Nate Note
What's your favorite podcast?
I'm a big fan of podcasts. Sometimes, I like a good theological reflection, like The Robcast or For the Love. Other times, I want something I can listen to with my kids like Girl Talk or RadioLab. And other times, I need something to get me thinking in new ways, like Not About You or Revisionist History. Do you have a favorite?

It's possible that Hennepin's upcoming podcasts will be a new favorite. We hope to have new podcasts featuring stories from young adults like you soon. That's a tease for now, but get ready for big news to come! - Rev. Nate Melcher
Pub Theology TONIGHT!
Wednesday, March 20, 6:00pm-7:30pm
Third Wednesdays at Sisyphus Brewing | 712 Ontario Ave. W.
Pub Theology returns after an accidental break, thanks to the snow and cold!

Experience this key entry point for young adults in the life of the church! Open to everyone 21+, this gathering is filled spirited conversation about faith, world events, and and life - all fueled by the tasty beverage of your choice.

RSVPs  are helpful. Learn more  online .
Bill Lewis (Adulting 101: Personal Branding) returns for Adulting 101: Work/Life Balance!
Sunday, April 7, 1:00pm-2:15pm
If you're running all day, overbooked on your calendar, finding yourself forgetting where you're driving to, remember: the pace of life has not slowed down. It's getting faster. However, you can take the margins that exist between yourself and your limits and seize control. Life coach  Bill Lewis, who lead February's popular Adulting 101: "Personal Branding" workshop , returns to lead this workshop to help you discover the tools and techniques to bring you peace in your work/life balance.
CALL TO ACTION: Food Drive Almost Over!
Send your pastors into the pool!
Minnesota FoodShare Month
March 3-31, 2019

Bring your wholesome and heavy food donations to Hennepin Avenue United Methodist Church as we join the Blaisdell YMCA to support our mutual neighborhood pantry, Groveland Food Shelf. If we hit our benchmarks, the clergy team will jump in the Y pool, fully-clothed!

2,000 lbs. - Rev. Nate Melcher
2,500 lbs. - Rev. Frenchye Magee
3,000 lbs. - Rev. Judy Zabel
SAVE THE DATE: Live Storytelling Event
Friday, May 31, 2019 at Strike Theater
The Young Adult Team is teaming up with Strike Theater to host an evening of telling our stories of our various experiences with faith, God, and the church - including those hard to tell stories filled with skepticism, rejection, and pain. Before the storytelling event, you won't want to miss an updated Adulting 101 on May 5 that's all about crafting your story to help you know what you want to say and say it to a crowd.
NEW! Adulting 101: Storytelling
Sunday, April 7, 1:00pm-3:00pm
Everyone has a story to share, yet we don't all know how to share it. Learn from a skilled storyteller from Strike Theater about how to take the spark of your story and craft it into something worth sharing with the world around you. This edition of Adulting 101 is a little longer than usual so all participants get workshopping time. As always, Adulting 101 is free and your RSVP isn't necessary but is certainly appreciated.
Go Deeper with Hennepin Messages!
Fill your inbox with meaning
To get more connected with the life of the church, sign up for the email newsletters that mean something to you.

Church and Society | Activist faith on current events
Hennepin Happenings | Weekly news & announcements
Inspire | Monthly magazine with in-depth stories
WORD for the Week | Worship reflections from clergy
Contact the Young Adult Team:

Rev. Nate Melcher, Associate Pastor of Faith Development
Appointments: Dawn Breffle (executive assistant) | dawn @ | 612-435-1312
612.435.1301 office | nate @
This email is sent in the spirit of Christian love. If you think something is "lost in translation," please be in contact so we can explore it together. - Pastor Nate
You are receiving this email because you subscribed to the Young Adult Ministries of Hennepin Avenue United Methodist Church email list. If you know someone who would appreciate receiving this email, please pass it along to them! If you feel you are receiving this email incorrectly, please contact us to figure out what's going on, thanks.