Dear CRA friends and families,

We hope you are taking care of yourself, your families, neighbors and friends during this unprecedented time. Strong relationships build strong communities. At CRA we are continuing to process our way through the uncertainty and heightened risk, and planning for the day when we will be back together with you in the water. Until that time, we would like to offer an opportunity to stay in swimming shape, remain connected with the CRA community, and have some fun. 

This is the first edition of the CRA "No Pool? No Problem!" weekly newsletter. It is loaded with ideas for fun and fitness. 

Until we meet again at the pools, stay strong, positive and healthy!

CRA Staff
Level 1 :

  • Practice flutter kicking on land by laying on the floor. Make sure your lower back is flat to the ground (no arching) and always keep your core engaged the entire time. Lift both legs up, slightly past hip height and flutter kick without bending your knees. Remember to keep your feet close together and point your toes! Tip: placing both hands under your bottom will help reduce back strain. Use this video as a guide.

Level 2 :

  • Practice streamline body positioning on land by standing with your back to a wall. Raise your arms up in a tight streamline position behind the ears and stand on your tiptoes. Hold this position for 10 seconds, break, and try again! Use this video as a guide.

Level 3 :

  • One issue many swimmers have with their backstroke is that they move their arms one at a time. You can practice moving your arms together in front of a mirror to help build the muscle memory in your backstroke arms. Watch for one arm to pull down by your side while the other arm makes a big arc in front of you on its way up towards the ceiling. Practice one switch every 3 seconds for 10 to 20 seconds, then build up to one switch every second. Challenge yourself to keep your speed fast and your arm movements accurate. Remember: Slow and Smooth builds into Smooth and Fast!

Level 4+ :

  • Check out this video for some great exercises to help with dolphin kick.
  • Check out this video for some useful dryland drills to practice swimming butterfly.
Our season may be over, but your growth as a swimmer doesn't have to be!

Follow these tips to stay in swimming shape:
Workout #1
It's important to keep your brain active too, so show us your creative side!

Each week we'll pick a piece of artwork to showcase. Winners will be entered into a drawing for a free week of Swim Camp!

Entries can be submitted to .
For this week's contest, draw a picture of your favorite memory at the pool!

Submissions are due on Wednesday, March 25.
Did you know?
Swimming became an Olympic sport in 1896.
Join us in supporting the community through the "Wellesley Will Be Well" campaign. Let's all work together and do our part in keeping Wellesley safe and healthy during this time.

Take part in the "What's Up Wellesley Challenge" (#wuwc) and show us how you're helping to support the community!