Friday, April 27th-All Classes Cancelled
No School This Day

We wanted to provide an update about the class schedule for this Friday, April 27. DPS  is cancelling all classes for Friday, April 27

The district has been working in partnership to press our state government to restore education funding to our schools. The statewide teachers association, the Colorado Education Association (CEA), is planning a statewide rally of educators on Friday, April 27, to advocate for greater state funding and expects that many of our teachers will participate.

DPS had originally planned an early release on Friday, but due to the number of teachers in the district planning to take the entire day off on Friday, they do not believe we will be able to keep our schools open on Friday. This is the case with most of our surrounding districts as well.  The decision to cancel classes is not one made lightly.

Here is some additional information about the day to support you in planning:

Discovery Link:
Programming is available to currently enrolled Discovery Link Families only on Friday, April 27th. Discovery Link hours will be from 6:30AM-6:00PM (**exceptions: Cowell will open at 7, Newlon at 8). Enrolled families can sign-up at any of the sites below. Look for an email from Discovery Link to sign-up for this day. Please contact Jesse Broadfoot with questions.

Northwest Region: Trevista, Sandoval (ECE & K-5)
West Region: Brown (ECE & K-5), Newlon, Cowell, Valdez (ECE & K-5)
South Region: Bradley, University Park, Kaiser
Midtown South Region: Cory, Steele, Teller, McMeen,  Knight CEE, Lincoln (previously scheduled plan still in place), C3 (mid-day release, DL will go to Cory at dismissal time).  
Midtown North Region: Park Hill, DCIS Fairmont
East Region: Lowry, Carson
Northeast Region: Isabella Bird (ECE & K-5), Swigert, Westerly Creek (ECE & K-5), High Tech (previously scheduled plan still in place)

All enrichment  will be CANCELLED on Friday, April 27th. Morning and afternoon classes will not take place. Please see below for make-up dates and contact Jesse Broadfoot with questions.

Move! Dance! Pilates! - 5/4
KidStage - 5/4 (dress rehearsal 3:45pm - 5:20pm, Performance at 6pm)
After School Art - 5/4
Leap N' Learn - 5/11
Girls on the Run - TBD

Shakespeare Festival:
All 5th grade students WILL still participate in the Shakespeare Festival.  Transportation will provide regular morning and afternoon (3:45) bus service to and from UPark for 5th grade students that regularly ride the bus. All other families will need to arrange morning drop-off at 8:30 am (to allow time for students to get ready) as well as school pick-up at 3:45. Busses will also still transport students to and from the festival. Please note that University Park staff will supervise 5th grade students for the entirety of the school day. 

Families that need support:
If you have additional questions or need suport, contact the Family and Community Engagement team's family hotline at 720-423-3054.

Please click here for the information sent out last night from Tom Boasberg, DPS Superintendent.