The Southington Public Library Presents
Local Author, Sue Maisano, PhD
Monday, July 23rd at 6:30 p.m.

Sue Maisano is a Southington resident who was born Xu Liu to a poor farming family in China. Her destiny was to follow in the footsteps of her ancestors, but at a young age, a spark lit in Sue to dream big and reach for goals others said were impossible to obtain. How did she do it?
In The Healing Journey, Sue Maisano shares her heartfelt account of how she rose from dirt-poor obscurity in a Chinese village to fulfillment and success in America, reaching all of her goals of education, marriage, family, and a thriving healing practice. Now she shares her secrets of how she realized her dreams by following her intuition and spiritual guidance, and spiritual laws that work for everyone.
Sue Maisano is a Chinese-American author and healer who teaches how to use the power of the mind for emotional healing and the creation of harmonious relationships. Sue has the gift of creating soul deep self-discoveries in clients, by drawing from their deeper minds to elicit true understanding, forgiveness, acceptance, and real change. Sue holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Life Science from Beijing Normal University, and a PhD in Biology from Wesleyan University. She is certified in hypnotherapy and Silva ESP and is  a Reiki Master.