McDonogh 35 Alumni Association Newsletter
Roneagle Alumni News                                            March 2018
Please note the information below in preparation for our March 2018 Alumni General Membership Meeting:
General Membership Meeting Tonight 
Our next Alumni General Membership meeting is scheduled for Thursday, March 1, 2018, 6:00 pm in the Ernest N. Morial Library - McDonogh 35 Library, 4000 Cadillac Street, located on the first floor.  As always, please contact fellow Roneagles and either bring them with you or encourage them to attend and become an official paid member of the McDonogh 35 Alumni Association. Click here for the  March Meeting Agenda, February Meeting Minutes and January Treasurer Report .   

Special Meeting Follow Up
On  Monday, February 19, 2018 alumni were presented the results of the survey that was sent out in December and a compilation of the members' comments regarding the articulation of what the McDonogh 35 legacy means to them. Superintendent Lewis and r epresentatives of Orleans Parish School Board presented the transition plan for the management of McDonogh 35 High School going forward. Alumni submitted questions which were asked of the Superintendent and had the opportunity to make comments regarding the presentation and our school's future.
Follow-up discussion will be held at the General Membership meeting on March 1. Recommendations for next steps will be solicited. Special Meeting documents Superintendent Presentation - McD 35 Transition Plan and
Alumni Association Special Meeting Presentation
McDonogh 35 Wall of Fame Celebration and Library Dedication

On February 23, 2018, the McDonogh 35 Senior High School Centennial Celebration Committee honored a number of graduates - for their personal and professional achievements that represent the legacy for which McDonogh 35 Senior High School is noted. The Wall of Fame plaque is prominently displayed in the school lobby. The names of 100 distinguished alumni are on the plaque, 52 of whom were honored at our 75th anniversary celebration and 48 whose names were added for this centennial celebration. Many of the current honorees,their families and friends were present at last Friday's celebration.. 
The school library was dedicated to Ernest N. Morial (Class of 1947). Morial's son, Jacques, gave a very apropos speech thanking the committee for honoring his father and sharing what he remembered about the contribution McDonogh 35 made to his father's life and the educational values he instilled in his children, Later, during the Wall of Fame ceremony, Morial's daughter, Cherie, brought greetings and comments on behalf of the family. There is a plaque in the library denoting the commemoration of the naming of the library on honor of Morial.
In addition, in honor of its 50th class reunion, the Class of 1967, presented the school with a check for $1967.00, a ceramic replica of the Rampart St. school, and a plaque with the names of the class members. The Class of 1967 challenges all other class to do a commemorative plaque and gift to the school upon its 50th year celebration.
We are grateful to the committee for the planning and execution of these important events. A special thank you to all alumni who were present and enjoyed the festivities.

2018 Career Day

Over 30 alumni participated in Career Day on February 23, 2018.  The alumni were escorted through the halls by Cheerleaders.  They shared stories of their time as students and why they chose their careers.  A general assembly was held and Attorney Gregory Lacey, Class of 1985, was the keynote speaker.

2018 High School Battle of the Bands 
The McDonogh 35 Marching Band will participate in the MetroPCS 2018 Battle of the Bands.  The event will take place on Sunday March 11 at 3 pm in the Xavier University Convocation Center.  Tickets are $15 a piece and can be purchased at McDonogh 35 High School.  

McDonogh 35 2018 Softball Schedule

McDonogh 35 2018 Baseball Schedule

2018 Queen Zulu 
Congratulations Troye Madison Washington Class of 1978 - Queen Zulu 2018!!  

Centennial Signature Throws

Check out this cool Centennial Bead. Perfect gift for a Krewe member or a Centennial keepsake. $25/dozen or $5/each. Beads will be available for purchase this Thursday (2/1/18) during the general meeting. Call 504-364-4444 for more information. 

Centennial Celebration

Join a Committee

We can only be successful as our membership participates in activities that promote our organization goal of  "Giving Back and Paying Forward" Please consider joining one of the listed committees:
School Relations
Centennial (Ad hoc)

Click here   to see the descriptions and the duties of the committees


We now have a contact phone number for you to call for information. Although it is a one person-operation, calls will be answered or returned as soon as possible. The number is (504) 364-4444. Please leave a detailed message.   We also secured text messaging services that sends text message alerts as needed.  To opt-in to receive text alerts, please text "mcd3535" to 904-07.

Roneagle in the Spotlight 

Sonya Johnson grew up in New Orleans and graduated from McDonogh 35 Class of 1988.  After graduation, she chose to attend college out of state.  Mrs. Gladys Torregano, the guidance counselor at McDonogh 35 and graduate of Tuskegee University, suggested Sonya consider the only HBCU at the time offering a BS in Aerospace Engineering.   Sonya received a BS degree in Aerospace Engineering and Mathematics in May 1994 from Tuskegee University in Tuskegee, Alabama. 

After completing her studies she started her engineering career with Rockwell Space Operations Company in Houston developing training programs for astronauts on the International Space Station.  Sonya chose to expand her engineering career accepting a position with General Dynamics Electric Boat in Groton Connecticut.  She accepted a position as a shock test engineer.  The position provided an opportunity to perform shock test on Seawolf Class and NSSN Class submarines.    

During her stint at General Dynamics, Sonya developed an interest in computers and software development.  She decided to return to New Orleans to pursue a MS degree in Computer Science.  Sonya received a MS in Computer Science from Southern University and Agricultural & Mechanical College in December 2002.  While in graduate school, Sonya found her dream job with Lockheed Martin Space Systems supporting the External Tank.  Lockheed offered her a full time position while allowing her to complete graduate school.  The dream job consisted of being named the Project Manager for the Paperless Manufacturing Execution System (PMES).  The PMES application supported all stages of building the External Tank from receiving the materials through construction to the final delivery to NASA.   This position was the perfect combination of engineering, testing and software.  Sonya was responsible for identifying and resolving problems with the PMES software, testing and coordinating upgrades  to the PMES tool and generally keeping  the 24/7  production floor up and running.  Sonya supported the External Tank program until the end of the Space Shuttle program in 2011.

Faced with the end of the Space Shuttle Program, Sonya sought  opportunities in New Orleans.  She secured a position with eVenture as a Systems Analyst.  The analytical and testing skills used on aircraft, submarines and space vehicles would now be used to support the Veteran Administration.  Sonya worked on the Veteran Heath Identification Card (VHIC) project allowing her support Veterans making sure their new health identification cards worked as expected at VA hospitals and facilities across the country.  Based upon her attention to detail and professional demeanor, Sonya was hired by Engility Corp as the Identity and Security Services (ISS) Governance Manager.   She is responsible for reviewing all work requests for ISS, performing high level project and cost analysis and determining the feasibility of the work being requested.  Sonya has spent the majority of her career supporting vehicles and enjoys the challenge of supporting our Veterans.

Sonya is a member of the McDonogh 35 Alumni Association, the McDonogh 35 Class of 1988 reunion committee and the New Orleans Tuskegee Alumni Chapter.  Sonya is also a member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. 

The Association's Fiscal Year is from October 1September 30. You may now pay your 2017-18 Alumni Dues via PayPal. Yearly Membership dues are $35 and Lifetime Membership dues are $350. Lifetime Membership dues may also be paid in five $70 installment payments. Also when you pay please put your graduating year in the comment section (and, if you are paying with your business account, your first & last name as well).  Please pay by clicking on the appropriate PayPal button below.

Annual Dues - $35.00 undefined 
(includes Alumni Lapel Pin)
Lifetime Membership - $350.00 undefined 
(includes Alumni Lapel Pin and Lifetime Membership Card)
Lifetime Installment Payments- Five $70.00 payments undefined 
(includes Alumni Lapel Pin and Lifetime Membership Card)

*Pins can be picked up at General Meetings in New Orleans, Dallas, or DC.  Lifetime Membership cards will be mailed to the address on file within 30 days.  
Membership/ Dues Renewal Applications  can also be submitted via email by 
clicking here to complete the online application  and sending your check or money order to
McDonogh 35 Alumni Association
P.O. Box 50306
New Orleans, LA 70150-0306
Getting Involved

As always, we look forward to seeing you at our meeting on Thursday March 1, 2018. Remember that the work we do allows those that come after us to receive what those that went before us did on our behalf!

See you at the meeting!
The Alumni Association