October 21, 2019
Dear Team Accent,.

One of the most beneficial habits you can form is to focus on the positives of life. This takes practice because one of the easiest, most destructive and common human tendencies is to be "negative-centric". It takes no effort to be a "negative Nellie". But it takes serious intestinal fortitude to pursue positivity in the face of so many negative vibes. However, is it ever worth it!

So, how to do it? Keeping a "gratitude journal" is a great way! Keep a daily list of what you're thankful for, like the lovely aroma of roses for example. Do it just before you go to bed or first thing in the morning!

Here are five motivating reasons from Goodnet to do it:

When you take the time to focus on the good things in your life you naturally become more positive . By writing down what you are thankful for it can make you more optimistic because you are choosing to see more of the positivity in your life and give less power to negative emotions. While these positive aspects of your life may be floating around in your subconscious, writing them down makes them more concrete and real.

Keeping a journal is a very personal activity and allows you to be present with your own achievements. Showing gratitude has been proven to reduce social comparisons and by expressing what you are thankful for you are less likely to be resentful towards others. A study published in 2014 found that gratitude increased athlete’s self-esteem and they were able to trust others on a higher level because they had more self-belief.

Spending just 15 minutes before bed writing down a few grateful sentiments can help you have a much better night’s sleep , according to a study on the topic. By thinking of the positive experiences of the day or reminding yourself of what you have to be thankful for, you are much less likely to ponder over your worries and therefore clear your mind for a good night’s sleep.

Showing gratitude means you are acknowledging the goodness in your life and by writing these things down you are able to feel more positive emotions, relish good experiences, and build strong relationships. A recipe for a much happier life! Researchers have found that people who write about gratitude are more optimistic and feel better about their lives in general.

Grateful people take better care of themselves, meaning in the long run they live healthier lives and are therefore able to manage stress in a healthier way. Scientists have found that focusing on feelings of contentment and satisfaction naturally counters stress , and leaves you feeling much more grounded and able to deal with whatever life throws at you.
Mac Davis stopped and smelled the roses and wrote a hit song about it. Enjoy it.
"I've Got To Let It Go and Enjoy the Show!"
Lenka's message, song and video has almost 55,000,000 views. Discover why here.
Attitude of Gratitude
Accent Chartered Professional Accountants
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