age 72.
· Causes of erectile dysfunction include heart disease, obesity, tobacco use, stress, and high cholesterol.
· Men are more likely to develop oral and throat cancer and periodontal (gum) disease than women.
· Depression in men is under-diagnosed, contributing to the fact that men are 4X likely to commit suicide.

Men can make changes in their health by taking responsibility and scheduling regular checkups with age- appropriate screenings. The benefits of check-ups and screening can result improved health and reduce premature death and disability.

Screenings appropriate for men:
Blood Pressure
Blood tests and urinalysis (for cholesterol, diabetes, kidney function)
Rectal exam (for colon, prostate cancer)
Prostate Specific Antigen (for prostate infection, cancer)
Hemoccult (for polyp, colon cancer)
Testosterone screening (for erectile dysfunction, fatigue, depression)
Sexually transmitted diseases (for sexually active men that are at risk for infections)
Self-exams (testicle, skin, oral, breast)

UnityPoint Health-Trinity Muscatine recognizes the importance of Men’s Health. As a Family Planning Council of Iowa delegate agency, Trinity Muscatine’s Public Health Department provides confidential services for males. The services include: General Health screening, STD screening and treatment and Family Planning services along with a variety of health education.

UnityPoint Health-Trinity Muscatine
Public Health Department
1609 Cedar street
Muscatine, Iowa

Upcoming Events