
Virus & Workforce Development Resource List

Larry Robbin Training Topics

Larry trains on more than 300 topics. This list features some of the most requested workshops. Click here for the list of training topics. If you do not see what you need, please contact Larry to see if he trains on that subject. Larry trains onsite, by telephone or by webinar.

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This is a list of resources and strategies for workforce development professionals to help you and your job seekers cope with the corona virus situation. The list has been compiled by Robbin and Associates ( www.LarryRobbin.com ).  On the website you can subscribe to our free workforce newsletter which is read by more than 15,000 people.  You will also see over 400 articles from back issues on the website and free job seeker handouts you can download and helpful resources.  Feel free to forward this list and share it with your coworkers and partners.  I wish you the best during these challenging times.

Larry Robbin

Executive Director of Robbin and Associates

1. What industries are hiring more people because of the virus and what industries are down sizing?  Also job search during the crisis.  This site is updated regularly so check back periodically.
2. If you have to work remotely, check out these helpful resources:

3. 10 effects corona virus has had on job seekers and job search:

4. Management considerations for having your team work remotely:

5. Employers are now using more phone and video interviews. Teach your job seekers how to do them:

6. Remote work jobs are increasing in certain industries. If your job seekers have the skills and ability to work remotely, Google best websites to find remote jobs and you will see a lot of resources for finding remote jobs. This article has some good information about how to make remote work successful:

7. Webinars are a great way to keep staff and management trained and motivated while working remotely. You can have partners do webinars for each other. You can find free webinar platforms by Goggling free webinar platforms. During this crisis I am offering $500 off of my webinar fee and a discount on my telephone  management consultation services.  For a list of my most popular webinar topics, click here.

8. Use video platforms like Skype, Zoom, Google Hangouts, Facetime and other platforms to communicate with job seekers, coworkers and partners. Not all job seekers or other individuals have access to this technology, but if they do have access, use it to communicate with them. The more visual contact people have the more they can absorb the information and the more connected they will feel. You can also schedule lunch breaks or break times with remote working coworkers using these platforms and get together virtually. This will help reduce feelings of isolation and depression.
         Use Freeconference.com or other telephone conference call providers to have conference calls with job seekers, coworkers and partners if video technology is not an option.  You can run groups for your job seekers like Job Clubs and job search workshops with a conference call or video technology.  If you are going to discuss a common topic, instead of talking with one job seeker organize a group conference call or video session.  You can also communicate through social media and Twitter.

9. Hiring is slowing down and job search burnout is a growing barrier to employment. This article can help people avoid job search burnout:

10. What employers need to know about corona virus in the workplace.  Good information for you, your program management and your employers:

11. How to cope with anxiety and stress about the virus:

These are very difficult times for everyone and many of the populations served by the workforce field are at more at-risk than the general public. I hope you can figure out ways to continue helping people in any way possible and to any degree possible without putting yourself at-risk. Hopefully some of these resources and ideas can make that happen. Remember to use the tab at the top of the newsletter on the right hand side to forward the newsletter to other folks.

Your help can be especially uplifting and helpful to the people we serve in this time of such stress and despair. Besides the tangible help in getting a job or career, connecting with someone who cares about them and helps them can give people hope which not only has an impact on their mental health, but can actually help their immune system. Stress and depression weaken the immune system while support and hope strengthen it. Don't underestimate the value and power of what you do and how much it can mean to people.

But in order to help the people we serve, we must take care of ourselves. I hope you are doing whatever you can to stay healthy, reduce the risk of getting the virus and getting whatever medical help you can as soon as possible if you get sick. While I am encouraging you to think of ways to help people, working to the point of exhaustion or doing things that put yourself more at risk are counter productive. We need to stay well in order to help others. I wish you the best as we go through this crisis. Remember that workforce development can make a difference! Hopefully the next issue of this newsletter will find us in a better place!

Take care. Larry Robbin