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March 23, 2020
 Dear Eden Prairie High School Class of 2020,

As we navigate this unique and uncertain time, I recognize that you, the Senior Class of 2020, are experiencing very particular losses and emotions. I have been thinking a lot about you and the events we had planned together -- Graduation, Prom, Senior Decision Day, Senior Celebration, Senior Party, concerts, performances, games, and so much more. My thoughts range from sadness to optimism, and from loss to opportunity...sometimes within the same hour. Quite honestly, many of my thoughts are just missing you and the laughs we share each day. You are an amazing group of people who deserve the celebrations and closure activities that come with spring of senior year. If there is one thing I would want you to take away from this letter it is that I want the same things you do. Our entire staff does, too. 

At this time, we do not know what all of these events will look like. In fact, it remains to be determined whether we will be back to school in-person this year. There is just too much unknown about the potential limitations or restrictions to create solid contingency plans. To illustrate, we do not know if we will be advised not to hold the events at all, delay them, host them in smaller settings, or to continue as “normal.” In the coming days and weeks, we will learn what problems we are trying to solve and what the variables are within those problems. From there we will develop student-centered solutions that allow you to maximize the conclusion of your EPHS experience. 

We will develop our solutions together. This is when my thoughts move toward optimism and opportunity. You have shown me time and time again your ability to think differently, ask questions that lead to new solutions, and adapt through change. We also have an innovative staff that embrace student voice. In some ways, we will solve these problems just like we always have -- by partnering together and taking a “what if?” approach.

There are three commitments I am making to you at this time.

  1. To communicate as soon as I have information. You should never be wondering whether I have more to share. When I know something, I will share it.
  2. To include you in our planning. You can indicate if you would like to help lead by completing this short Google Form. This is to collect general interest right now, I will follow-up with more details when the time comes.
  3. To not “settle” or become complacent -- we will do everything we can for you to have an exceptional senior year spring.

I also have three asks to make of you.

  1. Make sure you are taking care of yourself physically and emotionally. As I wrote to you last week, wellness includes a few different areas. I ask that you pay special attention to maintaining hope & positive thinking. I think this will help you individually and our school community as a whole. I believe your positive leadership is needed now more than ever.
  2. Build community and support each other -- you are going to have some fascinating stories to tell at your reunions and gatherings in the future. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if those stories are about how you banded together and came through this stronger? And about how you continued to be kind to each other and invested even more in your relationships? 
  3. Keep in touch! We are finding new ways to communicate and I encourage you to take part in those. Keep an eye on your school email and consider following me (@EPPrincipal) and other EPHS accounts on Twitter & Instagram.

Here’s to you, Class of 2020. You have my full respect, admiration, support, and partnership. I know that we will find ways to celebrate who you have become and bring closure to your EPHS experience before you transition to your next adventures. Together, we got this.

Take care, Robb

Robb Virgin, Principal