From the desk of Dorothy McKinley Soressi
School Change Maker
Meeting the needs of students to change their future
Developing Student Study Skills
The key to helping students be more effective is teaching them how to study smarter, not harder. Developing good study skills are essential if a student wants to succeed. With websites such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Face-time, it is hard for students to stay focused. An hour or two of studying is usually sufficient in high school, but when higher education and proficient skill development are required there aren’t enough hours in the day to get all the studying done unless a student learns how to study smarter.
How can a student develop positive study skills and what is the best way to study? The vast majority of successful students achieve success by developing and applying effective study habits. They don’t’ cram all studying into one session. Successful students space their work over shorter periods of time. Students should find a quiet place to study and develop a daily study routine. What a student does with their study time is important. Planning study time should include practicing time management skills. Planning should include organizing and review of notes, handouts and prioritizing material. Starting with the most difficult subject first greatly improves the effectiveness of study sessions. Procrastination leads to rushing, and rushing leads to errors and stress.
Don’t let life get in the way of your students’ dreams.
Work, kids, husbands, wives, boyfriends, friends, etc.… They can all be a great support system for student. They can also have a tremendous effect on their time, energy and stamina. Make sure students don’t let this distract from completing their goal. As an Educator, be there to support and guide when student need help.
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