Your noteworthy news & updates:
March 2019 

Dear Subscriber,
The Ray Marshall Center has always prided itself on being an applied research center, where the objective of our work is as much about improving social policy and practice as it is about adding knowledge to our field.  Much of our recent work reflects this objective, from Secretary Marshall's taped interview for The College of Labor and Employment Lawyers'  Video History Project, to the launch of the United Way's Austin/Travis County 2-Gen Strategic Plan, which is shaped by Chris King's years-long research on the strategy, to working with the local research and evaluation community through symposia and training institutes.  These examples of the RMC's engagement with the broader community of research and practice illustrate, rather well, I think, how we turn our research into action.  We've also wrapped up several research projects, described below, and added a couple of new partners to our growing list.

We hope you enjoy this issue, and please stay in touch.

The Ray Marshall Center for the Study of Human Resources envisions a world where sound, responsible policies and programs reduce poverty and advance human potential.

Heath J. Prince, PhD,  Director

Recent RMC News
Ray Marshall interviewed for The College of Labor and Employment Lawyers' Video History Project

On November 29, 2018, The College's producer Carol Rosenbaum and crew videotaped an interview with Former Secretary of Labor Marshall at the Center which was conducted by United Way Worldwide's Ana Avendano.  The wide-ranging, four hour interview covered many topics from his childhood through current events.  Read more about the interview and view an excerpt of it here.    
Heath Prince co-authors "Economic Growth, Youth Unemployment, and Political and Social Instability"

RMC's Dr. Heath Prince and colleagues completed a working paper for the United Nations Research Institute for Social Development on changes in youth employment policy and their impacts in the post-Arab Spring MENA region.  Read more about the authors and the paper here.
Chris King and Cynthia Juniper attend launch of 2Gen Vision for Austin initiative

RMC's Senior Research Scientist Dr. Chris King and Research Associate Cynthia Juniper attended United Way for Greater Austin's release of the Family Opportunity Roadmap: Austin/Travis County 2-Generation Strategic Plan 2019-2023 initiative in mid-December.  King and Juniper were among other leaders of the initiative at the launch of the community-wide strategic plan on December 13, 2018 in Austin.  Read more about the initiative and King and Juniper's ongoing 2Gen research here .   
RMC researchers present at Texas Evaluation Network's fall institute in Austin

On November 9, 2018, RMC Director Dr. Heath Prince facilitated a presentation by Associate Director Dr. Greg Cumpton on Propensity Score Matching (PSM) at the Texas Evaluation Network's second evaluation institute held at the First Baptist Church of Austin from November 8-10, 2018.  Read more about the institute and the presentation here.  
Heath Prince and Ashweeta Patnaik participate in panel at annual AEA conference

RMC researchers Dr. Heath Prince and Ms. Ashweeta Patnaik attended the American Evaluation Association's annual conference in Cleveland, Ohio from October 29-November 3, 2018 at the Huntington Convention Center of Cleveland.  Prince and Patnaik participated in a panel on November 2nd on  Assessing Exit: How to Gauge the Capacity of Local Community Development Efforts to be Self-Sustaining.  Prince chaired the panel while Patnaik presented and discussed RMC's Review and Redesign of the Leadership Sustainability Index for Nuru International.  Read more about the conference and panel here.
RMC joins Workers Defense Project for Future of Work in Texas symposium

On October 23-24, 2018, the Ray Marshall Center joined the Workers Defense Project (WDP) and the Labor and Worklife Program at Harvard University to bring together scholars, funders, policymakers, community organizations, labor unions, and workers to discuss the challenges facing working people in Texas and analyze potential solutions to these challenges.  RMC's Dr. Ray Marshall and Dr. Heath Prince were among the panel speakers during the first session, and the LBJ School's Peniel Joseph provided the keynote address during the second session.  Read more about the symposium here.
Daniel Schroeder co-presents at NCSEA child support workshop

RMC Research Scientist Dr. Daniel Schroeder was invited to co-present at a workshop during the National Child Support Enforcement Association's 2018 Leadership Symposium held August 12-15, 2018 at the Westin Convention Center in Pittsburgh, PA.  Schroeder joined Jane Venohr, Steve Eldred, and Vernon Drew for the workshop entitled "Research Leading the Future of Child Support."  Read more about the symposium here.
Recent Partner News
Investing in America's Workforce book debuts

The Investing in America's Workforce initiative introduces its three-volume book Investing in America's Workforce: Improving Outcomes for Workers and Employers, with each volume focusing on a particular aspect of workforce development: Investing in Workers, Investing in Work, and Investing in Systems for Employment Opportunity.  The book includes more than 100 authors who share research, best practices, and resources on workforce development.  RMC's Director and Research Scientist Dr. Heath Prince is a contributing author.  Read more about the initiative and download all three volumes for free here.

Latest RMC Publications
CareerAdvance® Implementation Study Findings through FY 2018

This report examines the implementation of the third year of HPOG II services in a five-year grant cycle, including post-HPOG sustainability planning for CareerAdvance®. This report focuses on how and why the program has changed and adjusted to meet the requirements of HPOG II, while responding to the needs of the participants being served, the local job market, and the partners working together to implement and sustain the program.  Read more about the report here .
Austin Metro Area Master Community Workforce Plan Baseline Evaluation Report

The Austin Metro Area Master Community Workforce Plan (MCWP) lays out a common agenda and establishes a framework for collaboration to coordinate the efforts of the region's workforce development organizations and educational institutions. The overarching vision for this plan focuses on a more demand-driven workforce system that effectively engages employers, community-based organizations, and educational institutions; empowers residents to more efficiently match employers' skills needs; and successfully prepares economically disadvantaged residents for good jobs.  This report employs a comprehensive qualitative and quantitative examination, including the five major community based organizations providing services [Goodwill, Capital IDEA, American YouthWorks, Skillpoint Alliance, and Workforce Solutions Capital Area] and Austin Community College in its role as a deliverer of workforce training and education.  Read more about the report here.
Family Work Support Benefits: An assessment of food and child care supports in the Austin, Texas metro area (MCWP Supplement: Poverty)

This report provides an assessment of food and child care workforce support benefits available for families in one Central Texas community: Austin, Texas metro area. As communities design and implement plans to move families out of poverty through workforce training, a review of family supports and an awareness of the impact of income on these supports is central to understanding the experience of families pursuing economic stability. Using information gathered from relevant agency and program websites, this report identifies the available supports, estimates the impact of income increases on these supports, and the effect of tax credits on family income.  Read more about the report here.
Evaluation of Austin Community College's Strengthening Institutions Program Grant: Implementation Evaluation Findings Through July 2018

A previous report documents implementation study findings from the first program year.  This update examines implementation and key changes in the SMMO program through August 2018.  A key finding of the implementation study to date is that SMMO has approached the design of the program through a continuous improvement process.  Modifications to the original program design include the expansion of partnerships, changes to the venue through which students can track financial aid, and a campaign to guide students to establish and maintain an emergency savings account.  The implementation of these modifications can play an important factor in student access to information and the impact on student behavior.  Read more about the report here.    
Partnering For Equity: How Sector Partnerships Are Tackling Workforce Disparities

This study sought to explore whether sector partnerships might also be a platform for developing, piloting, and spreading the adoption of new strategies that could help to narrow race-based disparities in education, skills acquisition, employment, and income, thus helping to advance race equity.  To this end, we engaged with over 90 representatives of sector partnerships from across the nation and a range of industries to investigate how sector partnerships are - or are not - addressing race-based disparities.  Read more about the report here.    
Greater Memphis Alliance for a Competitive Workforce (GMACW) TAACCCT Round 4 Grant: Impact Evaluation Final Report

The evaluation of the GMACW TAACCCT program was focused on both process and outcomes/impacts and used both qualitative and quantitative data.  A quasi-experimental design was used to assess the impacts of the program on student outcomes.  A historical comparison cohort was used and comprised of individuals who enrolled in similar programs of study at the consortium colleges from a time period prior to the program implementation period.   Read more about the report here.    
Greater Memphis Alliance for a Competitive Workforce (GMACWorkforce) TAACCCT Round 4 Grant: Implementation Evaluation Final Report

The implementation analysis describes key relationships and processes in the implementation of the TAACCCT IV grant; identifies factors affecting outcomes; and documents and analyzes the work for application in future projects.  Read more about the report here.    
Latest RMC Partnerships
Building a Workforce Data Blueprint

RMC will provide research support to the WinDDOWS project, funded by the Michael and Susan Dell Foundation and implemented by the University of Texas at Austin's Lyndon B. Johnson School of Public Affairs.  The goal of the WinDDOWS project is to develop a workforce data infrastructure implementation blueprint.  Read more about the project here.
ASPIRE Program Impact Evaluation Services

RMC will conduct an impact evaluation of ASPIRE that will focus on comparing outcomes for program participants with program non-participants in order to measure the effectiveness of program participation..  Read more about the project here.

3001 Lake Austin Blvd., Suite 3.200 
Austin, Texas 78703 
Phone: (512) 471-7891
The Ray Marshall Center is a research unit of the LBJ School of Public Affairs at The University of Texas at Austin.

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