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Choir News
Thank You! - To Bryan, Alex, Chris O., Nathan, Sophia, Megan B., Sean, & Nick for setting the up platforms so Concert Choir didn't have to stay after school!

Saxon Time
  Treble Select - Choreography with Ms. Staley Monday, Wednesday, and Friday
  Thursday - Publicity team with adult leaders

Voicemale - Choreography with Ms. Staley Tuesday and Thursday  (After School Rehearsal - Thursday 3 - 4?)

Choreography begins Monday!
In class for the next few weeks w e will be working on choreography for the spring show. Students are reminded to wear acceptable clothing that is within the school dress code. In addition, students must wear shoes that are secure on the foot. Do not wear flip-flops, bulky slippers, or loose shoes that could fly off during choreography. Girls may wear ballet flats or character shoes.

Costumes - Meeting Tuesday after school 3- 4 pm

All Choirs Celebration Luncheon - Tues, May 1
Chick-Fil-A Sandwiches, chips, desert and water provided by the Choral Guild as a reward for fantastic performances at District Assessment and in New York!  Stop by Choir Room Hallway during your lunchtime to pick up your food.

Choral Guild News

Car Wash - New date - Sunday, May 6

Spring Show 
  T shirt design contest - thanks for your entries,  judging is ongoing !
  Look for committee meetings, student teams.

Evita - Support our talented Choir friends in the Spring Musical - performances 4/26 - 28!