DC Office of Human Rights Newsletter | Volume III | July 2018
Outreach to Returning Citizens and DC Inmates
Each month, OHR participates in outreach trips to Federal prisons that house DC inmates so they are informed about their rights. Along with the Mayor's Office on Returning Citizens Affairs , Department of Corrections, DC Board of Elections, and many other criminal justice-oriented organizations, we're able to let men and women know about the resources and protections that exist so they can successfully transition home. Recently, we traveled about 200 miles south to Rivers Correctional Institution in Winton, NC where we informed more than 50 men about our office, their rights, and the "Ban the Box" laws in both employment and housing.
Trait of the Month: Personal Appearance
This protected trait makes it unlawful to discriminate based on outward appearance, which includes hair styles and beards, dress, body type, piercings, and/or tattoos unless it violates dress code or uniform policies. For more information or to file a complaint visit our website, .
DC Jail Inmates Cast their Ballots
In June, OHR participated as poll watchers as DC inmates voted in June's primary. In DC, those that are pre-trial or convicted of misdemeanors are eligible to vote through the absentee process. Additionally, voting rights are automatically restored to those with felony charges upon their release.

To register to vote or to find more information on voting rights visit the DC Board of Elections .
This Month's Spotlights
The GCAAR Realtor Fest 2018 will be held on Monday, July 23 rd at the Bethesda North Marriott. OHR will be teaching a class from 9:30-11 am on the new requirements for DC housing providers regarding criminal background checks and more. This training is intended for DC employers, employment agencies, labor organizations, housing providers, leasing managers, realtors, rental managers, and landlords and will earn two (2) hours of DC continuing education credit.

OHR released the Fiscal Year 2017 Language Access Annual Compliance Review, detailing specific steps agencies are taking to provide translation and interpretation services, and to implement strategies that allow limited-English proficient individuals to access services in their own language.

Director's Note
When I look at the shocking and heartbreaking events in our country today, I can tell you that I am so proud and grateful to live in the District and raise my family here. I am proud of our thriving immigrant communities and the work District agencies are doing every day to ensure safe and equal access for residents who are limited or non-English speakers. Please take a moment to read our  Language Access report .    In the report you will learn about one of the many laws that demonstrate how we actualize our DC Values and make room for all to live and thrive in the District.

Yours in solidarity,
M รณ nica Palacio, Director
DC Office of Human Rights | 202.727.4559 |