July 2019
In This Issue
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  NGCP Blog Highlights
Have an idea for a blog that encourages girls in STEM? Send us an email at Here are a few recent guest blogs:

Student Explains How Different Teaching Methods Influence Girls in STEM - Katie (age 17), tutors elementary students and offers advice on teaching methods to keep girls interested in STEM.

Make It a "STEM" Summer with Girls STEAM Ahead with NASA - The Space Telescope Science Institute highlight resources that support summer programming and engage space enthusiasts.

Elephant Toothpaste Won't Close the Achievement Gap: Combating Summer Slide with Staff Training and Support for Meaningful Summer Learning - The California Academy of Sciences share STEM learning resources and activities that contributes to authentic science research.
NGCP National Webinar: Exploration of Other Worlds Using NASA Solar System Treks
NASA Solar System Trecks Logo October 8, 2019; 11:00 AM Pacific (2:00 PM Eastern)
This hour long webinar will introduce NASA's Solar System Treks (SST) which is a free resource that contributes to STEM learning. The SST portals enable students to study the surfaces of the Moon, Mars, Vesta, Ceres, Titan, and Icy Moons. The portals aim to provide interactive and innovative ways to inspire, inform, and educate a worldwide audience. Participants will hear directly from REGISTERoutreach specialists from NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory and Ames Research Center, and have the opportunity to ask questions about the visualization tools.

Collaborative Network ActivitiesCollabActivity
Leap in Science Logo Template Leap into Science Educator Training
Leap into Science is a nationwide program developed by The Franklin Institute Science Museum that integrates open-ended science activities with children's books, designed for children ages 3-10 and their families. The program empowers educators to offer workshops in community settings like libraries, museums, and out-of-school time programs to engage underserved audiences in accessible and familiar settings. Below are upcoming training sessions being offered:
Leap Into Science Wind Training at the Discovery Center
Murfreesboro, TN; August 16, 2019
Leap Into Science Wind Training at the Discovery Center
Murfreesboro, TN; September 20, 2019
Leap into Science - Wind Training at North Central Kansas Library
Manhattan, KS; October 10, 2019
LEAP into Science - Wind Training at Southeast Kansas Library
Fredonia, KS; November 15, 2019
The FabFems Spotlight highlights women from the FabFems Role Model Directory. FabFems
Dany Waller
Dany Waller
are enthusiastic about the science and technology work they do and want to inspire a future generation of FabFems. Search the Role Model Directory to find FabFems in your area.

Meet Dany Waller. Dany has a B.S. in Mathematics and a B.A. in Physics and specialized in planetary geophysics and mathematical physics. She is a NASA-JPL Solar System Ambassador, Lexington Pod Coordinator for 500 Women Scientists, and an APS Grassroots Policy Advocate. Dany loves science communication and public outreach and plans on returning to academia for a PhD. In her free time she builds science and math demonstrations and experiments. To learn more about Dany, visit her profile.
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Upcoming STEM EventsEvents
esri logo
Education Summit @ Esri UC     
San Diego, CA; July 6-9, 2019
Attendees will explore how geographic information system (GIS) technology fosters critical thinking skills and improves decision making. Learn, collaborate, and get updated on all things GIS for both inside the classroom and policy-making. Register.

CSTA Conference  
Phoenix, AZ; July 7-10, 2019
The Computer Science Teachers Association (CSTA) conference is a professional development opportunity for CS and IT teachers and administrators who need practical, classroom-focused information to help prepare their students for the future. Participants will have the opportunity to learn, network, and interact, while exploring issues and trends relating directly to the classroom. Register.  
Girl Up Leadership Summit   
Washington DC; July 15-17, 2019
This year, the Summit celebrates Global Girl Power! Through mentorship by Girl Up experts, Teen Advisors, celebrity champions, and corporate executives, Participants will gain leadership skills, training in community-building and advocacy, and interact with members of Congress on Capitol Hill. The Summit strives to empower, educate, and embolden the potential of every girl there. Register.

National Marine Educators Association Conference  
Durham, NH; July 21-25, 2019
Attendees will have the opportunity to make professional connections, share innovative ideas, and learn about new resources, tools and technologies for use in classrooms, laboratories, and education programs. Register.

National Science Teachers Association (NSTA) STEM Forum and Expo
San Francisco, CA; July 24-26, 2019
Bringing together informal and formal educators and exhibiting companies interested in, and have tools and resources to share to ensure successful implementation of STEM education in schools and communities. It is intended to provide resources for educators and organizations seeking to learn more about STEM education, associated outreach programs, partnerships, schools, and curricula. Register.

Serious Play Conference  
Orlando, FL; July 24-26, 2019
A leadership conference for both those who create serious games/simulations and those who implement game-based learning programs. Speakers are experienced developers and designers in the industry, the top academic researchers and senior program heads from education, corporate, healthcare, government/military, museums, and other emerging areas. Register.

Wicked6 Games Logo Wicked6 Cyber Games
Las Vegas, NV; August 8, 2019
Wicked6 is a fundraiser and cybersecurity exhibition. Cybersecurity leaders from around the world are welcome to experience this unique cyber competition as a player, sponsor, or avid fan. Wicked6 will raise funds for the Women's Society of Cyberjutsu, a national nonprofit that promotes training, mentoring, and more to advance women and girls in cybersecurity careers. Play or Watch.

ACM Richard Tapia Celebration of Diversity in Computing Conference  
San Diego, CA; September 18-21, 2019
The goal of the Tapia Conferences is to bring together undergraduate and graduate students, faculty, researchers, and professionals in computing from all backgrounds and ethnicities to celebrate and promote diversity. This year's theme is "Diversity: Building a Stronger Future". Register.
The Connectory Spotlight highlights tips, resources, program providers, and STEAM opportunities for youth listed in The Connectory. This free online collaboration tool for program providers helps them find partners based on interests, as well as showcase STEAM opportunities for youth to families.

Citizen science has the ability to engage students in authentic, meaningful science research that addresses real world issues, leads to scientific advancement, and fosters scientific literacy. It challenges common misconceptions about the nature of science while fostering the development of critical 21st century skills. This month we are highlighting citizen science opportunities currently listed in The Connectory:

Monarch Larva Monitoring Project (July 5 - August 23). Hosted by the City of Raleigh Parks & Rec. Participants will collect data from milkweed plants. Scientists will use data to study and understand monarch butterflies.

Girl Scouts of Northeast Texas Logo Bugs and Roses: Think Like a Citizen Scientist- Ecology Edition (July 29 - August 2). Hosted by the Girl Scouts of Northeast Texas. Girls will explore the solar system and beyond as they help NASA scientists with some of their research projects.

Interview a family member and submit a conversation (online learning). A citizen science and environmental history project that documents, through interviews, how local landscapes change over time. It provides an opportunity for conversations between generations, and a chance to learn from observers about changes they have seen. Students get involved by interviewing a family member and adding their conversation to a map.

Our online Getting Started Guide provides step-by-step instructions for joining The Connectory and adding your program. It's free!
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STEM ResourcesResources
Brown Girls in Tech Logo Brown Girls in Tech (BGIT)
Brown Girls in Tech is focused on the education, engagement, and empowerment of brown girls who are passionate about technology and entrepreneurship. Their goal is to accelerate the growth of brown girls in tech by preparing them with the skills and resources to start a career in tech, build a successful startup and/or pursue entrepreneurial ventures. BGIT offers workshops, online labs, hack-a-thons, conferences, training, and events that enhance and increase the talent pipeline in STEM careers globally for brown women and girls.

Computer Science Professional Development Guide
Three out of five schools in the U.S. do not offer computing courses that include programming or coding, yet we know that computing jobs are the way of the future. Microsoft and Microsoft Philanthropies TEALS (Technology Education and Literacy in Schools) partnered with the National Center for Women & Information Technology (NCWIT) to develop these tools that help educators convey the importance of computer science, and ensure that recruitment and retention strategies, curricula, and the classroom environment are welcoming for all students.

July is Park and Recreation Month
The National Recreation and Park Association's (NRPA) 2019 theme is "Game On!" With everything from summer camps to sports leagues to special events, this month is the perfect time to highlight all of the opportunities that are available for people of all ages and abilities. The NRPA website has resources and events to help you celebrate.

Moon Heart Moon Landing 50th Anniversary (July 20, 2019)
July marks the 50th anniversary of the first humans landing on the Moon on July 20, 1969 as part of NASA's Apollo 11 lunar mission. The NISE Network has compiled resources to help plan anniversary events. From hands-on activities to online workshops for educators.

SWE NEXT Logo SWENext Global Innovator Award Program
This program recognizes the outstanding young women shaping the future of Society of Women Engineers (SWE) by developing an engineering identity in themselves and others. Applicants must be in grade 12 (in Fall 2019). Recipients receive an all-expenses paid trip to WE19 (SWE's global conference), recognition for their accomplishments during the awards banquet, participation in the SWENext High School Leadership Academy, participation in the "Invent it. Build it." event, and more. Application deadline is September 1, 2019.

The Connectory - Find Summer Camps!
The Connectory is the go-to place to find STEM year-round and summer is the peak season. Many girl focused summer STEM opportunities are available. Search by location, dates, area of interest, and age group. Find an opportunity near you.

Global ResourcesGlobal
Wogrammer Logo Wogrammer
Wogrammer is building a positive narrative around what it means to be a woman in tech. The diverse women profiled are role models for girls and young women around the world, inspiring them to pursue and persist in STEM fields. Includes a recently launched podcast.
About Us
The National Girls Collaborative Project™ has been partially funded by a grant from the National Science Foundation, GSE/EXT: National Girls Collaborative Project: Building the Capacity of STEM Practitioners to Develop a Diverse Workforce, Grant No. HRD-1532643.
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